Beautiful creation of humans

Ahhh, Yes , little dancing puppets paying hommage to their creator with this little ritual dance .......

However, Qorl , Man created god ........
Then who created the Universe? Nothing cant come from nowhere. If you want to get into this, go to the last pages of the 'proof the christian God cant exist thread' where lots of points have been brought up as to why God is/could be real. lets not start going into it in 2 different topics. Because i cant be bothered repeating myself.
The Universe is only energy and matter ..........
Some people believe in Santa Claus, some believe the earth is flat , some believe in god - if you are happy that way , then it is OK with me ....
Energy can transform into matter and matter into energy, but actually the sum of matter and energy is always constant , meaning there might be no beginning or end of creation .....

If there is no beginning or end , then there is nobody to create the beginning ....

Which means god does not exist !!!!!!!
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the philosophical,ethical, and religious dry-rot of the modern world
the greek equivelent of the english "ignoramus"
a name scientists should be slow in applying to themselves
- f. e. abbott
That of course also means, that the Universe has been there always - probably mostly as energy before the big bang ...... and only recently has Man created god ......
leopold99 said:
the philosophical,ethical, and religious dry-rot of the modern world
the greek equivelent of the english "ignoramus"
a name scientists should be slow in applying to themselves
- f. e. abbott

Yes, the grapes really are sour ........poor abbott
Lord Insane said:
Yes, the grapes really are sour ........poor abbot
eh, i'm not plugging god if that is what you mean. i just wonder what ethics and morality would be without "religion"
As I said in another thread, I do not underestimate, that some of our moral has a foundation in christianity, but now we have accepted our moral , and it is time to move on without religion .....

religion in itself is obsolete .........
i ren across an interesting quote but i can't attribute it

if there was no god society would invent one
- unknown

so, whith that in mind which would you suggest?
devil worship perhaps?
apparently you do not understand that "religion" is needed
But Leo, that only depends on the society.....
Read the thread - the best article on atheism I have read - notice paraclete´s
description of Scandinavia (Denmark ) ..... on page 2

Religion is not really needed ...........
every society i can think of from the tribes to america have some sort of belief in a "god". you can't just dismiss that. the biggest problem science has with religion is this supernatural b.s. not that it isn't needed
I do see your your point, Leo - but Denmark is 40 years ahead of USA and 2000 years ahead of native tribes .......
I am sad to inform you, that according to my believes, religion is not really needed ....