Believing in but not loving Him

water said:
There are essentially two ways of approaching religion:
1. Blindly accept whatever anyone tells you, or what those you choose to believe tell you.
2. Study up on theology etc. yourself.

Option 1 seems absurd because of its mindlessness and simiplicity, option 2 seems absurd because of the amount of matter you'd have to study up on.
Well, actually option 1 isn't that absurd. When you don't know you are blind, so you have to blindly accept. Such a thing as God cannot be logically understood as long as you don't know all the facts. There's allways a argument. Sure a little logical loop might give some sense but when the chain get's larger you realise that it's not up to logic at all, it's a matter of what is natural and what makes you feel that there is something greater than this harsch 'rocky' world. What should we do when we know it all? Is that when we should search for God? Don't think so. Then our ancestors would have a haard time (and I meant the double a's).
Believing in but not loving Him = Matt. 15: 8

This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. :(
Just because I doubt, doesnt mean I dont know my Bible, but the misprints are right there. Im not questioning the existence of God, Im questioning that if I choose to leave do I automatically become some kind of Lucifer, while Lucifer acted out of jealousy and pride, I will suffer just out of wanting something God mabye wont but most maybe cant give me.

I hope things will work out for you.
If you trust God, then you know that the doubts you are presently in have some purpose, which you maybe don't know yet.
Things take time. Be attentive.

water said:

I hope things will work out for you.
If you trust God, then you know that the doubts you are presently in have some purpose, which you maybe don't know yet.
Things take time. Be attentive.


Utter fucking bullshit.
Heya Samaritan.....going on your first post, heres my reponse...what you do with it is up to may seem weird, but stick wid it till the end

i notice you also mention Lucifer.........tis is someting i am very interested in at themoment. why?........i sussed that behin the atrocities we have been witnessing there is this secret shit going on. briefly for now--asi dont want to derail: thereis GROUP...Known as the Illuminati, and their chosen philosophy is Luciferiansim!

i have gotten interested in all of ti more so since the London bombins, as i live in UK, and was already aware of funny shit going on behind 9/11....

whatreally convinced me to explore more about te Luciferans was after finding their occultic love of numbers and symbols. if you care/dare to look, you will find teir occultic-numerolgical signature all over the awful event of 9/11, 7/7 and even how tey build their streets in Washington and buildings etc etc. and checkout the One dollar American bill....the pyramid you see is pure Lucifer-ish symbolism!

Actually the term Lucifer origianlly meant the morning and evening star, VENUS. but latr became identified with te mythical character, 'Satan' when te Bible was bein is all really fascinating to look into

now, regarding your inquiry

i feel you are lost in LITERALISM.......

ie., you are indoctrinaed--via your religious beliefs to imagine there is A 'God'. Now, i am not an athiest.....i am quite deep myself, but i can see the fallacy of tis worrying over this mythic creation, created by the patriarchs, called 'God'. @God' in this context becomes an obstacle to resolving the general alienation we feel wit Nature

For when you look behind your belief. ie., do summat they-the autoritarians dont want you to do, ASK QUESTIONS! see tat the shole concept of 'God' is apart from Nature. 'HE' is 'transcendental'...its 'creator'....and Nture and we become 'HIS' 'subjects' get me?

so that concept acts as a barrier for a deep feeling of...FEELING AT HOME.......

instread we have been deeply divided and ruled!!! made to feel guilty abpout our humanness, our natrual being. ad then when they--the authortarians have done this to your psychology--made you mis-trust yourself, they have you as a puppet master has his puppet!
Yes, the puppet-masters are the ones who want you to believe in god. There is no god. Only puppet-masters. I'm not that "deep" any more. There is nothing to be "deep" about. There is no god. End of my story.
Samaritan said:
Just because I doubt, doesnt mean I dont know my Bible, but the misprints are right there. Im not questioning the existence of God, Im questioning that if I choose to leave do I automatically become some kind of Lucifer, while Lucifer acted out of jealousy and pride, I will suffer just out of wanting something God mabye wont but most maybe cant give me.

Im not questioning the existence of God,

How can one believe in God and not seek to have a relationship with Him?


wanting something God mabye wont but most maybe cant give me

What is it that you want from God?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Cottontop3000 said:
Yes, the puppet-masters are the ones who want you to believe in god. There is no god. Only puppet-masters. I'm not that "deep" any more. There is nothing to be "deep" about. There is no god. End of my story.

i would say........the puppet master have shit allover the deep feelings people could natrually have, and substituted a nobodaddy they call 'God'..... a cartoon enity that is divorced from real life. you know the dude-in-the-sky slavering racist bible thumpers hide behind and claim 'he' agrees wit THEIR idiocy
Samaritan said:
Just because I doubt, doesnt mean I dont know my Bible, but the misprints are right there. Im not questioning the existence of God, Im questioning that if I choose to leave do I automatically become some kind of Lucifer, while Lucifer acted out of jealousy and pride, I will suffer just out of wanting something God mabye wont but most maybe cant give me.
You mean you want something God doesn't want you to want? :) God knows what you need, so what do you need? You should want what you need, that is preferable at least. But it's very, very hard to do so.

If you choose to leave because it is easier then there are often something else, believing in God isn't easy, but it's doable. If you feel it is too hard, then don't be too hard on yourself, maybe you need to rest in your faith a while? Maybe you need to see what is troubling you and question that alone.

There are many options that make things easier without leaving the faith all together. Maybe you need some time alone to think things through.

Im not questioning the existence of God

It does sound like you are questioning the existence of god, in a round about way.

If you feel god is not what he's cracked up to be, why not question whether he exists or not?
water said:

I hope things will work out for you.
If you trust God, then you know that the doubts you are presently in have some purpose, which you maybe don't know yet.
Things take time. Be attentive.


Yup, the mind takes some time to adjust to spiritual things...but eventually you can see through spiritual eyes.
duendy, your answer was well put but you said your deep in it, do you mean God is not part of the "dogmatic" religions, but something more integrated with who we truly are, like nature and our needs?

Cyperium said:
If you feel it is too hard, then don't be too hard on yourself, maybe you need to rest in your faith a while? Maybe you need to see what is troubling you and question that alone.

But thats the thing you cant put it to rest, thats what you're taught faith in God is all you have you, even if you commit great crimes such as rape and murder, faith can get you through it. Loosing faith is the greatest crime against God. Like Adstar wrote

Adstar said:
southstar chose to reject Jesus as Messiah and fell away from the truth ,many people do that. And you have your free will to do likewise, But this is the most important decision you will ever make in your entire existence.

(Q), dont you you ever get the feeling that someone supreme is deciding our faiths but might not understand humankind. If God does not understand why we act the way we do and blame us for the fall why must we pay for being created in a way that He could have altered. Im sad to say it but it seems like either way it comes down to it we just seem to be for his study(I doubt enjoyment) and not our own. Is God trying to learn something from us but just doesnt like what He sees and desperately tries to fix it hoping we will become something "nobler" so He can say thats also me. Im sorry.
When Zarathustra was alone, however, he said to his heart: "Could it be possible! This old saint in the forest hath not yet heard of it, that God is dead!" Its a struggle anyway you look at it, but can a man stand alone?
(Q), dont you you ever get the feeling that someone supreme is deciding our faiths but might not understand humankind.

Absolutely not, what would ever give you that feeling and how do you know for a fact that it is a god and not just yourself?

Im sad to say it but it seems like either way it comes down to it we just seem to be for his study(I doubt enjoyment) and not our own.

It's too bad that you're sad about such things. I'm happy knowing that no one is studying me
samaritan said:
Its a struggle anyway you look at it, but can a man stand alone?
man does, and very well, I might add, no deitys are required.
I dont think it's a struggle either, only religion causes a struggle.
for people like me we know our place in the role of things, therefore theirs no internal struggle.
man has and will always stand alone, unless we come across intelligent life, somewhere else in the universe, until such time we are alone.

If you feel it is too hard, then don't be too hard on yourself, maybe you need to rest in your faith a while?

Maybe you need to see what is troubling you and question that alone.

But thats the thing you cant put it to rest, thats what you're taught faith in God is all you have you, even if you commit great crimes such as rape and murder, faith can get you through it.

Maybe you need to see what is troubling you and question that alone.

Loosing faith is the greatest crime against God.

Whom or what do you have faith in?
Because it seems to me, you have faith in yourself to have faith in God.
You have more faith in yourself to be right about your faith, than you have faith in God.
You cling on to your own understanding of your faith, and this prevails over your faith in God.

Like Adstar wrote

southstar chose to reject Jesus as Messiah and fell away from the truth ,many people do that. And you have your free will to do likewise, But this is the most important decision you will ever make in your entire existence.

Please don't make assumptions about people you don't personally know.

If God does not understand why we act the way we do and blame us for the fall why must we pay for being created in a way that He could have altered. Im sad to say it but it seems like either way it comes down to it we just seem to be for his study(I doubt enjoyment) and not our own. Is God trying to learn something from us but just doesnt like what He sees and desperately tries to fix it hoping we will become something "nobler" so He can say thats also me. Im sorry.

Again, you hold your own understanding of your faith higher that your faith in God.

You are tangled up in your current idea of what faith in God should look like, and this is what is making you miserable.

Its a struggle anyway you look at it, but can a man stand alone?

I think this is a false question. Nobody is ever alone. If we indeed were alone, we'd be dead, we couldn't live, and we certainly couldn't post on internet forums.

The really troubling thing is loneliness. The sense of loneliess comes form believing that we need other people, or things, to make us happy. Do we really need them to be happy?
