
There goes the argument that God would not allow "all this suffering". I have to presume you are only thinking about yourself here.
Im not sure what your getting at, i never said there was no suffering, i pointed out i am not being punished, i feel great, if others are being punished(or feel like they are) then there is the question why do they feel that way? And why do they blaim god? If you dont feel your being punished then good, continue to enjoy life, if you do feel your being punished then ask why, what did you do wrong?
As for myself, I have been blessed with great friends, wonderful family, lots of love, and green hills to play in...
I have those things too, If your happy dont let them go.
Does that mean you're an anarchist?
Never thought of it like that, depends on what exactly you mean by anarchy, i know i could never swear on a bible in a court of law, i would have to inform the judge it would be meaningless for me to do it, though i hope that situation never happens.
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i am going somewhere with this, sorry for the delay. if i knew everything, everything that can be known, what could i offer you? i could tell you the position and velocity of every particle throughout the universe, i could tell you the size of the universe, the age of the universe, the nature of the universe. i could paint you a picture of the big bang or program an animation of the big crunch. i could explain everything that was and everything that will be. what proof can i offer you of god's existence? none. :D
§outh§tar said:
What "evidence" would cause you to believe there is a God?

God must demonstrate his own existence, show himself.

Enigma'07 said:
You can't prove that there isn't a God, so we're equall in our faiths.

That's silly.

I believe that minuscule pink unicorns are the media of the electromagnetic force.
They hop from atom to atom in an exceedingly cute manner, manifesting effects like magnetism and light.

Do you believe in them... no?
You disbelieve them, correct?

You do the sensible thing and assume the negative view.
I, inexplicably, assume the positive one.

I am a 'punicornist,' and you are an 'apunicornist.'

Seem familiar?

So, buddy, who has a "faith"... and who doesn't?
Are we still equall?
Southstar said:
It's not a simple book simpleton. "Shame, shame, shame."

Saying "you'll go to hell unless you believe I do" is also an inaccurate statement. That purports the notion that "I" am the source of the belief or that I am of any important ultimately. You should at least get your "facts" straight.

Esp. "confining" glory into a simple book of man. By definition, God can't be defined so I don't know whether you were trying to be funny or what but sure, go ahead..

Almost missed this one.

The bible isn't a simple book? Maybe not compared to Dick & Jane, but compared to God it is.

About the going to hell part, you gather your statements from a book, but you believe in the statement and push the definition as the only right definition. It is your belief. You cannot disavow responsibility for your words and actions because the bible tells you so. The bible also says a lot of other things that you don't incorporate into your belief system. The going to hell part appeals to you, therefore you use it.

If God can't be defined, how do you explain "In the beginning was the word and the word was god." Sounds like a definition to me. Especially considering the Bible is considered to be the word of god. Therefore god.

Jenyar said:
...As for myself, I have been blessed with great friends, wonderful family, lots of love, and green hills to play in...

And lots of heretics to condemn to hell. :p

Does that mean you're an anarchist?

Surely you're not saying that laws can't exist without religion. If laws are based on religion, it doesn't necessarily mean we should throw them out. But, we should examine them and see if they are truly relevant to our existance, not the existance of ancient people who though thunder came from clouds bumping together.

Southstar said:
Well, that may contradict with the fact that in the end times, Christians are going to be the ones facing the sharp end of the stick.

Actually, depends on how good of a christian you are, ain't it? The real good ones will be drawn straight to heaven. While the rest of us duke it out down here for another thousand years. But, we non-believers will end up in hell without trial while the not-so-good christians will have a trial to determine their fate. The not-so-good christians being the ones who believe a little differently than the good christians.

But, that's all besides the point. Your prophecy has no value to nonbelievers. I'm speaking of denial of foreign cultures and beliefs that is inherent in any religion that claims that it's god is THE god and all others are manifestations of satan. This has led to brutality in the past and will in the future.