

Registered Senior Member

We speak of the individual and the Universe.
But within the individual, there lies a universe as well.

Auras, our own personal rainbows.
They are also described as Emotion in Motion.

There is a life force, an energy field surrounding every living thing on Earth. Researchers have announced the existence of this field. Yale researchers have determined that disease can be detected in the aura before it manifests in the physical body. The colors seen in one's Aura can be associated with the colors of the chakras and energy levels can be detected through careful study of the Aura with the chakra color. You can also read the auric levels of plants, trees, animals, any living object on the earth can be read.

Remember, we are all energy beings surrounded and enveloped in various degrees of energy and motion.

The Science of Auras

To speak on Auras, first venture into the scientific realms, understanding that science and spirituality are completely linked in truly understanding the Cosmos. One day, both sides will understand this and they will come together to work and gain deeper understanding of the Universe.

There is a universal force of nature which is called Chi, or Qi or Universal Energy. If one could view Chi with the naked eye, you would see that it goes in spirals, similar to how the DNA molecule is viewed. It spirals down from the sun, the moon, the planets, the stars and on and on... Each celestial body has an effect on us. To those who doubt, at least examine what types of effects these bodies have on us in the physical realm.. for example, if the moon has the power to affect the massive oceans on Earth, does it not also affect your body, which is made of so much water? Does not the force of the Sun, give photosynthesis to plants to grow? What happens to your body physically if you stay out in the Sun all day, do you not experience sunburn, dehydration, heatstroke? If these bodies can affect our physical body, it is easier to prove scientifically rather than to disprove that they also have an effect on our mental and astral bodies as well.

When brought these theories down into a more personal level, albeit, we come to the study of our personal Chi.

As noted psychoanalyst Carl Jung said, We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season in which we were born.

We all have our own Chi, which begins at birth, when we take our first breath. The most profound statement that I could ever teach anyone, and I could spend decades teaching this one statement in greater detail is, THE BREATH IS THE LIFE!

Our Chi is singular and unique and eminates within and throughout us as energy. With each breath we draw inward, we are bringing in Chi that is around us, with each exhale that we make, we are releasing Chi back to the universe. Let's think about this for a moment..... The Chi we breathe in, is taken from the air that is closest around us. Now given the fact, that Chi is energy and energy is neither positive or negative, it just is, but it can be charged with positive or negative sources, which we can create around us. For example, have you ever been around someone and just felt a strange vibe, or felt that this person was unhappy, spiteful, angry and you didn't even know them? Their emotions are spilling forth from inside their body, outward around them. So in this state, as they are angry and breathing in, they are breathing in the negatively charged air that they are creating and it serves to add fuel to the fire. It is easy to understand then how one can create and then be trapped in a cycle of thinking and then feel unable to snap out of that feeling. Take Depression for example.. the person becomes depressed over a period of time, as they become depressed, their thoughts are directed in this mood, and their energy is low. They feel fatigued, lethargic and they also tend to breathe very shallow. As their depressed thoughts extend outward from them, they continue to breathe in the same negatively charged chi and the cycle continues until something is altered to charge the air differently. Depending upon the severity of the depression, defines how easily or difficult the air and mood is lifted. A person who is feeling depressed because of a loss of a job or a love interest, may snap out of their feelings after a few weeks because of an incredible job offer they receive or meeting a new person. A person with a deeper depression, may require help from other sources such as a therapist to help them review and alter their thoughts and perceptions and in some cases, medication to help alter the chemical balance that has been created long term within the body from the depression that was created. This assistance helps the person to search within themselves and find within their soul, hope and purpose which gives strength to move forward and subconsciously renew their Chi and recharge their energy.

If you think about this for moment, you will recall old sayings that we still use today... After a fight, someone might say.. We need to clear the air or someone who has been down and working too hard might say, I need a breath of fresh air, a vacation away.. or when something just doesn't feel right, but you can't place your finger on what it is.. someone may say, There's something in the air....

Our Chi eminates outside of our body and can be described as a type of force field that encompasses our body. This is what many describe as one's Aura. With modern advances, a type of photography has been created that can actually photograph the Aura. A person who has studied Auras can read much information from a person's Aura, including their mood, emotions, and many aspects of the personality.

While we're talking colors, how does color affect our life?
Whether or not we realize it, we are all affected emotionally by the colors that surround us. In our home, the colors that we choose reflect our personality and our feelings at that time. Colors also influence our guests and the other family members in our home.

Color researchers have found that when people are placed in red rooms, that their pulses and body temperatures increase, when the same people are placed in a blue room, the opposite effect occurs. The following are examples of emotional and psychological influences that color can cause and how choosng a color can change the feel and attitude of your home.

RED... Red stimulates our nervous system and increases assertiveness. Reds make us feel empowered and energetic. they are great for areas where physical activity is happening, like a workout room. Do you have trouble getting out of bed in the morning? Paint your bedroom red and you'll jump out bed. Red seen in the aura indicates passion, courage, enthusiam, and excitement.

ORANGE...Orange is also stimulating. Red and orange also increase the appetite. This is why these colors are so popular in restaurants and especially fast food restaurants. When these colors are present, not only are you hungry and want to eat a lot, but your nervous system is also stimulated so that you want to get out of there quickly. Orange is a great color for a dining room as it helps people loosen up and laugh more. Around orange, people are usually more gregarious. In an orange dining room, dinner parties will last longer and seem more interesting. Orange seen in the aura indicates energy, optimism, and positive thoughts

PINK...Pinks offer a sense of well being and make people feel affectionate and positive toward others. Pink was once the staple of little girls bedrooms, but new shades of rose, mauve and blush have become popular choices in carpets, furniture and social areas like living rooms. A light shade of pink can be used as a neutral background much like a gray. Pink seen in the aura indicates friendship, affection, devotion, and tenderness.

YELLOW... Yellows remind us of the sun. They make a dark room appear to be bright and cheery. Yellow can visually expand the space in a small room, but pale yellow should be used in a small room or it can be overpowering. Yellow is terrific to brighten up a bedroom or a living room, especially when combined with royal blue. Yellow seen in the aura indicates luck, intelligence, and acadenic acheivement.

GREEN... Greens are symbolic of gardens, meadows and forests. When we are surrounded by green, we feel calm, refreshed and at peace. Green is great for bedrooms, bathrooms and other areas where tranquility is desired. Green brings nature indoors, no matter where you live. It is also very helpful in cooling down a room that receives a lot of hot sunny weather. Green seen in the aura indicates money, prosperity, abundance, and a love of nature. Light Green indicates health, new beginnings, youthfulness.

BLUE... Blue is the most popular color of choice by most people. It symbolizes relaxation, serenity and a deep peace. Blue in the home can be used to psychologically cool a home in a warm climate and combined with contrasts of yellow or gold, blue can brighten a home and its occupants moods almost instantly. Blue seen in the aura indicates peace, calmness, communication, and intuition. Light Blue indicates spiritual and psychic development, and compassion.

PURPLE...Purple is a deeply spiritual color and inspires awe and respect. When made lighter into lavender, it become comfortable and assuring. If you suffer from insomina, lavender is great in a bedroom, as it lowers blood pressure and relaxes the mind. Purple however is powerful and regal and makes a statement in any room. Small touches of purple can affect the mood of the entire room, even a few throw pillows in this color will excite the room. Purple seen in the aura indicates intuitiveness, confidence, and spiritual advancement.

BROWN... Browns symbolize down to earth features. Brown is stable, secure and supporting. The brown family includes beige and taupe and are great for neutral areas in the home like kitchens. Browns bring rooms together, yet stay in the background. They neither activate nor pacify emotions, they cooperate with the other colors, serving to bring them to light. Brown can be considered the frame of a painting. Brown seen in the aura indicates stability, practicality, and acquiring land.

The Chakras and exact locations with explanation, will follow. As Aura reading shall come to order... :cool:
Yes, I know that. The intention here is to let people know how they themselves can see an Aura and interpretate. It is an introduction, the first post, to let people know what's at the base of Auras and Aura reading. :)

It's easy to let someone take a photograph of an/your Aura, it changes all the time, so it is better when you yourself can read them and know how to do it.

For the ones who are interested...:) :)
To speak on Auras, first venture into the scientific realms, understanding that science and spirituality are completely linked in truly understanding the Cosmos. One day, both sides will understand this and they will come together to work and gain deeper understanding of the Universe.

Banshee, I don't give a rat's ass about the rest of it, but don't call this 'science'. It is not science.

There is a universal force of nature which is called Chi, or Qi or Universal Energy. If one could view Chi with the naked eye, you would see that it goes in spirals, similar to how the DNA molecule is viewed. It spirals down from the sun, the moon, the planets, the stars and on and on... Each celestial body has an effect on us. To those who doubt, at least examine what types of effects these bodies have on us in the physical realm.. for example, if the moon has the power to affect the massive oceans on Earth, does it not also affect your body, which is made of so much water? Does not the force of the Sun, give photosynthesis to plants to grow? What happens to your body physically if you stay out in the Sun all day, do you not experience sunburn, dehydration, heatstroke? If these bodies can affect our physical body, it is easier to prove scientifically rather than to disprove that they also have an effect on our mental and astral bodies as well.

And if it existed.

Do you have one shred of evidence for its existance?

We all have our own Chi, which begins at birth, when we take our first breath. The most profound statement that I could ever teach anyone, and I could spend decades teaching this one statement in greater detail is, THE BREATH IS THE LIFE!

How do you propose to test this if it is scientific?

It is not. Kindly do not represent as such.

[Xev] - many things were not concerned as science before. In Middle Ages alchemists vere burnt down , but today we know tht those people laid the foundations of modern chemistry. . To quote one unknown source "What a large book can be written of what humans know!, and what even more bigger of what they don't." If by science you think of everything tht is proven by know then of course auras can not be concerned as science. But what about teleportation, AI, FTL travels, nano- bots, time travel. Tht is all possible and not less thn auras, btw.

How much of Banshee's theory is true- I don't know, maybe there are auras, but not as banshee thinks of them.

Science is everything of what is not known, but possible.
[leave god outside this. I'm not talkin about religious madness];)

Information!!! ...Parapsychology is the study of the unexplained. (unexplained science :p) No essential evidence necessarry, the evidence there is, is given to you and shall be given as much as possible. :) Isn't that beautiful? :) How many times do I have to explain this people?? I get a little tired of it...

Can we stay at the Auras please? They are indeed visible, the first post is an introduction.

Avatar, what do you mean by: *but not as banshee thinks of them.*...?

Banshee does not think, Banshee sees...:bugeye:
but tht doesn't exclude the thing tht auras may exist

before electro-microscope was invented, we couldn't prove tht atoms existed

maybe the method is wrong, nothing more
See Ya
Who says psychology is science? Is drug effect a science? is it repeatable like speed of light, time after time all the time?Then again...Science....

Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin scientia, from scient-, sciens having knowledge, from present participle of scire to know; probably akin to Sanskrit chyati he cuts off, Latin scindere to split

1 : the state of knowing : knowledge as distinguished from ignorance or misunderstanding
2 a : a department of systematized knowledge as an object of study <the science of theology> b : something (as a sport or technique) that may be studied or learned like systematized knowledge <have it down to a science>
3 a : knowledge or a system of knowledge covering general truths or the operation of general laws especially as obtained and tested through scientific method b : such knowledge or such a system of knowledge concerned with the physical world and its phenomena : NATURAL SCIENCE
4 : a system or method reconciling practical ends with scientific laws <culinary science>
5 capitalized : CHRISTIAN SCIENCE

Main Entry: behavioral science
Function: noun
Date: 1951
: a science (as psychology, sociology, or anthropology) that deals with human action and seeks to generalize about human behavior in society

May be Aura Science should be defined as : an interdisciplinary science that draws on many fields (as psychology, sociology, and philosophy) in developing theories about human perception, thinking, and behavior in society

just a thought....
it is infinitely more sensible for humans to accept the possibility of a particular phenomenon's existence than to rule it out entirely - because, as said above, the further science advances the more the field of what we do not understand expands; if history is to be any lesson, that is, we should realize we've spent most of our time denying the existence of things somebody eventually managed to prove were true.

yet it's apparently just as tempting as it is illogical for people to assume that if it hasn't been explained to them yet then any evidence is simply a chimera. how silly of us.

(that's all to say, i have no opinion either way on this subject, but just 'cause i haven't seen china doesn't make me feel comfortable asserting that it isn't there.)
I agree with you defenestrated.

I think people should really be more open to new things so they could learn more. If all people were skeptics then we would progress very slowly and only make little steps forward and only if those were backed up by something that is aproved to be right and have lots of hard evidence behind it. Seems like skeptics aren't creative in areas that are new to us and those who are they try to label lunatics and stone them down with angry criticism. Criticism is of course welcome but it gets boring if it comes always from same guys living in their dusty box which is their whole world and everything outside that box can't be real and is just fiction. But at least it is safe to live in dusty box that changes slowly and is quite stable. It's never too late to come out of that box though and start to search for alternative ways. First thing you should do is to start search for your true higher self, even if you couldn't complete that task in this life. :)

And please Banshee tell more, this is really intresting subject and one that I would like to learn. It would be nice if you could include some simple practices that you can start with. I'm really looking forward for your next Aura related posts! ;)

And please skeptics don't post this thread full of crap messages that have no value at all to no one.
Criticism is of course welcome but it gets boring if it comes always from same guys living in their dusty box which is their whole world and everything outside that box can't be real and is just fiction. But at least it is safe to live in dusty box that changes slowly and is quite stable. It's never too late to come out of that box though and start to search for alternative ways

Dusty box? Did I ask you to describe your skull?

As for my life being stable, you have obviously never been to Sunken R'yleh for the I Love Dagon festival. ;)

don't post this thread full of crap messages

Why don't you take your own advice?

that have no value at all to no one.

I am sure somone values your 'crap messages'.

yet it's apparently just as tempting as it is illogical for people to assume that if it hasn't been explained to them yet then any evidence is simply a chimera. how silly of us.

Did I argue that or have you been inhaling the vapors a bit too deeply?

Straw man.

3 a : knowledge or a system of knowledge covering general truths or the operation of general laws especially as obtained and tested through scientific method b : such knowledge or such a system of knowledge concerned with the physical world and its phenomena : NATURAL SCIENCE

This is the definition I was referring to.

May be Aura Science should be defined as : an interdisciplinary science that draws on many fields (as psychology, sociology, and philosophy) in developing theories about human perception, thinking, and behavior in society

Is it tested through the scientific method?

I don't care. I really don't. But it annoys me when pseudoscientists try to take the credit for the discoveries of science by stealing our name.

Please, show a little creativity and call it somthing else. That's all I ask, and all I have to say.

Isn't science "the search for truth". That would mean they are MORE scientests (cause they are doing the searching) than some other people labled as such (who only USE science).

Can i ask if one of them PROVES there therios then they will be scientest but becuse they havent yet they are not. That is a bit hard to swallow. Enstine wasn't a scientest till the atom had been split? Id say he was MORE a scientest while he was LOOKING.
Is it tested through the scientific method?

Mixing 'apples' and 'oranges' just because they belong to a class called 'fruit' just shows confusion.

We are in the 'parapsychology' thread. There is no scientific method as in the NATURAL SCIENCE.

Before anyone demands the proof, evidence, scientific method etc, please check the top of the reply page, you will see what section you are in. If it says 'subcultures' and 'Parapsychology' or 'Pseudoscience', you are no longer in NATURAL SCIENCE country. If you are confused, please stay away from these threads.

Be smart and post smart. Thank you.

Originally posted by LaulavaPuu
*And please Banshee tell more, this is really intresting subject and one that I would like to learn. It would be nice if you could include some simple practices that you can start with. I'm really looking forward for your next Aura related posts!*

Well, this is a real simple tip. It doesn't work for everybody and you must have patience. Try it out and tell me what happened please...:)

Find someone who is a willing subject and ask them to sit on a stool in front of a plain white wall. A stool is recommended because you want to be able to see the back of their head without the back of a chair interfering. Have the subject sit sideways on the stool so that you are looking at their profile. Look at the back of their head, then look at the wall behind their head, now let your eyes relax and do not look directly at their head anymore, look next to their head where it ends with the wall. Within a little while, you will see their aura.

Once you see their aura, ask them to close their eyes and to think of something that makes them really happy, when they do this, you will see their aura level extend outward significantly. You will also see when they stop thinking of the happy thought, as the aura will shrink back down in size. At first, you may only see a light color or muted color, do not worry. The more your practice, the more you will grow and then begin to see the colors around the person's body.

As I mentioned, this is a real simple way to try if you can see an Aura. Please take notice of that. Thank you...:)
Banshee stated:

Banshee does not think, Banshee sees...

I would like to ask your permission to use this as my signature quote.

It's the best one I've ever seen on this board. :D
The Rooth - Chakra...

Rooth - Chakra is located on the bottom of your spine.

This Chakra has to do with the way, you, as your Inner Self, are connected with Earth. It is related to work, body-care, food, finances, shortly, everything that has to do with 'Earthly Survival'.

- Is finding work and/or making money easy for you or do you find often difficulties here?
- Do you feel yourself safe in your body, in general, or do you feel uncertain about how you look to the outside world or about your health?
- How do you feel in your own house and living surrounding; do you feel that you can express yourself here like you yourself are or do you have the feeling you are dependable on others in this?

All this kind of base feelings are reflected in the Rooth - Chakra.

When this Chakra is functioning good, you are standing with both feet on the ground, so to say and you have a feeling of trust in life. It also shows you are willing to take responsibility for everything that's coming on your path, to succeed in manifesting your wishes and desires into concrete earthly reality.

A less good functioning Rooth - Chakra makes you feel unsafe in your Earth - bound body, you feel nervous and stressed without a significant reason. Structural problems with work, money and way of living are an example of this.

Humans who are not 'grounded' properly are often experienced by other people as dreamers or easy to influence. Often these humans have 'rich' Inner Feelings and can connect easily with spirituality and artistic expressions. It is important to 'ground' this Inner Richdom. Neuroses, addictions and other forms of instability can be the consquenses...


(next Chakra will follow)
Q, you are either a huge masochist or you are the most tenacious person I have yet to 'meet'!

Before anyone demands the proof, evidence, scientific method etc, please check the top of the reply page, you will see what section you are in. If it says 'subcultures' and 'Parapsychology' or 'Pseudoscience', you are no longer in NATURAL SCIENCE country. If you are confused, please stay away from these threads.

Erm, I believe that Banshee claimed it was science.

Reading skills, anyone?
Originally posted by [Q]
*I would like to ask your permission to use this as my signature quote.*

By all means, feel free to do so...:p