Ban Petition

Should whatsupyall be banned?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 6 23.1%
  • No.

    Votes: 20 76.9%

  • Total voters

LOL, you have some strange theory child...
I disproved your pathetic arguments?
Explain this kid.
is that al your deluded little mind learned.
When you have learnt to be courteous and can demonstrate you are interested in a genuine debate then I’ll join you. However, I see little point spending time trying to explain my position when all you show is arrogance and condescension, and then just ignore my posts anyway.

Your significant ignorance of science and atheism also means you are incapable of engaging in meaningful debates in this arena.

I will follow wet1’s advice and put you on my ignore list.
Originally posted by Cris

When you have learnt to be courteous and can demonstrate you are interested in a genuine debate then I’ll join you.

My name calling is not the topic. This is an excuse because of the fact that you losed the argument b ut is too pridefull to admit it...

Originally posted by Cris

then just ignore my posts anyway.

You enjoy falsely accusing me, you have done this many times...I have responded to questions you have posted..

Originally posted by Cris

Your significant ignorance of science and atheism also means you are incapable of engaging in meaningful debates in this arena.

I will follow wet1’s advice and put you on my ignore list.

Once again you always falsely accuse me of ignorant about science, yet have not pointed out what are those sciences..

If you dont want to debate because your too illogic, and a compulsive liar, then maybe you should stop rambling and educate yourself first...
And afterwards you can debate with me, and if you have proven me wrong as I did to atheist many times, THEN I GIVE YOU A RIGHT TO CALL ME NAMES...I called you and many other atheist here names for a reason....


How is biological's existence chaotic? Because you dont understand it? If it is so chaotic, then how can all the parts that make up a cell work together in harmony and exist? How is nature chaotic? Explain this kid....Because I killed a worm? Isnt that part of the cycle of life?

Biology is a staggeringly complex system that appears to be near-chaos when observed, and NOBODY truely understands how it all works. Discoveries are made daily, knowledge is advanced a little more, but we've still got a ways to go before we can say that we have a rock-solid grasp on how it works.

[sidenote]I find that you're excellent practise when it comes to identifying logical fallacies and fundie ignorance. I count... one (kinda) ad hominem attack, one strawman, one distortion of readily-available fact, and one statement totally unrelated to the topic. How am I doing?[/sidenote]

whatsmuscles, just because science can't explain something today doesn't mean we won't figure it out in 5, 10, 100 or 1000 years; we can't be so ignorant so as to ascribe anything we don't understand NOW to the supernatural. 1000 years ago was powered flight anything beyond the fevered dreams of madmen? If a peasant from 11th century England saw a jet airplane he'd think it was an angel, or (if it was flying at lower altitude) a dragon. A normal handgun would appear to that peasant to kill someone with no more than a thunderclap. Nowadays we take many things for granted that would have seemed like magic even a mere century ago.

So we don't have all the answers about the origins of life; does that automatically mean that God was responsible? Or does it merely represent a temporary gap in knowledge that is being researched as we speak? Think carefully about the lessons history has to offer before you answer that one half-cocked.

Religion requires blind faith? LOL, thats not my understanding of many years in the game, is that al your deluded little mind learned about religion? Then I suggest you do a little more study than eating chips and watching southpark...

Well... yeah, actually, it does require blind faith. You STILL have yet to provide, over the many threads I've seen you on, any one singular piece of empirical evidence that God actually exists. Simple statements of faith and calling your opposition 'idiotic' isn't evidence. The moment you can prove that your beliefs have actual physical/scientifically detectable proof, I and the other atheists here will stop calling it blind faith.

Yes there are empirical evidence of SOME sciences. Take biology and medical works for example, those are empirical evidence and SOME of its study is an absolute fact, because it IS EVIDENT...

If there isn't empirical evidence then it isn't science, unless said evidence is predicted to exist by an accepted theory. In that case, the idea is to find said evidence. If it fits into the framework and confirms the theory, great. If not, then the theory is revised to fit the contradictory evidence; such as it was with relativity, when Einstein was finally forced to accept the fact that the universe was in fact expanding, contrary to the static model he so vehemently defended.

About Biological and technological existence, if any of these are discovered, how does it take the creator of the universe out of science? How? Why would your human pride then assume that there is no God, is it because now you became your own God?

God never had a place in science in the first place; if it can't be observed or measured, then it's unusable as a factor. Science is about physical fact, period. The day physical evidence for God is discovered is the day that God becomes a factor in science.

If something is out of what we can measure and physically observe, is it then out of science?? If so is it a myth?
Have you measured the blackhole? Have you physically observed black hole? Nope, therefore you cant call it science, is it then a myth?

Black holes can't be directly observed because they don't put off any light (they suck it all in), but their effects have been observed many times, such as heavy x-ray broadcasts from the super-heated matter (that can also be directly viewed) that circles about the holes event horizon. Cygnus X-1 is one example. Vast amounts of matter from the star Cygnus are spiraling around a central point that isn't part of the star. We can't see the actual black hole, but it's effects are quite evident. Allow me to illustrate...

You're walking along and I shoot you with a gun. Nobody sees me. Just because nobody could see me do the deed doesn't make you any less dead; the effects of your being shot are just as obvious, regardless of whether somebody saw me or not. Would you claim that your death is a myth?

Have you measured the force that gives us life? Have you physically observed it? Nope, therefore you cant call it science, is it then a myth?

You make a false assumption, that being the fact that there is some quintessential 'lifeforce'. There may or may not be one, but until we find it it's no more than speculation on your part; that definately disqualifies it as science.

As for the existence of biological life, period, we already know how the most basic forms of it came about AND how it evolved into the simplest and most primitive bacteria. Go here to learn about how that worked.

Still with the same, oft-discredited arguements. How do you manage to walk erect, with the heavy weight of your thick skull to carry?
Originally posted by ThatJerk
whatsmuscles, just because science can't explain something today doesn't mean we won't figure it out in 5, 10, 100 or 1000 years; we can't be so ignorant so as to ascribe anything we don't understand NOW to the supernatural. 1000 years ago was powered flight anything beyond the fevered dreams of madmen? If a peasant from 11th century England saw a jet airplane he'd think it was an angel, or (if it was flying at lower altitude) a dragon.

This statement isnt science, this is prophesy...Good luck with your psychic prediction......

Originally posted by ThatJerk

So we don't have all the answers about the origins of life; does that automatically mean that God was responsible? Or does it merely represent a temporary gap in knowledge that is being researched as we speak? Think carefully about the lessons history has to offer before you answer that one half-cocked..

We dont speculate and assume that God did it because we cant explain it. We speculate and assume God did it because Hee is evident in our life, and that intelligent act is the cause of ordered and functioning existence, thats a fact. You want to stress that this is false? Then prove it that something that is functioning and ordered can exist by "luck"....Since u cant provide evidence, then shut your hole...

Originally posted by ThatJerk

Well... yeah, actually, it does require blind faith. You STILL have yet to provide, over the many threads I've seen you on, any one singular piece of empirical evidence that God actually exists. Simple statements of faith and calling your opposition 'idiotic' isn't evidence. The moment you can prove that your beliefs have actual physical/scientifically detectable proof, I and the other atheists here will stop calling it blind faith.

God never had a place in science in the first place; if it can't be observed or measured, then it's unusable as a factor. Science is about physical fact, period. The day physical evidence for God is discovered is the day that God becomes a factor in science.[/

Healing of incurable cancers through prayers and faith. Which even Jesus addressed 2000 years ago before any sciences...This is one of CURRENT physical proofs of God...
Lady of Lourdes, Lady of Guadalupe, Fatima, all this documented miracles, etc..

You said you will believe if physical proof is given, well there it is, you reject it? Then again I have just pointed out earlier that even FACTUAL evidence requires faith, and you gave that example, so thank you....child..
Originally posted by ThatJerk

If there isn't empirical evidence then it isn't science, unless said evidence is predicted to exist by an accepted theory. In that case, the idea is to find said evidence. If it fits into the framework and confirms the theory, great. If not, then the theory is revised to fit the contradictory evidence; such as it was with relativity, when Einstein was finally forced to accept the fact that the universe was in fact expanding, contrary to the static model he so vehemently defended.

So there are imperical evidence of science, and there is also NOT emperical evidence. By admittance, there is NO ABSOLUTE in science, unless it is empirical, therefore SCIENCE REQUIRES FAITH...As you have mentioned it yourself.....

Originally posted by ThatJerk

We can't see the actual black hole, but it's effects are quite evident. Allow me to illustrate...

You're walking along and I shoot you with a gun. Nobody sees me. Just because nobody could see me do the deed doesn't make you any less dead; the effects of your being shot are just as obvious, regardless of whether somebody saw me or not. Would you claim that your death is a myth?

Well Thank you for providing ONE of MANY evidence for God...
I can claim the cause is a myth, but I cannot claim the effect is a myth because the effect is substancial..
Whats the difference between billions after billions of testimonies? Isnt that the effect of God's existence? The church, virtues, etc..

Originally posted by ThatJerk

You make a false assumption, that being the fact that there is some quintessential 'lifeforce'. There may or may not be one, but until we find it it's no more than speculation on your part; that definately disqualifies it as science.

So life is a speculation? You and I are a speculation? After all, life exist, and there is a force that brings someone to life...You can gather fresh human heart, brain, legs, ears, etc...But they donot come to life no matter how fresh the parts seems to be. Since there is a force that brings us life and that we cannot measure it, or physically detect it, is that force then a myth? ARE CREATURES A MYTH? ARE YOU A SPECULATION?

Originally posted by ThatJerk

Still with the same, oft-discredited arguements. How do you manage to walk erect, with the heavy weight of your thick skull to carry?

Speak for yourself....
Whatsupyall...unless you learn to be courteous, or even halfway discerning in using caps lock/shift key, there is no point in your further participation in sciforums.

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?
Cris, I must offer my condolences in having such a person on your tail, and my respect in the way you react. I'm guessing you're an old, retired, 60-ish Oxford grad or something? Someone who knows a thing or two about life in general.

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?
Umm...why should whatsupyall be banned?

You don't like what he says? Such is life. I don't quite agree with him either, but that's no reason to ban him.

He shouldn't have to pay for your intolerance.

He shouldn't have to pay for your intolerance.
I agree he shouldn’t be banned. But intolerance?

What this thread has shown is that there is considerable tolerance for the views of others including whatsup. But there is a point when certain behaviors do become intolerable and banning is appropriate. I think the poll here has tested our thoughts on tolerance of these issues and the discussion has been valuable to that end.
muscles is a glorious tard...

But thats no reason to Ban him (did I just stuck up for fucko?).
He has the right (free speech) and privilage (a computer) to
post whatever he wants.
Vakemp, we have tolerated him for way too long.

I wash my hands of it now, not gonna bother with him anymore. Why waste my time
No replies necessary since i likely won't be back here to view them.

Hey. Freedom of speech is in the constitution. Let him rant.

His writings aren't all that much goofier than some of the others.

All the "no God" folks seem to base everything they write on science and logic and all that. That stuff's necessity when learning about the world and the universe as we perceive it.

But it strikes me that trying to apply all that to the existence of a God that is supposed to be omnipotent and exists essentially beyond our power to prove is pretty silly.

If God does exist, i don't see why his infinitely broad vision should require him to do anything in ways we can suss out.

Seems pretty goofy to be essentially "thinking for God".

Drives me nuts when people in crisis say, "Oh, how could God let these terrible things happen?" Often hear people give the "rotten" state of the world as a reason that God couldn't exist. But, hey. No reason to believe that given his knowledge he doesn't have entirely different motivations and reasons for what goes on here.

Just suppose there's an incredibly important reason that's beyond us, for us to be allowed to do what we will and experience all kinds of nastiness while we're here. (something i happen to believe)

I'd say being the best person one could be and choosing to worship in some manner is at the very least a good insurance policy in case he's out there.
Freedom of speech only extends to the extent that you don't harm others or cause them inconvenience.

Whatsup here, has considerably degenerated the quality of the discussions here in the religion section. Therefore he has damaged something he has no right to. Read the posts carefully before you speak, Chromatose. You obviously haven't been here long enough to notice. There is a very good reason why even Cris, who is a very senior member here, has put him on the ignore list. And either wet1 or tiassa, I forget whom. All are senior members who have been here much much longer than you have, and therefore much more experience here.

Cris!? 50 and not tired!? Naaah... ...

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?

The only exceptions to Freedom of speech are:

Causing panic
Fighting words
Incitement to crime

What-up-muscle's rantings does not fall into these categories.
He has the freedom to rant in his pea-brained manner.
Causing panic (intellectually)? Fighting words? Possibly defamation by calling every atheist delusional? I'd say yes it falls into those categories.

And read the contract when you signed up here.

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?

You have to look up the precise definition of these items as
they pertain to the constitution. I think your examples are nothing
more than rationalizations (no offense). As far as the 'contract'
is concerned... I have not read it. If it differers from the first
Ammendment then I suggest you take this case up with an
Admin. Either way, I would strongly disagree banning Fucko.
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There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?
Hateful, threatening. That fits. Not that I'm particularly vindictive, I'm just defending my opinion that there is sufficient reason to ban whatsupmuscles. I don't care if it happens or not; I just want to make it clear that should such an opportunity turn up I would support his ban. And thank you for you views, now I've seen more viewpoints. Which is really what I like. I've just seen too much of catsupmuscles'.

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?
Zero, theoretically of course, what if we had seen enough of you, would it be fair to ban you simply cause we were sick of your views? I'm not trying to pick a fight here, I'm just interested in how you reply.
*sharpens and oils scimitar*

I do not read other people's posts so superficially as to completely miss the point.
I do not get myself to look like such an idiot as to get ignored by major members of scifora.
I do not lambast other people or be downright rude, nor do I speak from a "I am superior and you know it" point of view.
I am not on crack like someone is.

It wouldn't be for me to say if it were fair to ban ME (of course I would say no), but I'd say there is a major difference here.

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?