Ban Petition

Should whatsupyall be banned?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 6 23.1%
  • No.

    Votes: 20 76.9%

  • Total voters


So vote. And explain.

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?
No we shouldn’t ban him.

While nearly all of his posts are childishly abusive and directed at a large portion of our membership, and while he is clearly a bigot in the true sense of the word, he does reflect the real world where such people like this do exist. Instead of banning him we should see his posts as a challenge for ourselves in attempting to learn how to deal with such people and their confused thinking.

I’d suggest the Ignore list mechanism as a way to avoid his posts, but really that doesn’t work very well. Ignored posts are still listed as posts that have been ignored but with an annoying button that allows one to view the post. I think there are very few of us who can resist pushing the button to see what new gibberish he has posted.

Free speech must rule since who here can decide and set standards at a point where something is acceptable or not acceptable. It is too subjective. Especially since he carefully avoids profanities.

There have been others that have been far worse and who have generated genuine hurtful comments. And really, I hope no one takes his comments seriously since I strongly suspect we can all see his inability to reason. His posts are simply very irritating and that is not sufficient justification to ban anyone.
Even though it was my *joking* idea, I don't think he should be banned, no matter what kind of garbage he spits out.

I guess I'm a believer in the idea that as long as his actions don't infringe on my rights, he should be able to do whatever he wants. No one's rights are being violated by his posts, so it wouldn't be justified in denying him the right to free speech.

Excluding online-stalkers/sexual predators (on sciforums? :D), I don't think anyone should be banned because of something they said. That would truly be a step backwards from what this board is about.

No? Then stop complaining all of you who rant and yell at him with all caps.

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?
Just cuz we complain about him posting in caps doesn't mean we want him banned, silly.

It merely means we want him to stop posting in caps :D.

I mean that some of us yell at him WITH CAPS. As in, some of us utilize all caps when ranting at him.

Lay off the crack!

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?
He's fun to torment. Then he gets boring. When he gets boring, put him on your ignore list.
"Knowledge is power"...

Now you all know how does it feel like to be called "Retarded", "Delusional"...Does it feel right? Of course not, many of you complain for my name calling...
So let that be a lesson to all of you, and think twice before calling your christian brother "Delusional" and causing them to lose their faith because of your accusation, maybe you should look in the mirror and see the real "delusional" guy. Indeed there are many christians that lives a blind faith, because they never gave thought about it, but not all of them, Im not..But theres one thing for sure, when your an atheists, indeed you have not given your faith a second thought at all....
As I have pointed out Many errors that you guys use as an argument..

"No knowledge can take God out of the world, but the more knowledge is revealed, the more God is revealed"...
He's a detriment to the religion forum. Therefore, should be dealt with swiftly and cleanly. And as for this being a subjective comment - the quality of posts on this sub-forum have been going downhill for quite some time. I'm not sure many old members will disagree with me. And whatsup fits in perfectly with the kind of member who has dragged it down.
Originally posted by whatsupyall
But theres one thing for sure, when your an atheists, indeed you have not given your faith a second thought at all....

That's pretty ignorant. I find that atheists have usually put more thought into their "faith" than most christians ever will. I for one was force fed with christianity through most of my early years. I didn't arrive at my present conclusion untill I started questioning what I was being tought and to actully think for myself.

Did you post in the wrong thread? Your post didn’t seem to make sense here.

"Knowledge is power"...
? Ok, but this appears no more than a random thought.

Now you all know how does it feel like to be called "Retarded", "Delusional"
We do? Why?

..many of you complain for my name calling...
This is true. Are you going to stop?

So let that be a lesson to all of you, and think twice before calling your christian brother "Delusional" and causing them to lose their faith because of your accusation, maybe you should look in the mirror and see the real "delusional" guy.
Lesson to you all? Christian brother? Losing their faith?

I think you must be in the wrong thread.

theres one thing for sure, when your an atheists, indeed you have not given your faith a second thought at all....
I don’t know about that. There may well be some atheists who don’t use logic or science and might well have faith in some things. The only thing we know for sure is that all atheists do not use faith regarding gods.

As I have pointed out Many errors that you guys use as an argument..
No, you only think you have pointed out errors.

"No knowledge can take God out of the world, but the more knowledge is revealed, the more God is revealed"...
Evidence over the past few hundred years indicate the opposite. As we gain more real knowledge about the universe we see religion rapidly recede and give up ground. Secularism is now widespread in the world. A few centuries ago religion ruled the world.

The more we know the less we need the old god myths.

He's a detriment to the religion forum. Therefore, should be dealt with swiftly and cleanly. And as for this being a subjective comment - the quality of posts on this sub-forum have been going downhill for quite some time. I'm not sure many old members will disagree with me. And whatsup fits in perfectly with the kind of member who has dragged it down.
I completely agree.
I've had some insightful conversations with whatsupyall, all you gotta do is be open. True his posts can be very ignorant and annoying, but how do you think he looks at your posts? Everyone has something to teach you, so stop pestering the poor guy. You don't agree with him, either do I, but i don't need to rub it in his face, instead I listen to what he has to say.
These witch-hunts are fucking ridiculous

Is it not enough to know that you're doing better than someone else? Must that comfort be spent like yesterday's condom?

With due recognition and respect to those who speak against this kind of lynching, as your voices are appreciated, I must nonetheless say,

What the hell is the problem?

The simple solutions:

• There's a button that says "Report" at the end of every post. Use it. It forwards the post to the Moderator of the forum with any comments you should choose to include.

• You can always try PM'ing Porfiry, though I'm not inclined to ask a whole lot of him lately because I haven't been a good boy and sent him money yet.

• For each post, the poster's name is listed. This name is also a link. which launches their User Profile. From this page, you can add a poster to your Ignore list, which will delete their posts and merely advise you where those posts exist, instead of displaying them.

• You can always take it out on him in your posts. After all, just because people haven't gotten the hang of how to absolutely wound someone with words without crossing various lines in the battle to retain dignity does not mean they should simply ignore decency and unload. But come on, anyone who's caught my wrath knows I'm much meaner when I'm actually dignified about it.

In the meantime, the Bush administration is looking for a few good people to help them in their War Against Expression and Information Exchange. I see we have some candidates.

Be all that you can be.

Again, my thanks to the voices of reasonability.

Tiassa :cool:
I say he should be banned or at least given a warning (which is rare, I know). He had no intention on carry out a rational debate. He preaches and then calls anyone who disagrees with him stupid. Its like his ignorance gene is working on full strength. He has already declared that he is going to "take down" stupid Athiest theories when many of them were thought up by *shock horror* Chritians. He believes he always wins all arguements which is infact total BS. When someone proves him wrong, he ignores that post and replies to everything else with just insults.

Ban his ass

I hope this is my last post concerning this subject....

Originally posted by Cris
No, you only think you have pointed out errors.

Cris. you stressed to me earlieer that "Knowing" someones "Choice" and act, means "Controlling" that "choice" and act...In other words, you are stressing that "Knowing" means "Controlling, establishing, and acting"...Those are thoughts and works, thoughts and works have different definition..

But you are stressing to me (like many other atheists), that God cannot be "ALL KNOWING" if humans have "free will"...Therefore, freewill and "Omniscience" cannot co-exists...
Again, if you really are so convinced that "Knowing" means "Controlling", then I am convinced that there must be a spirit of lies, a master of delusion, because how can something this stupid and illogic spread about? I dont think yur retarded, I just believe that you are another victim of a lie...
If you dont think thats "error", then I dont know what "error" is..
If you dont think that is a lie, then I dont know what is a lie...

Originally posted by Cris

Evidence over the past few hundred years indicate the opposite. As we gain more real knowledge about the universe we see religion rapidly recede and give up ground. Secularism is now widespread in the world. A few centuries ago religion ruled the world.

Yes, because this is prophesied, Satan is working hard to drag the whole world to hell with him, even the church...This is a BELIEF...
Am i deluded for believing it? I dont think I am, because you are fulfilling this prophesy..

Jesus said "When I return, will there be any faith left on earth?"

Think about it guys, you didnt become atheists because of reason and logic or science, there is NOTHING scientific about being an atheists, NOTHING...

SOME people become what they are because of examples, and stories, myths, or FACTS. Mythical stories such as "toothfairies", giant purple squid monkeys can turn someone into disbelief of that claim, then apply that to God without understanding the concept of God to begin with...This is faith, a faith that when something exists, it must be physically proven...

Some also becomes believer of the unexplained because of factual stories such as "Internet", "Man eating razor sharp metal and irons and not get hurt", "faith healing", etc.etc. And this is actually enough to convince some to become a believer of claim. Even though not understanding the circumstances, this is also called faith...That there are things that occur and exist which we cannot explain...

Not only do I see the delusion on many atheist kids (I call them kids for a reason), I also see that effect on christians as well...But one works for the good of society (again working doesnt mean perfection), the other works for the desires of the flesh, self service, BELIEVING that is the reason why we exist (And some even believe that order and complexity of nature is "chaos", and goes on further to say it is "chance"...Einstein believes in nature as order for a reason...).

In summary, people doesnt believe what they cannot comprehend and what they have not experienced, whether that claim is FACT or FALSE, whether that caim is "Placebo" or "flying pig", whether that claim is "God" or "toothfairy", whether the claim is fact or not, people cannot accept what they DONOT understand, what they have NOT experienced, and they have NOT been taught.....


THERE IS ALSO LEVELS OF FAITH....For instance, faith in evlution is not in the same level as faith in toothfairy. For faith in evolution have presented some evidence, toothfairy have not given one evidence..

I for one is a believer of God, because I am educated concerning God, I HAVE EXPERIENCED HIM, and I understood God (not completely)...

Meanwhile, atheism have not provided me anything...So far, I have read it all, your posts are full of lies and errors. I must admit that there r things u guys said that are true, BUT NOTHING TO SUPPORT the faith in atheism....
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As much as his idiocy and selective ignorance sicken me, he's still useful as a teaching aid when demonstrating the folly of religion.

Also, I'm a strong believer in free speech; I may violently disagree with what he says but I'll adamantly defend his right to say it.
education is important kids....

Lets talk about "Evidence"...

Who can produce evidence? Can you produce evidence? If so, what kind of evidence is that? Is it reliable? What makes things reliable? What is the reason why that evidence is produced? For what cause? Is the cause beneficial? Does the cause make sense? For instance, can you blaim religion what is in human nature? Can you blaim the church because people lie, kill, steal, etc. People also kill, steal, rape, for nationality, race, country, and pleasure..Is your cause narrow minded and deluded?

What is SCIENTITIFIC? Observation and study? So anything observed and studied is scientific? What kind of science? Biological sscience? Technological science? Explain...WHO MUST OBSERVE AND STUDY THIS, in order to make it "scientific"? Those with education? What are those education? Scientists also disagrees with each other's claim. Who is right? Who is wrong?

Because I have observed prayers, studied the scriptures, and this fact is applied and can be demonstrated in everyone's life, is this then scientific, is God then scientific?
Is scientific means "measurable"? If something cannot be measured, is it a myth? What is a myth? Is myth what doesnt exist in your mind?

Lets talk about physical science...If you drive your car at 65 mph, and runs over a guy, will he die? or not? You say he will die right?...well there is someone here that survived..So again your claim is not a fact, its probability..
If someone's heart stops beating, is he dead? or is he only dead for the next 15 minutes, and then comes back to life if given cpr...So why cant he live another 15 minutes? If scientists claim that is not possible because of oxygen in brain collapse, etc.., is their claim evident? Has that been demonstrated? Few years ago it was believed that when the heart stops beating, your dead, but that is not the case anymore.. So how can we determine something is scientific?

Millions of People testified and claim to eexperience God, either by physical visions, interior conviction, answered prayers, beneficial words in the bible,etc. many reasons and evidence of claim.. When they claim, they acted upon it. They cry, rejoice, sing, and worship God, some are willing to give up thier life for him.. Some will give up riches to serve God and live a life of poverty...
But are millions upon millions lying? Are they GOOD actors? What did they get out of all these? Attention? Is praying in your own room getting alot of attention? Pleasure? Is it pleasure to donate your kidney because someone needs it (as my friend did)?

Do you think MILLIONS are brainwashed? and delusional?
Explain what makes someone brainwashed and delusional? Is believing in claims without evidence makes you delusional? And again what is evidence? Are you delusional? Can I say you are delusional for being alive and not understanding human life? Why can I not call you delusional?

Children, evidence itself requires faith...What good is it if I have given you evidence explaining evolution, and yet you have no faith on its evidence provided? What good is it if I have given you evidence that aspirin can heal your headache away, yet you dont have any faith on it...What good is it if I have given you evidence of intelligent causes, and miracles and healing ducumented concerning God, yet you have no faith in this evidence....what good is your evidence if noone puts faith in it....


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Little children, education is important

What is supernatural?
Something that the law of science can explain? What are these "laws", are these "labeled" laws the only laws that exist in nature? Or is it the only laws we discovered...If you insist that what we labeled as "laws of nature" and physics are all there is to it, then how come you cant explain how life forms exist? Why cant you demonstrate creating life form? Because you dont know the laws of nature yet...
So how can you determine what is outside of the laws of nature when you dont even know the laws of nature to begin with...
So what then is natural and supernatural? Natural to you is what you can explain and understand, you can document it, date it, and publicize your test, do whatever you want...But since I donot understand it, is it then supernatural? If its supernatural, does it mean its a myth?
Whats natural to you, is supernatural to others..Back in the past, they call "gods", and speculate what they donot understand, they labeled it as "gods"...Today that practice is common, we call it "supernatural"....
Can you explain Placebo? No, is it then supernatural?
Is internet and computer technology natural? it is to those who understand it, but supernatural to those who knows nothing of it...
Natives in South America might say internet are "gods", meanwhile I call it "Supernatural" because I dont understand how it functions...