Baby Killing?

A 17 year old pregnant girl - who was told by her doctors , that her baby only would live a few days after birth - was refused the right to go to England and get an abortion ........ now she has gone to high court .....

Yesterday , the final verdict came : she is allowed to get abortion in England ........I couldn´t find a link for the verdict yet ....

The pope - Benedict the - is now threatening brazillian politicians with excommunication if they support abortion.....

Yes, actually, I do. Read the other paragraphs. I tried to keep them short because I've recently received advice from a fellow poster to stop wasting words.

Do you feel those paragraphs are too short, or too general? Very well, I can use more words in making the point. However, barring any greater advice on your part, about the only thing I can do is turn your own question back at you.
That's fine. I was simply curious. I have admired your writing and honesty on many other threads. On this one I thought you were just being gratuitously bitchy, so that your post had no socially redeeming value.
Oh, well, the line was indeed gratuitously bitchy. It's part of my routine; every once in a while, I sink down to the level of my opponents in some obscure way; it's intended as a reminder of what's wrong with that kind of rhetoric.

And I do see the Christian bloc as the greatest challenge to fulfilling its goals. American Christians, especially in the political arena, are masters of raising devils of their own invention.
If you have to resort to telling me what I can and cant believe the your arguements and patience must be very thin. I am not so much pro-life as anti-muder. I am also very leery of people who like to deny rights to the weak and voiceless.
There is always a reason to take other peoples rights away. Abortion is taking the right to life away in order to protect someones right to privacy. If the abortion is done to protect the mothers life that is triage and is just selecting who will have the best chance at survival. I have no problem with the abortion. I can even see abortion is the case of severe genetic defects but I worry about who gets to decide what is a serious enough defect to qualify. I have seen some seriously messed up children as a nurse and believe that abortion would have been a kindness to some of them. I have also seen the joy and happiness that the smallest things bringsome of these children and it is enough to make you cry. Abortion for convienience is the destruction of a human life based on an arbitrary age value. We can argue all year about when the fetus becomes human. It is all so arbitrary at x age you are accorded less rights than an animal. At y age you are human and should be treated as such. That is so much blabercacky. we are allowing abortions to occur on children with brainwaves how much more human can you get?
Dark about 30% of my family has served in the military and you have stated that thay and I deserve to die. Would you clarify that statement I do not believe that you hate me that much. What have I ever done or my familydone that you hate us so.
If you have to resort to telling me what I can and cant believe the your arguements and patience must be very thin. I am not so much pro-life as anti-muder. I am also very leery of people who like to deny rights to the weak and voiceless.

This would include then those parents who indoctrinate their children into believing that they are born in sin, are in debt to jesus, have sinful bodies adn urges that must be controlled (especially in girls) and so on.

I know, you have not advocated these things.

But so much of the 'concern' on the part of the pro-life side does not seem like love when I see how they 'love' children who they teach to hate themselves.

And this is not noticed or commented on by other less religious or fanatical pro-life people.

Or good, now the baby is incarnated. Let the free for all of knives in the soul begin.

And since this hate masked as love is so obvious in these people, I have to ask myself, really everyone should ask themselves, what is really going on here?

It's a safe way to express a deep hatred of women and sex.

Now I am not saying that is your position. But are you honest and confront the antilife energy in those people with the same consistancy you are 'anti-murder.'

There are many forms of living death.
oh please, you people disgust me. you waste so much time and finger strength (not to mention moments of peace) blabbering on about why it's wrong what if rape but it looks so cute it wont be happy life is sacred blah blah blah. here's my opinion (im in the right place, right?):
life is such an arbirtrary thing that in the long run, it doesn't even matter. you won't go to hell for killing a baby. there is no hell (different thread?). there is life here on Earth. here's a novel idea.........make your own freakin morals!!! you americans take naps on the shoulders of the giants of the past. you are too lazy reading propganda and over subjective articles that you have lost the ability to think! number 1, education cannot happen if you follow a religion that leaves no room for doubt (doctrine). point 2, if one does follow a doctrine, it is the poor fool who tries to circumvent the obviously (strong) beliefs of his or her neihbor. you religious people disgust me. like some loud obnoxious fat woman said on tv: "I brung ya intuh dis worl', an' ah'l take yah'outta it too! (in regards for how i feel about, you death, and babies. puhleeez)
They also keep ignoring the fact its better to be aborted than be miserable, neglected or worse abused in the world. It's much worse to live in misery than to be euthanized. Who is going to feed and take care of all of those unwanted children? They don't take into account how many orphans, unwanted and disabled children exist right now. How many who are living in suffering and being used or sold as slaves because they are unwanted or can't be taken care of. And they want more freaking people in the world so they can suffer more heinous crap so they can grow up to be misfits who will need to be locked up or continue the dysfunctional cycle or irresponsibility as nature is nasty and low and doesn't care if a person is a fit parent or is ready. It doesn't care if its from rape, if its a teenager on crack, if its an aids baby or adultery or any other fucked up situation that would be more detrimental to the CHILD not the person just pumping the baby out!
On this basis it would be a great kindness to kill a large proportion of the world's population. (It also sounds from your perception of the world that you might well be one of them.)
That's insincere and overdramatic. It's about prevention and about the future. If you want people breeding out of control then we can apply the same logic to pets and not get them fixed as we know there are too many animals in shelters that will never have homes and are a burden to taxpayers and are euthanized by the millions every year. Prevention is the key. It's about being responsible however you have to do it.
On this basis it would be a great kindness to kill a large proportion of the world's population. (It also sounds from your perception of the world that you might well be one of them.)

i see nothing wrong with this. people like you would make a stink, though. and this is unnecessary, however, because of suicide. most people are afraid of suicide and its religious taboo. others simply live for something, sometimes just to survive for the only reason of beating the odds or overcoming hardship or whatever, like in that "a child called it" or whatever it was called book.
On this basis it would be a great kindness to kill a large proportion of the world's population. (It also sounds from your perception of the world that you might well be one of them.)

and that's not a very nice thing to say. she's simply stating her opinion, you don't have to be an asshole if you have a different one. you should discuss with her not degrade her for having her own opinion, like all six something billion (and counting) of us do. happy discussing
That's insincere and overdramatic. It's about prevention and about the future. If you want people breeding out of control then we can apply the same logic to pets and not get them fixed as we know there are too many animals in shelters that will never have homes and are a burden to taxpayers and are euthanized by the millions every year. Prevention is the key. It's about being responsible however you have to do it.

if i were religious (which I'm not), and pompous (which i like to think that i'm not) and stupid (which i really hope that im not), then i would say that "god created man in his own image [pfft man createdgodout of his own image]. thus man is special. and thinking abstractly, he certainly is, if he can make people believe in a "god". i say atheists are the only sane ones around (i know i'm gonna get firebombed for this but thinking positively that will only lend for a counterattack).
and that's not a very nice thing to say. she's simply stating her opinion, you don't have to be an asshole if you have a different one. you should discuss with her not degrade her for having her own opinion, like all six something billion (and counting) of us do. happy discussing
Please be good enough to point out what is 'not a very nice thing' in pointing out the logical consequences of a poster's own opinion?
In what way is pointing out the logical consequences of one's opinion, being an asshole?
In what way is detecting a rather poor self image in an individual's writing (and commenting on it) being an asshole?
Don't you think a short sharp shock might be one way of helping said individual to reconsider their position?
Do you defend the notion it is acceptable to murder a few billion people because you believe them to be miserable and unhappy? Oh, wait a moment, you do, and did exactly so in your prior post.