
Belly - Chakra The Belly - Chakra is the centre of emotions and emotional relation-ships with others.
Here lies the centre of your intuititve knowing, something you probably recognize from situations of crisis and great danger towards your own person.

First impressions you get from persons or surrounding are also classified in this intuitive knowing. This Chakra gives important information on how you really feel in certain situations and with people. It also shows how much you let these feelings play a part in your daily life and how you act with them.

From out the Belly - Chakra you experience your sexuality too. If you are hurt one way or another, sexual, it leaves its trails in this Chakra. This doesn't mean only physical sexual abuse. Also society and the way you are brought up by your parents, picture an image about your view on men and/or women. Now-a-days it's not that easy for some people to accept their bodies and sexuality in a natural way. A lot of emotional problems find its origin in this Chakra.

Also the ability to sense emotions/feelings and moods from others are to be found here. This ability can vary from empathy - compare for the emotions/feelings of someone else - till intuitive knowing - feel the emotions/feelings and moods from someone else without them saying so.

Your Belly - Chakra is functioning good if you are able to live with your inner emotions/feelings, the positive and the negative, and dare to look at them and live them truely. This is difficult for a lot of people because emotions/feelings are not always what society wants them to be. Often people depress their instinctive, emotional knowing to keep the peace, so to say. If you listen to your inner emotions/feelings, no matter how confronting they may be, then it will give you more and more grip on your personal life. It enhances your self esteem. You learn to say "No", without feeling guilty about it. And you learn where your responsibility begins and ends and where the responsibility of someone else begins.

A lack of contact with your emotions can exist from a strongly developed ratio or morality about what is wrong and what is right. Both lead to the point that emotions are 'reasoned away'. As being worthless. Part of this is too much 'love' for intellectual capacities.

It is also possible that someone becomes emotional to easily. Then you are not quite able to see the difference between your own and others emotions/feelings. People who are very caring and compassionate, can be so aware of other people's emotions/feelings and needs that they lose contact with their own inner emotions/feelings. Problems with assertivity and making your own boundaries are often to be found then.

TruthSeeker, Kundalini is something different. It has nothing to do with Auras. Why don't you open a thread about...? :) :)
Oh yeah... what I'm talking about...
It has to do with Chackras... :p

But Chackras and Auras have the same colors and the same meanings...!! :eek::bugeye:

That's why I confused myself... :p

To learn Aura - reading, you first have to know where the 7 main Chakra's are located and what their meanings are. :) The colors are from importance here for the Aura - reading.

The 7 main Chakra's given here are not all the Chakra's a human posesses.

This is meant, above all, as information to learn how to see and interpretate Auras...:) :)

(Auras differy from one second in the other because peoples thoughts and feelings change all the time, so the colors change too.)
Midrif-Chakra, or Solar Plexus, is located a little below your stomach. It forms the well from which your life-energy and creativity originiates. (sorry for the bad English). It is the 'chair' of your will-power.

The energy from this Chakra allows you to realize your thoughts, desires and wishes into material reality. This creative energy can be inspired by desires or ideals from the higher self, the heart, or it can be used only for your own ego. Personal power and ambition.

The way you stand in life, feel yourself really part of life and your daily businesses, says a lot about the functioning of this Chakra. Someone who's passive and lethargic for a longer time period has (temporarily) lost the connection with his/her creative part. This is not a bad thing. In the feelings of passivity and emptyness, the 'soul' speaks of her desire for more fulfilling activities. The soul speaks via your feelings. The troubles start when the voice of the soul's been neglected for a real long time period.

Someone who's way of life is active and enthousiastic has a good connection with this third Chakra. There can be a little snake under the grass, so to say. You can live a highly active and busy life, while true creativity lacks. The creativity which expresses itself through the soul. The kind of activity which come from 'extern motives', like wanting to fulfill the norms and expectations by society, partner, parents/family and friends can depress the connection with your true inner creativity. In this cases, there is always a certain feeling of unsatisfactory present in your Inner Self, or conciousness.

When you don't pay attention to this, it can express itself eventually in psychological or physical 'illnesses'. The total energy of the Inner Self can not expres itself in the proper way.

When this Chakra is functioning in its optimal form, the creative impulses of the soul flow without effort through to your earthly reality. Someone is able to realize his/her deepest dreams and desires and will feel him/herself essentially fulfilled.


My apologies for the bad English. It's a little hard to tell and explain in English... :)

When this Chakra is functioning in its optimal form, the creative impulses of the soul flow without effort through to your earthly reality. Someone is able to realize his/her deepest dreams and desires and will feel him/herself essentially fulfilled.

I've been feeling this Chackra more then usual.

I had a dream where a pregnant women taught me to play piano (creativity, creative power of Universe from Feminine power...)
And while doing Tai Chi and Chi Gong, I've been feeling it too!!
In the case of the Chi Gong was the Chi Gong of the heart, fire.

What? Will my dreams soon be finally fulfilled? :):):):):)


How to make it function in its optimal form?

I think it is working in its optimal form with you TruthSeeker. :) :)

Dreams you have during your life-time, what you want to accomplish...:) :) :)
Chackras and the elements

"If you wish to enhance or utilize more of the element of FIRE, you may focus on the SOLAR PLEXUS Chakra and the refined frequencies of golden energy from your I AM Self. See a sphere of radiant golden Light begin to pulsate and glow in your heart center and expand to incorporate your solar plexus and
throat, thus becoming your SOLAR POWER CENTER. See the red energy of the First Ray of Divine Will and Power penetrate your Crown Chakra and ignite the attributes of the First Ray within you. Use the red energy to create strength, power in thought, action, and deeds, to claim and manifest abundance, enhance your courage, and stimulate you into action. Also use the
yellow energies of the Third Ray to reinforce your will, perseverance, and forbearance. Wear red stones such as ruby, garnet, or bloodstones and yellow or gold-colored stones such as topaz, amber, or citrine. Eat yellow and red fruits and vegetables and exercise to stimulate the heart and purify the blood. As always, drink pure water to release the toxins that accumulate
within the body as you move ever more quickly through the transformation process. Gaze into a dancing fire or a candle and imagine the life-giving energies of fire power penetrating the depths of your Being and stoking your reserves.

To stimulate and enhance the element of EARTH, focus on the ROOT CHAKRA at the base of the spine. Even though you are reaching for the stars, you still need to be firmly anchored in the physical vessel and to the Earth. Envision a rich copper color from within the Earth rising up and permeating your Root Chakra, then see the transforming energies of the five higher galactic rays
add sparkling violet tones to this area. This will assist you to release survival/scarcity issues and keep you firmly grounded as you become multidimensional and move easily between the third, fourth, and fifth dimensions. Wear or use black tourmaline, obsidian, smoky quartz, or red jasper. Eat vegetables grown within the ground such as white and sweet potatoes, onions, and small amounts of protein. It is for you to decide along with your body Elemental whether or not red meat is beneficial for you
at your present level of evolvement. Walk on the soft earth in your bare feet, and lie in the cool grass at night gazing up at the stars, and consciously attune your heartbeat to that of the Mother Earth.

To balance and harmonize the WATER element within, focus on the NAVAL CHAKRA, located in the lower abdomen just below the naval. This chakra rules the functions of procreation, assimilation of food, and sexuality. This is the center of the "feeling mind" chakra and is the seat of the emotions. See this chakra flooded with Light as it becomes a luminescent orange/pink. This will help you access your higher emotional nature, whereby you will move out of the emotional nature of the ego and begin to function under the direction of your Higher Self. Wear or use stones such as carnelian, coral, gold calcite, pink tourmaline, rose quartz, or peach aventurine. Drink orange or grapefruit juice and eat orange or yellow fruits and vegetables. When possible, allow the gentle waves of water to wash over you, and imagine that
this healing energy is washing away your cares and strengthening you with its powerful, positive energies, or take soothing salt or mineral baths.

The fourth element we will focus on is the element of AIR. There is also the element of the ETHERS, but for this lesson we will incorporate the Air and Etheric elements into one. These elements are centered within the HEART AND THROAT CHAKRAS. The heart chakra anchors the life-force from the Higher
Self, and the throat chakra rules the energies of vibration through the spoken word, sound, and communication. Envision the green of the heart chakra as it gradually turns into a pale pink/violet, and the thymus area begins to radiate a beautiful turquoise as it encompasses the throat area and becomes a part of your power center. To activate the throat chakra wear
turquoise, chrysocolla, blue topaz, sodalite, lapis lazuli, and aquamarine. For the heart chakra wear emeralds, green or pink tourmaline, malachite, green jade, green aventurine, or kunzite. Eat blue or purple fruits and vegetables, and for the heart center, eat green fruits and vegetables. Consciously move into the flow of the wind and feel the surges and ebbs of its energies. Feel it as it soothes, cools and refreshes your body and allow
its calming effects to do the same for your internal body/mind structure."

Re: Chackras and the elements

Originally posted by TruthSeeker
"If you wish to enhance or utilize more of the element of FIRE, you may focus on the SOLAR PLEXUS Chakra...
Geeez... I know you have an aversion to the presentation of actual facts, but the least you could do is credit the author, Ronna Herman (her article here). Placing easily-missed quotation marks at the beginning and end of a huge C&P doesn't do the trick, as many will overlook these and accept the post as your words. Herman, at least, attempts to present a modicum of credibility by attributing her words to the Archangel Michael

Hmmmm... I wonder what color the aura is for a plagiarist?
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What are you talking about goofyfish!?!?

I received this through e-mail, from a list, and a friend quote it. I didn't know where it came from. I put the quotes anyway to say that they are not my own words. It's not even the whole article. I posted it all in another forum (now I don't remember each one anymore). I posted this part because Banshee is talking about it!

And don't give me personal attacks anymore, please... I don't have time to answer this kind of thing.

Btw... nice to see that you read this kind of thing too... :D

Heart-Chakra, the fourth Chakra, is located in the middle of your chest, near the Heart. From here come the so called higher feelings, like friendship, love and forgiveness.

The Heart allows someone to have relation-ships with people and 'surroundings' which are not based on selfishness. In the Heart, the memory lives on from the original One - ness(?) of All That Is. The stronger the Heart-Chakra is developed, the more the desire lives to equallity and 'brotherhood'. Thus, the more the ability for understanding and tolerance toward others and the Earth/world is present.

The Heart is like a bridge between the upper and lower Chakra's; it connects the spiritual/rational 'field' (fifth, sixth, seventh Chakra) with the intinctive/emotional 'field' (first, second, third Chakra) through feelings.

There is a difference between emotions and feelings. Feelings are more mild and stable then emotions, which can flame up like a fire and fade away again. Emotions often give problems by taking a good decision, while feelings allow you to place your emotional as well as your rational functioning, in good perspective.

This way, the Heart can bring balance in your soul/spirit. It is case you learn to really listen to the language of your feelings - the voice of the Heart - that's often difficult to do because this voice is subtle and is easily over-shouted by your ratio and/or your emotions.

( Apologies for the bad English. It's real difficult to find the right words to explain it in English. Hope you understand it anyway.) :)
( Apologies for the bad English. It's real difficult to find the right words to explain it in English. Hope you understand it anyway.)

In my case... I know that! :);)

Still trying to shut up emotions...

What happened? You've only posted 4 Chakras and you said we have to learn 7. Auras are a very interesting subject to me. Im waiting...
Throat-Chakra, the fifth Chakra is located in the middle of your throat. It's the centre of speech and communication. Communication is the capability to express your Inner Self through language and your voice. (make it material)

People who have difficulties to speak about what concerns their desires and emotions, often have a block in he throat centre. Express your Inner Self, always means that you become "visible" for the outside world and that can bring a certain fear because of the vulnerability you show when speaking from out your true self.

This fear can lead to keeping all your feelings/emotions inside until you "choke" yourself. This can be the case with people who show to be very assertive. When this assertivity is born from out a certain self defense, the real feelings, emotions and desires are not expressed and stay unspoken.

Language- and/or speaking disturbances and throat-diseases can be a result of a disturbance from the energy-balance in this fifth Chakra.

When the fifth Chakra is working well, a person can name his/her thoughts and feelings in a good nuanced(?) way. This is done in the first place by using language, it can be named also by more creative expressions, like painting, making Music etcetera. The fifth Chakra is in this way also a centre of creativity. (In the sense of giving a more sensitive - material form to what lives inside of you, your Inner Self.)

My goodness, it is not easy! :) Hope you understand it. :) Apologies for the late reply here, *stRgrL*. It's pretty hard, to tell it in English, in an understandable way... :)
My goodness, it is not easy! Hope you understand it. Apologies for the late reply here, *stRgrL*. It's pretty hard, to tell it in English, in an understandable way...

YES!!! :eek: :bugeye: :eek: :bugeye:

True Story! This new-agey whack-job I used to know claimed to be able to see auras. Whenever she was out and about, she would comment on the shape and color of people's auras around us. Oddly enough, she said I had no aura. She claimed this meant I was a "spiritual null point" and was actually a negative spiritual force that robbed and removed spiritual energy from every thing around me. A sort of "soul vampire" in her words. It made me sad that the whole thing was utter crap. Being a "soul vampire" could be fun.

What she sees, I feel...

PS: Does she has ICQ...? :D

Good Luck...
The Third-Eye, the sixth Chakra which is called the third eye, is located between your eyebrows. In this Chakra the capability of creative thinking, imagination and "clear vision" (in the sense of paranormal vision; sixth sense) is present.

The third-eye gives you the possibility to think with your intuition. That means, not only logical, mathematical thinking but associative thinking which makes connections in which the meaning more by intuition and feelings than by ratio is understood. Example: Artists express themselves mostly by using their Third-Eye. (My, what a bad English).

A phenomenon everybody knows is when you have the feeling, someone is watching you but you can not see this person. When you suddenly look behind you, this feeling appears to be right. This kind of "visions" (don't know another word) are coming from the Sixth Chakra.

Someone with a strong developed third-eye very often picks up much more information from his/her surroundings than is comprehensive with the normal, five senses. Such a person can feel easily the thoughts and moods from others. And react on not aloud spoken thoughts and/or needs from someone else. Such a person is very good in 'reading between the lines' in social contacts.

It's not always easy to have this ability. Often it occurs that a person is not conscient of this capability and then it's difficult to tell which feelings are his/hers or from others. When this Chakra is in balance, the person knows it and is able to open up or close down for the energies from other persons.

When the Sixth Chakra is not well developed, there is a lack of imagination or flexibel thinking. Such a person has a certain dogmatism in his/her way of thinking and has difficulties with changes and people who are looking differently at reality than he/she. In this society the logical, rational thinking is much more appreciated than the associative, intuitive thinking. The last way of thinking is mostly thought of as irrational or at the best, something for artists and writers, who, according to the rational thinkers, are living outside reality.

This is a pity, though, because messages from the Third-Eye can be extremely practical. If you dare to trust on the messages from your third-eye, something is excisting what is called synchronity nowadays. An un-probable (is that a word?) way of coming together from circumstances, through which something you want, becomes reality in an unexpected and effortless way...

(Again, apologies for the English!)

Originally posted by Northwind
True Story! This new-agey whack-job I used to know claimed to be able to see auras. Whenever she was out and about, she would comment on the shape and color of people's auras around us. Oddly enough, she said I had no aura. She claimed this meant I was a "spiritual null point" and was actually a negative spiritual force that robbed and removed spiritual energy from every thing around me. A sort of "soul vampire" in her words. It made me sad that the whole thing was utter crap. Being a "soul vampire" could be fun.

According to aura people you are a walking dead...and shows in your posts too....go find some auras to fill the void...:D...:D

(just joking...but if you are some meditation)