Bermuda Triangle Mystery

The Bermuda Triangle "mystery" is just another example of people choosing to ignore the facts.
But the ultimate explanation for the Bermuda Triangle is the most disappointing of all: Given the heavy traffic of ships through the area, a significant number of disappearances would be expected. Indeed, a check of the records by Lloyds of London and the U.S. Coast Guard showed that the losses in the Bermuda Triangle are not markedly different from any other comparable area in the world. (Full text here)
:m: Peace.
I hope you realize that none of the disappearances happened in the Bermuda Triangle but rather in the area around the triangle, and a majority of those disappearance were no where near the triangle itself....
i would like to add that scientists have found strange occurences in and around this area... not just dissapearances- but something FAR stranger:

they have found MICRO sized "rips" in the fabric of time, or MICRO-SIZED wormholes some even call it. These cracks or rips seem to appear out of thin air(or rather water hehe) and only stay alive for a very limited time duration.

no explanation has been given to this wierd phenomenom, but this micro holes pop up here and there like random, and just go away just as fast.

the bermuda triangle is an area of concern, despite what some people think. Yea, not everyone that goes there dissapears, but there has been a considerable amount of accounts of electromagnetic and other interference, missing ships and planes in and around the area, ~ for the greater part of the century.

could it be that perhaps the dissapearing ships where in close proximity to one of these MICRO-SIZED WORMHOLES when they dissapeared? sounds plausible to me!

and it seems some credible souls agree:
Also, Dr. Michael Preisinger, a German historian/scuba diver, in the Bermuda Triangle thinks that micro-wormholes, which appear briefly, might be causing the interference and disappearances.

ill see what i can research on these specific microwormhole theory, but now heres a excerpt of KNOWN dissapearances (data may be a little outdated):

  • 1947: Army C-45 Superfort vanishes 100 miles off Bermuda.
    1948: Four-engined Tudor IV lost with 31 lives.
    1948: DC-3 lost with 32 passengers and crew.
    1949: Second Tudor IV vanishes.
    1950: Giant US Air Force Globemaster lost.
    1950: American freighter, SS Sandra, 350 ft long, sinks without trace.
    1952: British York transport plane lost with 33 aboard.
    1954: US Navy Lockheed Constellation vanishes with 42 aboard.
    1956: US Navy seaplane, Martin P5M, disappears with crew of ten.
    1962: US Air Force KB-50 tanker plane lost.
    1963: Marine Sulphur Queen, 425-ft-long American freighter,
    vanishes with entire crew. No Mayday signals and no wreckage ever found.
    Two US Air Force giant stratotankers disappear on simple exercise.
    C-132 Cargomaster also vanishes.
    1967: Military YC-122, converted to cargo plane, lost.
    1970: French freighter Milton Iatrides disappears.
    1972: German freighter Anita, 20,000 tons, lost with crew of 32.

i myself have podered the bermuda triangle and have came up with some ideas, if interested let me know and ill show u to them.
zonabi said:
i would like to add that scientists have found strange occurences in and around this area... they have found MICRO sized "rips" in the fabric of time, or MICRO-SIZED wormholes some even call it.
What scientists?

:m: Peace.
Really now? what did they find them with? Their patented hand held time fabric integrity meters? Zonabi, if you are going to be full of crap, please try a little bit harder than asserting that "They have found micro sized time rips!"

To my knowledge, no one has even seen a macro sized time rip, let alone one that would require some sort of time rip detecting microscope.
i would like to add that scientists have found strange occurences in and around this area... not just dissapearances- but something FAR stranger:

they have found MICRO sized "rips" in the fabric of time, or MICRO-SIZED wormholes some even call it. These cracks or rips seem to appear out of thin air(or rather water hehe) and only stay alive for a very limited time duration

No they haven't. No dissapearances have happened inside the Bermuda Triangle either, only a minority of these disappearances happend anywhere near the triangle itself. I so happen to have found the exact disappearances of these ships plotted on a very reliable map that shows that some of these "mysterious" happened over 100s of miles away from the triangle.

Here is a chart of the exact locations of the ships and airplanes gone missing:
Chart of Locations of "Disappearances"

And here is the map with all the locations plotted:
I apologize. I realized the link I put here leads no where. I have no way of showing you the map at this time but look at the locations above.

As you can see they blamed these disappearances on the triangle rather than looking for an actual scientific reason to why these ships and airplanes cannot be found. Also, if you notice, none of the locations of these dissapearances are actually inside the triangle itself, and some of them even go as far as to the other side of mexico or even near the UK. Dissapearances happen, and not just with ships but with people and animals. And since they don't happen near the triangle we regard them as a shipwreck rather than considering them as a paranormal activity. The Bermuda Triangle and incredibly flawed and should not be taken seriously
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One more thing Zonabi i've never even heard of these ships/airplanes, nor do u give us the location on where they sank. Are u sure you are telling us the truth? And there aren't a large number of dissapearances at all. Only around 17 ships have been recorded missing, that is hardly a large number and, as I said countless times, NONE OF THEM HAPPENED INSIDE THE BERMUDA TRIANGE.
This is such a HUUUGE expanse of ocean and right in the path of a very convenient route from the Americas to Europe. LOTS of traffic. Odds are if there were so many craft going through this area, a larger number would suffer some sort of malfunction than those flying over less busy routes. The percentages may be the same or even smaller, but sheer numbers would be significantly bigger. Besides, who decides where the triangles edges are? You can make a triangle from any 3 random points and point out "anomolies" that occur ONLY within those three points. Or, better yet, pick where they believe to be said anomolies and draw a circle or triangle or YES! even a rrrrrhombus! around them and say it's somehow "special."
Of course Chunky Lover. But the Bermuda triangle is formed from a triangle shaped region between the three islands. one of the islands, of course, is Bermuda. It doesn't form a circle, rhombus or square. while the effects of regions may be wider than the set permeters, it is just plain stupid to think that the Bermuda Triangle would effect ships and airplanes half way across the world.
Votorx said:
Of course Chunky Lover. But the Bermuda triangle is formed from a triangle shaped region between the three islands.

The point is, who chose those islands to be the triangle's points? Just because they happen to form a triangle and so many "incidents" occurred within it? How many incidents occurred just outside the triangle? If some occured there, then it's just an accident. Move down a parallel or two and it's a spooky event of supernatural origins?

That makes no sense.
What do u think the origin of the Bermuda Triangle came from? Do u believe that they just called these dissapearnace the fault of the Bermuda Triangle out of no where? Of course not. It came from the formation of a the traingle do to Bermuda and the 2 other islands. This is odd in itself since no where else on in this world will you see a perfectly aligned shape like you do with these 3 islands.
Right....again, this is a highly trafficked area. Primary route from the Americas to Europe. Very easy for a larger number of incidents to occur here, especailly considering 500,000 sqaure miles of area. (This is akin to the common statement that "most accidents occur at home or work." Oooooh scary! Except, of course, that's where most people are during most of the day.) Then, all it takes is finding 3 landmarks to draw lines to and make a triangle. What do you mean by "perfectly aligned shape," anyway? Is it perfectly isoceles or perfect right triangle or perfectly equilateral? Doesn't appear to be. Plus, one of the points isn't an island, anyway. It's often referred to simply as "bounded by Florida...." usually indicating the city of Miami. Why not Daytona or Orlando or Clearwater?
Votorx said:
This is odd in itself since no where else on in this world will you see a perfectly aligned shape like you do with these 3 islands.

Fun fact: any 3 points make a triangle. Try this at home kids! The fact that the Bermuda triangle disappearances are not out of line with the worldwide adverse for the amount of shipping traffic it gets is a pretty tough hurdle to overcome in proving that it is mysterious.
I admit that the dissapearances are unusual but what im trying to get here is that its absolutely rediculous to think that 3 aligned islands would cause some intergalatic rip or whatever within the boundries of these islands. You are right there is only 2 island and the third is off the tip of florida, but even so, the dissapearances were never within the boundries of the bermuda triangle. Whether it's a prefect iscoceles or perfect right triange is irrelevant. I really don't even know the history behind the Bermuda Triangle what i do know is, It is a traingle formed from 3 points, 2 are islands one is the off the tip of florida. No dissapearances have happened inside the Bermuda Traingle. Some dissapearnaces that resulted from the Bermuda triangle are hundreds of miles from its perimeter. Chunky Lover, there is no circle, square or rhombus to show the reaches of the Bermuda Triangle. In other words, these dissapeareances have NOTHING to do with this so called mystery but could have rather occured from thousands of other possibilities. Maybe we just haven't found the ships/airplanes yet, isn't that apossibilty?

Spy Moose:

Fun fact: any 3 points make a triangle.



That's three points but i don't see a triangle.
Votorx...I'm confused....your last post seems to imply to me that you think I believe in the spookificality of the Bermuda Triangle. I'm saying it's all BS because it's just a particularly large area that some people have scribed a random triangular shape around it. The other shapes I mentioned are because, back whenever the dude who "invented" this mystery did so, he could just as easily have drawn a circle around that particular area, or could have picked four points and made it the Bermuda Rhombus (the way I wrote that part in the first place was a rather obscure "Simpsons" reference, BTW). I hold no special significance to the 3 points. They were just chosen because they happened to make a triangle encompassing the area where so many supposed crashes occured.

My original post was to debunk other posters assertion that this area was somehow spookier than any other triangular shaped area of any large body of water. Reading back previous posts, I realize you and I seem to be in agreement.
oohhh I see. I thought u were trying to prove the Bermuda Triangle was real and that the dissapearance could have been a result to a circular perimeter of the Bermuda Triangle. Lol this whole time I was trying to prove to you that the dissapearances had nothing to do with the Triangle and I was also trying to prove that It is just a triangle that is it. Well I see we have come to an agreement!
i agree in that the 3 points are irrelevant. they are merely a way to mark the area off where wierd things happen. and wierd things do happen there. (i know wierd things happen anywhere) but more ships have dissapeared in this concentrated area than anywhere else on the sea (this means in and around the designated triangle area)

heres a fun fact:
the atlantic ocean's deepest point is located within the "bermuda triangle" - it is the 30,100-foot-deep Puerto Rico Trench

and someone asked who started this :
"The Bermuda Triangle legend really began in earnest on December 5, 1945, with the famed disappearance of Flight 19. Five Navy Avenger bombers mysteriously vanished while on a routine training mission, as did a rescue plane sent to search for them -- six aircraft and 27 men, gone without a trace. "

now, i dont take lightly to the comments of "wormhole detectors" and "wormholes in your shower" (you should clean your shower- or move to a better place) because i sense pure sarcasm and not one ounce of honest discussion or questioning. i know it may sound bizarre to most of you but if you chill out and not act childish i will be glad to give you all the information i can.

now, im not saying the triangle is SOLID and is some kind of crazy force field... no.
what im trying to point out is there are anomalies in the ocean, regardless where- and dissapearances provide some evidence (not all dissapearances- some can and possible were caused by wrecking, sinking, etc... perhaps) but then what about all the electrical interference?
Even christopher columbus recorded that his compass went haywire when nearing north america:
"As the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria sailed through the area in 1492, it is reported that Columbus's compass went haywire and that he and his crew saw weird lights in the sky, but these events have mundane explanations. From the account in Columbus's journal, it is thought that his compass's slight inaccuracy stemmed from nothing more than the discrepancy between true north and magnetic north. As for the lights, Columbus wrote of seeing "a great flame of fire" that crashed into the ocean -- probably a meteor. He saw lights in the sky again on October 11, which, of course, was the day before his famous landing. The lights, brief flashes near the horizon, were spotted in the area where dry land turned out to be. "

but what i have to say about this is one thing. we dont make things up. perhaps our ideas are not entirely true, perhaps not compeltely right, but each theory contains, if not a valid argument, a valid piece of information that is definetely worth considering.

Over the next few months, I communicated these figures to a number of physicists around the world. To a one, they told me that such magnetic field anomalies could be caused by briefly-appearing micro-wormholes. They could think of no other explanation for the deviations. Prof. John Wheeler, of Princeton University, in Princeton, NJ, has given the name of "wormhole" to what he believes may be "transit tunnels" between different dimensions of reality. According to Wheeler, these wormholes may be only a giga-fraction of a square inch in size-the number one preceded by 33 zeroes, preceded by a decimal point. Wheeler says these mini-black holes, constantly blinking in and out of the geometry of space, are thought to be bits of "virtual matter;" that is, they can exist for a limited time only. Their counterparts-so-called mini-white holes-are virtual anti-matter. Whenever these two kinds of virtual matter build up to any extent, they immediately destroy themselves. Wheeler can offer no explanation as to why mini-holes appear, disappear, then reappear.
Professor Tsung-Min Gung, physicist, Tokyo, Japan, 1995; phone interviews: "If the theories of inter-dimensional connections are not completely wrong and can develop in the way I am expecting them to, the strong interdependencies with gravitation and the earth's magnetic field may be a way to track them down."

Grazyna Fosar, physicist, Berlin, Germany, in a radio discussion together with myself, in 1997: "From the physicist's point of view, gates to hyperspace can be the only reasonable explanation for these mysterious deviation fields."

i will try to provide more scientific backup as i conduct more research....
but remember its all speculation at this point, but if we consider it with an open mind we could find out some interesting things about the universe.
im glad that scientists are now considering black hole research and taking it seriously, shedding away the engraved thought that they are "mysterious nothings" and actually trying to pull some information out of them.