Ban Religion

Originally posted by RileyWins
So, if

a theist believes God does exist, and

an atheist believes there is no such thing as God,

it would be possible for an agnostic to be neither theistic or atheistic, by believing it is impossible for him to know whether a God exists or not until and unless (a) God exists AND (b) God chooses to reveal himself.

There definitely IS a middle position.
No, there is not.

1) A theist believes that God or gods exist.
2) A strong atheist believes that God or gods do not exist.
3) A weak atheist simply lacks an explicit belief that God or gods exist.

Any of these three might believe it is impossible to know whether God or gods exist. A person either has belief (theism) or does not have belief (atheism) that God or gods exist.
try arguing with your dog instead

I'm sorry to be politically incorrect, but arguing about religion is like competing in the Special Olympics....even if you win you're still a retard.

I say this because the intelligent people of the world need to grow a healthy perspective on the devout. If they don't, they are bound to waste an incredible amount of time on them. So let me try to help you out. Instead of arguing with religious people, try to relate to them. You will soon discover that there is no reason to argue with them.

Consider, if you will, the reality a christian lives in:

1) The Earth is not our home. It is a pit stop wherein we get tested. It is not the origin of all life as we know it, God did that (and made the Earth).
2) Everyone is immortal. Our bodies die, but we all live on in one of two homes, as determined by the aforementioned testing.
3) Most people go to the very nasty place for eternity because they like sex or were born somewhere that people have the wrong god.

I could go on, but the point is made. This is someone you want to have a philisophical discussion with? Why? You don't have to ban religion, it bans itself. The ideas are so stupid! I see nice people like Tiassa arguing all over the place with religious types. Just be grateful that you aren't so terrified of dying that you spend your whole life clinging to comforting delusions of an afterlife. Especially ones that are as whacked out as the Earth's religions! You really have to be quite simple to buy that stuff, so why seek arguements with the deluded? Just tell them, "Yes, of course you know the creator of the universe." and then go find someone who can hold an intelligent conversation.

extinction of .... ?

The last living human will believe in God. I can guarantee that. Few things that I have ever realized and asserted are so certain as that.

You can't get rid of God until humans either stop existing entirely or become assimilated into the Borg (stop being human).

Tiassa :cool:
such certainty!


Do you really mean what you say, that the last human alive will believe in god? How can you be so sure? I am a human, and the idea of god is completely ridiculous to me in every way. I'd sooner believe in oat bran. Remember the flat Earth theory? How about the Earth at the center of the universe? Simplicity is the obvious first step, but what about evolution? Do you refute that the human being is still evolving?

Will the last human be a troglodite?

And which god will the last human believe in?

Will she be incapable of perceiving all of them? Will they not cancel each other out in her reckoning?
Re: Something I'll regret tomorrow

Originally posted by tiassa
I'll bite.

What about them?

Tiassa :cool:

I hope my schooling hasn't gone to waste, but didn't we evolve from the apes.
Morons still seem to think one almighty and powerful being put people here. :bugeye:
Re: ideology

Originally posted by Raithere
I would suggest you spend a little more time reading my posts before you call me feeble minded or a believer. You also need to spend a bit more time trying to understand what religion is and how it works within individuals and societies. Yours is simply a knee-jerk response that demonstrates little to no understanding of the human condition that religion does address.
Hey Mr."teach the ignorant"
I will call you what ever I like. If your all for pushing religion on people you are no better than a drug dealer(nothing against drug dealers).
The human condition your looking for is naivety. :bugeye:
Re: Re: ideology

Originally posted by HonkyDick
Hey Mr."teach the ignorant"
The human condition your looking for is naivety.
And I thank you for exemplifying both conditions.

it happens when someone hates to waste a sunday in church.
all out war becomes the fashion and veterans are called otherwise by claim-jumpers.

Honky Dick

Well enough ... and?

Do you really mean what you say, that the last human alive will believe in god? How can you be so sure?
If the last human is aware of their condition, the reality of reality will prove ineffable. Once the course is set, one can hardly blame the human if s/he builds a rocket ship to go out and search for other life in the Universe against the improbable hope that other humans exist elsewhere, but why would it matter?

To lie beneath the stars and know that with the coming final breath the whole of humanity will forever disappear ... a sacred moment indeed.
I am a human, and the idea of god is completely ridiculous to me in every way.
Yet the effect of the idea of god ...?
I'd sooner believe in oat bran. Remember the flat Earth theory? How about the Earth at the center of the universe? Simplicity is the obvious first step, but what about evolution? Do you refute that the human being is still evolving?
When we evolve past H. sapien sapiens, or whatever it is we classify ourselves, will we cease to call ourselves human? I'm referring to an extinction scenario; a Titus Crow moment in the history of the Universe.
Will the last human be a troglodite?
Something about evolution?
And which god will the last human believe in?
I doubt that God has been born yet.
Will she be incapable of perceiving all of them? Will they not cancel each other out in her reckoning?
Humanity, as a whole, is henotheistic. Remember that gods are human inventions; that might help you figure it out. Whatever the time brings to that last human being will be invested in the connection between reality and ineffable possibility. And that connection is all that any god is.

I would suggest that you're making too much out of what a god is supposed to be.

Tiassa :cool:
Re: Re: Ban religion?

Originally posted by everneo

extinction of .... ? :D

Let's hope that as the human race evolves, we will shed our dependence on false doctrines.

My theory is that as we get more knowledgeable about the utilization of stem cells to repair organs in the human body, eventually there will be no disease or death. What will Xians attribute "everlasting life" to then???
i have no problem with religions, its just when people go parading around falunting their religion as superior and praising whoever in your face that pisses me off very much. Those Jehovahs witnesses who come to my door every fucking weekend are examples also the radical islamics going and blowing shit up in the name of Allah.
SO please folks, whatever you believe in is your own business, but frankly, i don't wanna here about
The Captain on the Plane have an important announcement

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Let's hope that as the human race evolves, we will shed our dependence on false doctrines.

My theory is that as we get more knowledgeable about the utilization of stem cells to repair organs in the human body, eventually there will be no disease or death. What will Xians attribute "everlasting life" to then???

Ladies and Gentelman, we are experiencing a slight change in our air and earth chemical imbalance that interferes with our ability to survive. All stem cells used to repair organs costing billions of dollars and years of research are destroyed due to this slight environmental change and a refund will be available at the airport counter.

At this time, please secure your seat belt, put your head between your legs and kiss your ass good bye....If you wish we have 10 more seconds in which Atheists may whine and Theists may pray.
Re: Re: Something I'll regret tomorrow

Originally posted by HonkyDick
I hope my schooling hasn't gone to waste, but didn't we evolve from the apes.
Morons still seem to think one almighty and powerful being put people here. :bugeye:

No we evolved from cavemen,the humans you see today are not the same as what was around 30,000 years ago and before that,theres been newer findings since you went to school it seems.

I think the critical fact is neanderthal man was not human,they were seperate,we bear no relation to them at all,weve changed alot as well splitting into races according to which group went north or south and so on.
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Ideologies are NOT ideas

An Idea is something that you have,
An Ideology is something that has you!
Supercede Religion China wins th Holy Wars

While the 3 great monthesitic traditions are spiraling downward in our internicene conflicts, the big winner is China.
China is not dwelling on silly arguements about whose god will kill off the other group's god. China is sweating toward the equity that will make them the winner of all this conflict that we variously call, "jihad, the middle-east, etc."