Baby Killing?

We don't need to kill the people already born but birth control and safe abortion available to everyone would go a long way in correcting a lot of problems with family breakdown and social ills.
how about if you dont want children then dont open your legs?

thats good birth control. i saw my unborn child in the womb a few weeks ago for the first time it was moving about infront of me on the ultrasound scan. it could be aborted at this stage. and i find that horrible its no different than murder to me, apart fromt he child has no way of fighting back in there,

how about if you dont want children then dont open your legs?

thats good birth control. i saw my unborn child in the womb a few weeks ago for the first time it was moving about infront of me on the ultrasound scan. it could be aborted at this stage. and i find that horrible its no different than murder to me, apart fromt he child has no way of fighting back in there,


Unrealistic idiot, it's about what happens AFTER they are born. They don't have a choice whether they are unwanted, going to end up on the streets, orphanages, sold into slavery. Get it? I don't give a shit about your emotionalism toward your child you want. If you want it then it means you will probably take care of it but if abortion were illegal and people were having children that were unwanted it doesn't take much brains or forethought to understand the negative or unhealthy ramifications that means for a society. As well prick, the responsibility doesn't just completely rest with the woman.
Peta9s vitriol in her last post suggests a further examination of her thoughts.
They also keep ignoring the fact its better to be aborted than be miserable, neglected or worse abused in the world.
Really! How would you know this? Are you miserable, neglected and abused? If so you have my sympathy. do you need to be miserable,, neglected and abused for your entire life? No you don't. You, and every other adult has a choice. It is often a damnably difficult choice, that may require real courage to make, with real risk, in some cases, of physical injury, or death, but the choice is there.
You wish to remove that choice from the adult, by removing the life from the child. In this regard I am decidedly pro-choice.
It's much worse to live in misery than to be euthanized.
You are presuming that many/most/all of the aborted fetuses would grow up to miserable for all of their lives. Where is your evidence for that? More to the point you actually think euthenasia would be better for everyone who is miserable. My, how compassionate you are.
Who is going to feed and take care of all of those unwanted children? They don't take into account how many orphans, unwanted and disabled children exist right now.
Now there is an interesting sentence that reveals exactly the depths of the indifference in your superficially concerned position. You are now including orphans and the disabled automatically into the group of miserable people. You imply that these orphans and disabled would be better off killed, than allowed to continue living in misery. I believe many orphans and disabled would take issue with you on this point.

How many who are living in suffering and being used or sold as slaves because they are unwanted or can't be taken care of. And they want more freaking people in the world so they can suffer more
You don't think it would be more productive to deal with the faults in society that lead to slavery? Apparently not. Why don't we just take the logical step and euthenise someone when they contract cancer, just so we can prevent their suffering.
And they want more freaking people in the world so they can suffer more heinous crap so they can grow up to be misfits who will need to be locked up or continue the dysfunctional cycle or irresponsibility as nature is nasty and low and doesn't care if a person is a fit parent or is ready. It doesn't care if its from rape, if its a teenager on crack, if its an aids baby or adultery or any other fucked up situation that would be more detrimental to the CHILD not the person just pumping the baby out!
You probably have no idea how much you are revealing about yourself in this burst of bitter, resentful speech.
I'm sorry you feel life has dealt you a raw hand, but trust me, your personal ills do not merit mass euthenasia of an allegedly miserable population.
Peta9s vitriol in her last post suggests a further examination of her thoughts.Really! How would you know this? Are you miserable, neglected and abused? If so you have my sympathy. do you need to be miserable,, neglected and abused for your entire life? No you don't. You, and every other adult has a choice. It is often a damnably difficult choice, that may require real courage to make, with real risk, in some cases, of physical injury, or death, but the choice is there.
You wish to remove that choice from the adult, by removing the life from the child. In this regard I am decidedly pro-choice.
You are presuming that many/most/all of the aborted fetuses would grow up to miserable for all of their lives. Where is your evidence for that? More to the point you actually think euthenasia would be better for everyone who is miserable. My, how compassionate you are.
Now there is an interesting sentence that reveals exactly the depths of the indifference in your superficially concerned position. You are now including orphans and the disabled automatically into the group of miserable people. You imply that these orphans and disabled would be better off killed, than allowed to continue living in misery. I believe many orphans and disabled would take issue with you on this point.

You don't think it would be more productive to deal with the faults in society that lead to slavery? Apparently not. Why don't we just take the logical step and euthenise someone when they contract cancer, just so we can prevent their suffering. You probably have no idea how much you are revealing about yourself in this burst of bitter, resentful speech.
I'm sorry you feel life has dealt you a raw hand, but trust me, your personal ills do not merit mass euthenasia of an allegedly miserable population.

You are a patheticly dishonest person. You know you are derailing the thread by purposely evading the point and focusing on me. I never said we should mass euthanize anyone and you keep harping on that. It's obvious I'm pro-choice and I gave reasons for it. You pretend to be compassionate about the life of a fetus without considering the reallife ramifications. I think if a crack mother wanted to abort her baby, it would probably be best and a myriad of other bad situations.

I am pro-choice and evidently you are not. All that mumbo jumbo above and you are still ignoring the fact most of these children are unwanted and if birth control, sex education and abortion were readily available for everyone it will help improve society in the long run.

You idiot, must understand that birth control and safe abortion is actually new and you want to turn back the clock and return things to the dark ages.
Really! How would you know this? Are you miserable, neglected and abused? If so you have my sympathy. do you need to be miserable,, neglected and abused for your entire life? No you don't. You, and every other adult has a choice. It is often a damnably difficult choice, that may require real courage to make, with real risk, in some cases, of physical injury, or death, but the choice is there.

And this is the funniest part. Are you trying to be a comedian? Are you living in some ivory tower and can't look around and see that teenage pregnancies and crackbabies and women having babies for welfare money etc or from religious fear rather than actually wanting to be parents is unhealthy and probably be abusive? Do you really think these children have a good chance of becoming good parents themselves realistically? These are living beings, it's not like taking a dump and that is exactly how many people unfortunately treat unwanted children from an act called sex. I think it's best a fetus be aborted than to unfit parents that don't want it anyways from an act of recreational sex and if you can't see that or understand the larger societal implications of that then there is nothing more I can say.
Point 1: I am in favour of legal abortion. Nowhere in any of my posts have I stated the contrary.
Point 2: I also favour robust sex education, promotion of birth control, and application of a compassionate, constraining, yet realistic moral code.
Point 3: If I have derailed the thread it is merely maintaining the derailment you instituted. You were the one who stated "It's much worse to live in misery than to be euthanized."
Point 4: Each of your posts is filled with emotional terminology and overflowing bile that one would typically find in individuals who have low self esteem. If that is not the case perhaps you could learn to exercise better self control.
Point 5: What I find morally offensive is your petulant disregard for the rights of individuals; your ignorance of the possibility that bastards, orphans and the disabled are people too and can live productive happy lives, and that they have a right to do so; your foolish presumption that if you are miserable once, you are miserable for all time; your abrogation of responsibility, in that you make little or no commitment to providing support for those who are in need, who are abandoned; your selfishness in being unprepared to provide such support directly, or indirectly.

Yours sincerely,
pathetically dishonest idiot person
Unrealistic idiot, it's about what happens AFTER they are born. They don't have a choice whether they are unwanted, going to end up on the streets, orphanages, sold into slavery. Get it? I don't give a shit about your emotionalism toward your child you want. If you want it then it means you will probably take care of it but if abortion were illegal and people were having children that were unwanted it doesn't take much brains or forethought to understand the negative or unhealthy ramifications that means for a society. As well prick, the responsibility doesn't just completely rest with the woman.

why the hell are you so rude all of the time and you call me emotional.

if you dont want a baby then dont have sex, thats what sex is for dick, reproduction.

in every one of your posts i have read your a cock why are you so angry at everything, you little miserable asswipe.

i quote from you,

"look around and see that teenage pregnancies and crackbabies and women having babies for welfare money"

so if they want the baby for money why are they going to have an abortion. or do you want forced abortions for everybody?

Mod Hat - (Ahem!)

Mod Hat - (Ahem!)

Enough. Anyone ever read the poem about the egg that would not hatch? What, need we sling so many arrows as to prove that abortion is somehow the wise option for all of humanity? Do we really need to act as if we are poster children for abortion and birth control?

Get happy, or at least decent, please. Oh, wait, that's an order.

Thank you ....
You appear to be asking, excuse me - ordering us - not to argue in favour of abortion. If your intent was solely to encourage us to do so in a dignified manner I'm afraid it missed the mark. Would you clarify please.
Mod Hat - Clarification for the short bus

You will conduct yourselves in a reasonably civilized and productive manner. It seems absolutely ridiculous to be arguing the merits of abortion when people's conduct speaks so forcefully of the merits of abortion. Ever hear that joke about the cure for AIDS? Everybody stops having sex for the duration of one human life cycle. No more AIDS. (No more humanity, either. Get the picture?) This discussion is nothing more than a testament to the power of extinction to solve all our human ills.

Perhaps I should suspend any sense of humor when wearing my mod hat. It doesn't translate well on the short bus.
if a women was raped and she did not want the baby who are we to say you are not to abort and must keep it and take care of it.
Don't feel like quoting, but someone said that they are partially supportive of abortion, depending on the situation. So, I ask whoever said this, why is it alright to perform the operation and end one of those 'precious' lives in one situation, but not perform the operation and end a life in another? The methods and outcomes are exactly the same, regardless of why the abortion is happening.

The only way I would support the illegalization of abortion is if everyone who voted for it or who is pro-life took in all the unwanted babies that wouldn't have existed if abortion was legal.
Dark520 said:

The only way I would support the illegalization of abortion is if everyone who voted for it or who is pro-life took in all the unwanted babies that wouldn't have existed if abortion was legal.

Sadly, regardless of abortion, those pro-lifers are behind by about 110,000 a year. So are the traditionalists who oppose gay marriage and parentage.

Unfortunately, I am unable to responsibly speculate regarding your question; I have a "dryfoot" policy--if you make it to the world, welcome.
Sadly, regardless of abortion, those pro-lifers are behind by about 110,000 a year. So are the traditionalists who oppose gay marriage and parentage.

Unfortunately, I am unable to responsibly speculate regarding your question; I have a "dryfoot" policy--if you make it to the world, welcome.

am i allowed to abort a babies life when it is 10 months old? or aka when it is 1 month old?

I have a dryfoot policy: 1 month out of the womb is a dry foot.