
The third-eye gives you the possibility to think with your intuition. That means, not only logical, mathematical thinking but associative thinking which makes connections in which the meaning more by intuition and feelings than by ratio is understood.

Associative thinking is very important to solve complex problems that has too many variables and too many intensity (complex waveform) over time. Mathematically it is the backpropagation neural net with a constant rearranging of the net itself. The result is a by-product of years of meditation and learning (you need both).

And it works!
Crown-Chakra, the seventh Chakra, is located at the top of your head.

This Chakra levels your connection with the Cosmos and the area of the paranormal/supernatural. It is also your connection with "home": the Light Spheres from which we are originally coming.

The Crown-Chakra "allows" (by lack of a better word) you to make contact with the deeper meaning of events and encounters you have in life. It can give you more insight on the path you are walking in this life-time. This way the pain and suffering you meet ( in yourself or in others) can get more acceptable. Understanding is the key to acceptance.

Now here I have to be very careful, for my words probably won't come out quite right and I don't want someone confused here. So take it easy people.

The Crown-Chakra can make it possible to get information from sages or helpers who can help you with certain decisions/view on life and the like. Of course you have to be very careful with such information, because it can easily be confused by one of the many voices in your head which are representing unconscious desires or ordeals.

Information from sages/helpers are recognizable by the joyous, light feeling it accompanies. It will always be a message of Light and warmth or a suggestion. Never a commandment! As soon as it gives a feeling of plight and pressed force, the message is not pure.

When it comes to receiving messages from "higher energies", the connection with your own Inner Self is much more important than contact with any sage/helper. Most important is that you know you're connected with the "higher" goal in your life. It is this goal or ideal which inspires your life and gives meaning to it.
Keeping this inspiration alive is much more important than any contacts with sages/helpers, because it is you yourself who is responsible for your path in life and it is you yourself who knows and feels what is best for you in the end. (Sages may try to make you more aware of your confidence in your own Self.)

Contact with your own Soul/Inner Self you can recognize as a feeling of self acceptance and self understanding. You are in contact with your Soul/Inner Self if you can look at your own shortcomings without judging yourself and with understanding concerning your own "mistakes". These "mistakes" are all part of a learning progress and you are able to see that those "mistakes" or negative experiences indeed have a positive side to it, as in more insight and self acceptance.

Being in contact with your Soul/Inner Self gives you a feeling of trust, through which you are willing to go on, on your path in life and if necessarry, say goodbye to people, things or thoughts which do not support you anymore in your growing to the Light...

Walk Placidly Amongst the noise & haste!

You took a bashing just to say what some people may take an interest in, good on you.
For many years (since childhood) I saw auras---so often that it meant nothing to me, in fact. People I knew would give me books on how to interpret them etc., but they were such an everyday occurrence, seemingly so mundane, that I never felt compelled to do any research into it. What was different about my experience was that at least 90% of the auras I witnessed were around inanimate objects!?! (at least to this non-animist...) The strangest thing about it was that after the collapse of my first marriage (high-drama: a Sarah Lawrence girl with immense talent sprinkled in among the suicide attempts--the usual tragedies), I never saw another aura again, not once. It's been over 20 years now...
Any of you folks out there have any theories on the inanimate angle or the sudden and complete stoppage?
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yes, I believe I killed this thread! With an honest story, no less...sounds like a name for a new arch-villian---"Threadkiller."
No, you did not kill the thread. :)

What exactly do you mean by inanimate objects? Books, cd's, the television, trees, flowers, what? There is a difference.

Some people claim everything has an Aura. I think it goes for all things being alive. That can differ from person to person, though.

The sudden stoppage can be caused by "bad" experiences, by lack of a better word, which have coloured your vision on life in such a serious manner that the ability to see any Aura's simply disappeared.

Then again, it should be possible to get it back, once your life settles again and you find more joy in it. Maybe you are altered for the rest of your lifetime by it.

As I do not know you, I cannot say that for sure. Please, fill me in some more here...:)
Banshee, I meant everyday (non-reflective) objects---a sofa, the edge of a wall, a flower pot, etc. There was always maybe a two or three inch gap between the object and the inner edge of the aura. Occasionally people assumed I was BSing because I was so nonchalant about it, but since I saw them all over the place they seemed quite banal, in fact. It was only when I stopped seeing them, and it took some time to realize that fact, that I started wondering about the whole thing...
In addition, I never saw one when looking directly at the object. It was always at a slightly oblique angle, at any time of day, and in any light. It wasn't as if I looked around and saw auras everywhere, but a few times a day, most every day. Then, never. I don't regard this as anything especially compelling or bizarre, but it happened, and that's about it, I guess.
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