Attitudes to rape

I believe the following are mitigating circumstances in rape (see first post):

  • Woman was wearing 'sexy' or revealing clothing.

    Votes: 7 10.6%
  • Woman had many past sexual partners.

    Votes: 7 10.6%
  • Woman was drunk at the time (i.e. got herself drunk).

    Votes: 10 15.2%
  • Woman at no time clearly said "No" to sex.

    Votes: 22 33.3%
  • Woman previously flirted with the rapist.

    Votes: 7 10.6%
  • Woman was in a relationship with the rapist at the time.

    Votes: 10 15.2%
  • Woman was married to the rapist.

    Votes: 13 19.7%
  • Woman had consented to sex with the rapist on another occasion.

    Votes: 10 15.2%
  • Woman had a reputation for being sexually promiscuous.

    Votes: 6 9.1%
  • None of the above.

    Votes: 37 56.1%

  • Total voters
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What country do you live in?

However, I also believe that the government needs to impose regulations on what clothes women can wear and in which zones what is allowable and is not.

Why? What's the harm in women wearing what they want?
The law disagrees with you. Nobody invites rape. Wanted sexual attention is one thing. Unwanted sexual attention, and especially unwanted sexual activity, can be criminal.

Well regardless of the law, asking for sexual attention should mean something to her. As I said, she should have SOME blame for knowing what could happen. However, as I have stated before, in no way should her portion of the blame affect the male's punishment nor should it be considered when charges are filed. Do you agree?
Well regardless of the law, asking for sexual attention should mean something to her. As I said, she should have SOME blame for knowing what could happen. However, as I have stated before, in no way should her portion of the blame affect the male's punishment nor should it be considered when charges are filed. Do you agree?

I agree that even if the woman did wear revealing clothes and the man raped her...the women should not be held responsible, but the rapist should be prosecuted. I am saying that in order to avoid majority of rapes, make women wear regular clothes...not shirt skirts or shirt blouses...or small top. Make sure the parents control what that girl wears is not revealing.
James R.:

You do realize that your post is the biggest example of the Fallacy of the Appeal to Authority that has ever been posted outside of quoting the Bible here on Sciforums, yes?

It matters little what the law says. Laws are made by man and are subject to the change of man.

Similarly, you degenerate into the ad hominem. Our views are not "bigotted" because they disagree with you. Please, if you are going to speak to any of us, let us have it without fallacies making a mockery of your viewpoints? It isn't befitting a man who is not a fool. And indeed, you are not a fool. I know you are capable of doing better than this.

Also, to make my own Appeal to Authority, the idea that a "women must be shown to have consented to sex" is contradictory to the United States (and most of the rest of the civilized world) conception of "the onus of proof is on the accuser". If we allow "women must be shown to have consented to sex", then any man, whenever he has sex with a woman, is completely liable for any rape charge the woman deems fit to charge against him, regardless of whether the act was rape or not to begin with. Accordingly, one could even say that not even a contract, that explicitly states that she consents to the act, could work, if she can "change her mind" and then it "becomes rape".

There's little point in trying to argue you out of your archaic views. The only person who can do that is you yourself. But it will require that you put some effort into educating yourself. The information is out there if you care to look for it.

I'd like to just highlight for you where you're going wrong, at this stage, so you'll know where you're out of step with civilised society.

And there is little point in trying to argue you out of your absurd views. The only person who can do that is you yourself. But it willr equire that you put some effort into educating yourself. The information is out there if you care to look for it.

I'd just like to highlight for you where you're going wrong, at this stage, so you'll know where you're out of step with civilized society.

Let's can the sanctimonious crap, can we?

Wrong. If there is an absence of consent, it is rape. A woman must consent to sex, or else sex is rape.

What constitutes "consent"? Does a woman have to say "I freely consent to have sex with you as a legal and binding verbal contract"? Or what if she decides not to during the act, even after she has rendered such contractual obligation?

Engaging in an act without saying "no" and not fighting back does not, in the least, affirm anything but consent.

According to up-to-date laws, you cannot make that assumption. You must obtain her consent, or it is rape.

Let the laws say what they want. The laws are absurd, impractical, and impossible to show.

No. "Approaching" a woman is not the same as requesting sex.

By approach I meant the approach to sexual intercourse. I.E. The initiation of it and the affirmative response given through its reply.

It is not necessary to be violent or aggressive. Rape is sex without consent. That is all that is required.

I agree technically.

Even married people must consent to individual sexual acts. The concept of "conjugal rights" no longer exists in law.

Then marriage no longer exists legally, either. The marriage which is presented is a business arrangement at most.

But then again, I could care less what the law says. The law might say the sky is green and the grass is blue. This would mean little.

Rape is sex without consent. If I drag you into a dark alley, rape you and then throw $100 at you, it is still rape, despite the fact that I "paid" you.

If she accepts the money, it would be a business deal.

The question of a woman's morality is quite separate from the issue of the rapist's morality. Your conflating of the two issues is an outdated mode of thought.

I had meant that the act of rape would still be immoral. My apologies for ambigious language.

I'd estimate that well over 99% of all sexual acts do not result in procreation, even between married people. Your idea that people only have sex when they want to have children is not shared by the majority of the population. Frankly, to me it sounds like an idea somebody oppressed by fundamentalist religion would be likely to hold. (Are you religious, PJ?)

No, I'm an Atheist.

Nor did I state in my answer that sex was for procreation. Only that marriage was for sex, specifically, procreative sex. Other forms of sex are part of why marriage exists.

Your imagination that you would "enjoy" rape is very far from the mark. Be aware that your sexual fantasies are very far from the reality of rape. Nobody enjoys being raped.

I'd have you not tell me what I'd enjoy, James R. I'm fully aware of what I would and would not find appealing about a woman forcing herself upon me of reasonable attractiveness. I would not go away from the event scarred.

I'd probably go away with an intent to say "dude!" and drink beer and/or consume pizza with males to relate what is second only to "the prostitute gave me the money back it was so good" or "I converted a lesbian" in terms sexual conquest.

No. A woman may withdraw consent at any time during sex, according to current laws. If she withdraws consent, and the man still continues, that is rape according to law.

Lovely for the laws.

What an interesting comment. You are saying that the poor old RAPIST is vulnerable to his VICTIM? Doesn't it occur to you that things are actually the other way around?

Rapists do have weaknesses and these must be understood.

You claim that women who dress provocatively, or who are promiscous or who are married are at fault when they are raped. You think they "deserve it". The law thinks otherwise.

You sir, are warping my words.

I have never claimed that women who dress provactively are at fault when they are raped. I said that they ought to not provoke things, but are not at fault, morally or otherwise, for rape.

Nor have I claimed the same for promiscuious women.

And I do not consider rape to be possible in marriage, not that married women are at fault when they are "raped".

And I have never once claimed they deserve it.

I'd have you retract your comments or provide a provice quotation of where I affirmed any of the above.

The consensus among educated people these days is that rape is primarily about power, not about sex. Your thinking is out of step here, too, in that you believe sexual attraction is the primary motivator for rape.

Evolutionary psychologists point to the origin of rape as a behaviour that developed as a last-chance for those who were not given opportunities to reproduce to reproduce. This would place it back on the sexual level.

Also, the idea that rape is about power comes from one Feminist book initially which has been triumphed as an example of truth, without a presentation of such. I have not at the moment a recollection of its name, but I believe Gloria Steinmen wrote it.

Interesting. What's the difference between blind-drunk-and-barely-conscious and unconscious, in your opinion? In one case, you say there is no rape, and in the other you say it is absolutely rape. Why?

What's the difference between being sleepy and being asleep? Being conscious. Same thing here.

I suggest you discuss this thread, and especially the views you have expressed in it, with the next woman you meet. See what her reaction is. Or, discuss it with you mother or sister. See what they say. If you have a girlfriend, see what she says.

If you do this (which I am almost sure you will not), please write again and tell me how it goes.

I did this earlier and said woman did not bite my head off, although I do not think she agreed in full.

Kant lived in the 18th or 19th century. We live in the 21st century. Attitudes to marriage and women have changed radically in enlightened societies since Kant's time.

Yet are as culturally relative as they were then.

Were they are fault for their rapes?

I have never claimed a woman could be at fault for her rape.

No. It suggests that this ancient defence is still tried on by defence lawyers. That is all. By the way, it doesn't work these days.

We have to assume that people's reasons for their behaviour, barring other proof, are their actual reasons. If someone says "it was because she dressed like a slut!" then we must agree that he raped her because of that. Does it mean he is less to blame? No. Does it mean she is blameworthy? No. But it does mean that it his reason.

Bad reasons are still reasons.

It's like if your were falsely imprisoned against your will for 2 weeks and then set free (only more intimate). Do you think you'd care if that happened?

Depends. Do I normally imprison myself for this length of time? Am I being treated relatively nicely or doing something I'd normally do?
Why? What's the harm in women wearing what they want?

The harm is to men and women. Harm to man for having to choose a woman for sex and being rejected and harm to women for being selected for sex by man who they do not want sex with.

Yes, I live in Australia. I asked because I don't think many people in the United States would advocated legal restrictions on how people should be allowed to dress (excepting public nudity).

Your user title says you are a citizen of the RusFed, dragon. Do people in Russia think the way you do, or is it just an individual thing because of your hatred of women?

The harm is to men and women. Harm to man for having to choose a woman for sex and being rejected and harm to women for being selected for sex by man who they do not want sex with.

Women are not objects to be "selected" by men. Women have equal choice in whom they do or do not want to have sex with.

Well regardless of the law, asking for sexual attention should mean something to her. As I said, she should have SOME blame for knowing what could happen. However, as I have stated before, in no way should her portion of the blame affect the male's punishment nor should it be considered when charges are filed. Do you agree?

I agree that women should be aware of the danger posed by potential rapists. But I absolutely disagree that any rapist should have his sentence reduced, or should be acquitted of his crime, on the basis that his victim was wearing skimpy clothing.

Are we on the same page now?
Your user title says you are a citizen of the RusFed, dragon. Do people in Russia think the way you do, or is it just an individual thing because of your hatred of women?

ok now I am sure there are many other people in USA who like dont care what women care...but rapes happen ok...women get raped...and to stop protect those women...making them wear less revealing clothes will help greatly. and no, not like in Iraq but regular normal clothes, as for that all bars should be banned as well.

And yes it is my individual thing, because in Russia there are also many rapes happening, were women than hate their lifes because they were raped...because they wanted to attract men...but attracted the wrong men.


I agree that women should be aware of the danger posed by potential rapists. But I absolutely disagree that any rapist should have his sentence reduced, or should be acquitted of his crime, on the basis that his victim was wearing skimpy clothing.
Are we on the same page now?

Any rapist must be dealth with according to the law and his sentence not reduced, (unless he/she realizes what they did...and really do something humanitarian while in jail to prove that they will not do it again), and his sentence not reduced if the women did wear revealing clothes.

What must be done, is the government needs to control which clothes women can wear or pheromones used...and in which zones in accordance with the law. ALL THIS TO PREVENT FURTHER POSSIBLE RAPES. helping men and women
I think that James' question is loaded. Rape is never right, and there is no such thing as mitigating circumstances.

However, one or two of his poll options are shady, and depending on one's interpretation, may not be interpreted as rape.

1. Woman was drunk at the time (i.e. got herself drunk).

If a woman is drunk, and gives consent to sex, then she has not been raped. Whether a man 'plies' her with drink is irrelevant. Guys often ply girls with chocolates and flowers in order to increase their chances of having sex with a woman. I doubt that they are guilty of rape in those cases. The woman is responsible for how much she drinks, not the man.

The situation changes if the woman cannot give consent (comatose) due to drunkeness. That is obviously rape.

Woman at no time clearly said "No" to sex.
Again, if a woman does not say 'no', and willingly has sex with an individual, then it is not rape.

I agree that women should be aware of the danger posed by potential rapists. But I absolutely disagree that any rapist should have his sentence reduced, or should be acquitted of his crime, on the basis that his victim was wearing skimpy clothing.

Are we on the same page now?

You and I were always on the same page about the same consequence (no reduced sentence). However, I am just questioning terms and playing a bit of "devil's adovocate." I chose my answer for your poll before my first post.. I knew what you meant and I agree.

James R(quote)
Engaging in an act without saying "no" and not fighting back does not, in the least, affirm anything but consent.

Engage? Who engaged it? So if a woman is drunk and passed out, its not rape because she can't say no? If a man or woman is threatened with fear of further angering the assailant and inciting more harm, its not rape because "no" was not stated? So your stupid disgusting bullsh*t is that its not rape as long as the assailant can use manipulative threats or tactics, abuse their authority over another or fear to subdue the victim even though he/ she may know the victim does not want to be raped or touched WHICH HAPPENS OFTEN WITH CHILDREN OR YOUNG PEOPLE WHO ARE INTIMIDATED BY PERCEIVED AUTHORITY FIGURES? YOU ARE SO FULL OF SHIT.
I remember in college being told that the only way to have sex without it being rape was to specifically ask permision before each "escalation" of intimate contact. May I kiss you? May I fondle your left breast? How about the right one? May I remove your panties? May I touch your vagina.

Utterly absurd, and good a a good laugh back at the dorm. All these examples of how it's rape if the woman consents and then says no just before you cum. Is it the equivalent of the woman being jumped by a stranger in the park?

Or how it's rape if a couple on a date gets drunk. They told us that in college too. "An intoxicated woman can not give consent." Give me a fricken break. If that rule were followed, ninety-nine percent of premarital sex would be rape. I mean, that's pretty much the whole dating process. Take her out, ply her with alcohol and entertainment, and hope you'll get lucky. The difference is the rapist won't accept no for an answer.
I remember in college being told that the only way to have sex without it being rape was to specifically ask permision before each "escalation" of intimate contact. May I kiss you? May I fondle your left breast? How about the right one? May I remove your panties? May I touch your vagina.

Utterly absurd, and good a a good laugh back at the dorm. All these examples of how it's rape if the woman consents and then says no just before you cum. Is it the equivalent of the woman being jumped by a stranger in the park?

Or how it's rape if a couple on a date gets drunk. They told us that in college too. "An intoxicated woman can not give consent." Give me a fricken break. If that rule were followed, ninety-nine percent of premarital sex would be rape. I mean, that's pretty much the whole dating process. Take her out, ply her with alcohol and entertainment, and hope you'll get lucky. The difference is the rapist won't accept no for an answer.

I agree with you there.
Utterly absurd is the deliberate obtuseness though their fooling no one but convincing themselves of what leniency they want to keep plugging.

Its rape if you don't stop when she says no, so simple ain't it? Those who keep bypassing this simple and obvious reality are just fooling themselves. Give me a fuking break! What dumbshits

HAHA, Madan, so you think or believe because 99.9% of people would try to purposely ply someone with alcohol so they have diminished control or awareness is okay because people do it? So are you admitting this is the kind of behavior you engage in? Maybe its not classified as rape just maybe its possible you'd regret it in the morning because you didn't realize fully what you did, is okay? You think its okay that the woman might regret it as long as you got some, huh? If a law was passed tomorrow that everyone should marry their cousin or kill jews or gays, i'm sure you'd agree with it, i mean since everybody would be doing it right? HOTGODFUKINGDAM, this world is full of idiots!
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You do realize that your post is the biggest example of the Fallacy of the Appeal to Authority that has ever been posted outside of quoting the Bible here on Sciforums, yes?

No. I have not appealed to any authority.

I merely set down what the current law is. I made it very clear as to your options, just to let you know. You can either accept the laws made by people more enlightened than yourself, or try to get the laws changed.

It matters little what the law says. Laws are made by man and are subject to the change of man.

Sounds like you want to work to change them, then.

Back to the old days for you - you hope.

Similarly, you degenerate into the ad hominem. Our views are not "bigotted" because they disagree with you.

No. They are bigotted because they are degrading to women. They treat women as lower class citizens, and blame them for things which are the acts of evil men.

Also, to make my own Appeal to Authority, the idea that a "women must be shown to have consented to sex" is contradictory to the United States (and most of the rest of the civilized world) conception of "the onus of proof is on the accuser". If we allow "women must be shown to have consented to sex", then any man, whenever he has sex with a woman, is completely liable for any rape charge the woman deems fit to charge against him, regardless of whether the act was rape or not to begin with.

Clearly, lawyers and lawmakers in the United States disagree with you, because they work hard to eliminate laws that are contrary to one another.

Obviously, questions of onus of proof in criminal matters are not your area of expertise. In rape, the onus is on the prosecution to prove that the offender committed the rape, beyond reasonable doubt. The prosecution must show that there was sex and that there was no consent. Often, in such cases consent is the major issue. The burden of proof on the prosecution is very high: they must show that the victim did not consent, beyond reasonable doubt.

In his defence, an accused person may try to establish that he had the consent of the accuser. In doing so, if he introduces sufficient evidence to provoke a "reasonable doubt" that there was consent, then he will get off scott free.

Moreover, people who make false accusations of rape are liable to prosecution under the laws of the United States. This is an extra safeguard against frivilous or vexations accusations.

And there is little point in trying to argue you out of your absurd views.

Please explain what is absurd about my views. "Absurd" means non-sensicle. If I have not made sense somewhere, please point it out for me.

Let's can the sanctimonious crap, can we?

Sorry PJ, but I can't respect you while you continue to hold the views you are espousing and refuse to make any effort to educate yourself or take on board new information that is provided to you. Sticking your head in the sand displays a lack of integrity that I personally find quite galling.

What constitutes "consent"? Does a woman have to say "I freely consent to have sex with you as a legal and binding verbal contract"? Or what if she decides not to during the act, even after she has rendered such contractual obligation?

It is mostly a common-sense thing. If a women is actively participating in the sexual act, expressing enjoyment and so on, then it will usually be obvious that consent is present. On the other hand, if she lies stiffly, won't look at her attacker, takes no active role in the act, then chances are consent is not present. This is a question of fact in any particular case.

My advice to you is that if you cannot tell whether a woman is consenting to sex, you should ask her verbally, just to make sure. For example, you could ask "Would you like to have sex with me?" If the answer is "yes", you can safely assume you have consent.

Engaging in an act without saying "no" and not fighting back does not, in the least, affirm anything but consent.

Read Bells post above. This is nonsense. Head in the sand doesn't cut it here, PJ.

Let the laws say what they want. The laws are absurd, impractical, and impossible to show.

Then you ought to work to change the laws. At present, you are out of touch with mainstream society. You should become active in your community. Perhaps you should campaign for regressive sex laws.

Even married people must consent to individual sexual acts. The concept of "conjugal rights" no longer exists in law.

Then marriage no longer exists legally, either.

Then don't bother getting married, PJ. You can have sex without being married, and there's no other reason you'd get married, right?

Rape is sex without consent. If I drag you into a dark alley, rape you and then throw $100 at you, it is still rape, despite the fact that I "paid" you.

If she accepts the money, it would be a business deal.

Yeah, and if you were raped and then had $100 thrown at you, that would be a business deal too.

I'd have you not tell me what I'd enjoy, James R. I'm fully aware of what I would and would not find appealing about a woman forcing herself upon me of reasonable attractiveness. I would not go away from the event scarred.

I'd probably go away with an intent to say "dude!" and drink beer and/or consume pizza with males to relate what is second only to "the prostitute gave me the money back it was so good" or "I converted a lesbian" in terms sexual conquest.

Read my post to Absane, above, regarding fantasies vs. reality. Once again, head in the sand just doesn't cut the mustard here, PJ. You're living in a mental Disneyland. Re-read Bells post for a reality check.

Rapists do have weaknesses and these must be understood.

After they have been convicted and fairly sentenced for their crimes, then they can get therapy.

Or, better yet, we can take people with attitudes such as yours and attempt to educate them, so they never commit rape in the first place.

I have never claimed that women who dress provactively are at fault when they are raped. I said that they ought to not provoke things, but are not at fault, morally or otherwise, for rape.

You don't seem to realise that reducing the penalty a rapist gets because of the woman's dress is equivalent to assigning fault to the woman. Think about it.

Evolutionary psychologists point to the origin of rape as a behaviour that developed as a last-chance for those who were not given opportunities to reproduce to reproduce. This would place it back on the sexual level.

Which evolutionary psychologists?

Also, the idea that rape is about power comes from one Feminist book initially which has been triumphed as an example of truth, without a presentation of such. I have not at the moment a recollection of its name, but I believe Gloria Steinmen wrote it.

Well, I'm sure there was a first person to write down the idea. But the idea is now commonly held by most people with an appropriate education about the issues.

Interesting. What's the difference between blind-drunk-and-barely-conscious and unconscious, in your opinion? In one case, you say there is no rape, and in the other you say it is absolutely rape. Why?

What's the difference between being sleepy and being asleep? Being conscious. Same thing here.

You didn't answer the question, but stuck your head in the sand and tried to avoid it again. Want to try again?

Why do you draw such a black-and-white line between consciousness and unconsciousness? Don't you think rape is potentially worse when you're conscious and aware of everything that is happening, compared to if you're unconscious?

I have never claimed a woman could be at fault for her rape.

That's what you're constantly claiming. You're in denial. Read your own posts.

We have to assume that people's reasons for their behaviour, barring other proof, are their actual reasons. If someone says "it was because she dressed like a slut!" then we must agree that he raped her because of that. Does it mean he is less to blame? No. Does it mean she is blameworthy? No. But it does mean that it his reason.

Bad reasons are still reasons.

You have a naive view of criminals. Don't you think a criminal will say anything to get himself off the hook or make himself look better to a judge or jury?

Do I normally imprison myself for this length of time? Am I being treated relatively nicely or doing something I'd normally do?

Nobody "normally" goes about getting raped.
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