Ban Religion

Originally posted by kazakhan
Not bad, or I could tell them they're just in time to witness me sacrifice a virgin for satan:D

Alternately you can bring them in, take a box out of your closet, and as they talk to you, start slowly taking parts of a hand gun out of the box, polish them, and slowly start putting it together. They'll get the idea.

So, just out of curiosity, once you've banned everything, what will people do?
Learn how to think clearly and objectively.
Originally posted by Cris
Learn how to think clearly and objectively.

Ironically, Cris, believing that this should be a fairly simple thing for people to do makes us wild idealists, with delusions of our own.
So, just out of curiosity, once you've banned everything, what will people do?

Bow down to their new god, "CC" aka cosmic coincidence
Ever read the book 1984?

They replace religion with a totalitarian society, which controlled every aspect of their life. The primal instincts were controled through the public hating.. the need to belong to something that everyone else does. William James states that we have as many social selves as the company we keep, or we have one for each situation we're placed in. That to ignore a person, not one person, but a society ignoring them, would be the same as condemning them to death. So using this you could say that everyone needs a way to be recognized, and religion is one of these ways. People satisfy thie psychological need to belong by joining a group of "believers" and professing their belief. Give something else to believe in together, and you no longer need religion
Alternately you can bring them in, take a box out of your closet, and as they talk to you, start slowly taking parts of a hand gun out of the box, polish them, and slowly start putting it together. They'll get the idea.
If only I had a gun:)
Originally posted by HonkyDick
All religions should be banned.
The only positive about religion is that it pacifies the stupid and ignorant.
This obviously is not religions purpose at the moment.
So stick all your religions and beliefs up your arse.

I completely agree.
I'm gonna chase the next one off with the garden hose :D
:eek: , kinky! :rolleyes: .
Yeah people who try to sell me religion annoy me too. I think beleiving in God does pacify people, because Generally God is associated with an afterlife. However what harm does it do to beleive in God. Surely one will only live a happier life, and belief in an afterlife, while pacifiying the person, only means that that person will live a more productive life: If we assume that a Beleiver in God will 'calm down' (relax), and take a good look at life, then the life will be appreciated for what it' is worth! Even if there is nothing after death (i.e. the brain switches off; game over) then what there was of existence was good! It's as simple as that. There is nothing after, so all that does exist, is what we make of it (sounds a bit corny I know).

Fight fire with fire.
People say this Jeremy but It cannot work!! You will just add to the flames!! Surely Fire should be fought with water, and this is why the elementals can be seen as part of the circle of life: Earth, Wind, Fire and Water:

Earth can stop the wind (Physical barrier),
Wind can put out the fire (or fan it?!),
Fire can boil away the water,
and Water can erode the Earth.

There are probabaly other variations (actually there are) but this is how it can work in my mind.

Forest fires are often fought with fires. Many little fires can stop a big one. But I'm nit picking. I was just using it as (perhaps a poor choice) a figure of speech. Ideas, I believe, can only be effectively fought with other more powerful ideas.

As far as believing in God, I do not think this is an issue (or following the thread). Religion is, and has, been very harmful to thousands of people. It's exclusivity and rejection of others religion (ideas) is the crux of the problem.

religion practice was unofficially barred in the Soviet Russia.
all the churches were "under construction" for years.

but what-do-u-know.. after the fall of the Soviet empire, ppl resumed practicing their religions.

i think that faith and worship is a human need. before, it was God. now ppl worship DJs, rock stars, book authors, politicians, athletes, chess players, porn stars... etc.

humanoid primates believed in a higher power or "next world" from before the Homo Sapiens period. bones were found burried with tools and decorations.

u can ban religion but u can't ban faith. and with faith, it's inevitable that eventually some sort of system of rituals will emerge, along with a philosophy.
Originally posted by HonkyDick
All religions should be banned.
The only positive about religion is that it pacifies the stupid and ignorant.
Keep Religion, ban the stupid, and teach the ignorant.

Religion is not problematic in those who are capable of free reason and compassion.
Religion’s single greatest error lies in its absolute claim to truth for there it becomes a bulwark for petty and malicious intent.

Re: Re: Ban Religion

Originally posted by Raithere
Keep Religion, ban the stupid, and teach the ignorant.

Religion is not problematic in those who are capable of free reason and compassion.
Religion’s single greatest error lies in its absolute claim to truth for there it becomes a bulwark for petty and malicious intent.


By keeping religion we are making people stupid and teaching them ignorance.
Religion is the root of all the worlds problems.
Religions idea of compassion is to take your money, screw little boys and make you feel guilty about how shit your life is.
I have compassion, I would like for all you feeble minded BELIEVERS to see the light.
:bugeye: :bugeye:
Originally posted by otheadp
u can ban religion but u can't ban faith.
Faith has nothing to do with religion.
I have faith my car will start and I can tell you now god has never serviced my car.
:bugeye: :bugeye:

Originally posted by Cris
Learn how to think clearly and objectively.
Ironically, Cris, believing that this should be a fairly simple thing for people to do makes us wild idealists, with delusions of our own.
Yes but there is no reason to believe that is a simple thing to achieve and neither was that my implication. Learning how to think, just like learning most things takes time and effort.

What religion offers and falsely promises is a short cut where people don’t need to think at all. It is therefore little surprise that a large number of people in the world are religious, since it seems to be human nature to look for short cuts to save effort.
Originally posted by HonkyDick
Faith has nothing to do with religion.
I have faith my car will start and I can tell you now god has never serviced my car.
:bugeye: :bugeye:
Faith has everything to do with religion. Faith, being firm belief without proof, is fundamental to the definition of religion. Faith can, however, be utilized in non-religious situations as well.

Note that if your car has always started with no problem, then it doesn't require faith to believe it will start again, since all the evidence you have indicates that it will. But if your car hasn't started in years, then it would require faith to believe that it will start the next time you try.
Maybe we should ban atheism instead.

In the last century there have been more citizens murdered by officially atheist governments than by any religious theocracy.