
There are may religions which require sacrifice, how can giving something up you can about cause happiness?

There is nothing as powerful as the ectasy that the ultimately religious feel. It's a matter of endorphins and other biological factors. They are in rapture at their sacrifice.

There are religions that attempt to stifle emotions, but even they achieve bliss in nirvana through self-deprivation and other methods. It's not as much of a sacrifice as it seems on the surface. IMO.

And don't worry, I'm not gettin pissed or anything.
There's also something to be said for that tremendous feeling of self-satisfaction that comes through sacrifices of this type.

we can't deny the existence god on the reasoning that evidence is lacking,
Of course we can, it is the biggest evidence for the non existence of gods, especially when claims for gods have been around for thousands of years and still there is no evidence. How many more thousands of years are you going to wait before you say enough is enough, put up or shut up.

as I said, I don't think evidence can "prove" a religion in reality, since the process of "proving" is logical, and according to many Chrisitians and religious people I know, logic is "flawed". a religion is about believing without knowing
this argument between science and religion has been going on for a long time, basically the religion side argues that God is supernatural, and is beyond our senses and our ability to prove, and of course they do not believe logic is the way to solve things, but faith is.
I guess I am definitely an agnostic, not an athiest, since I do not believe that God's existence is provable because the concepts of religion and science/logic are too different and separated. However, I am a firm believer in logic and science, and a supporter for peace and human morality.
there are so many good non-supreme-God religions or beliefs or organizations out there that we should learn at least a little bit about, such as Unitarian Universalism (peace, humanism, equality, respect, and morality), and Buddhaism (enlightenment)

I personally like the principle beliefs (not sure if it's a religion) of Unitarian Universalism, which is liberal and logical.

Why are people atheists?
I wish that were true, unfortunately only some people are atheists.

Although there are exceptions most atheists make their choice through deliberate critical reasoning. Contrast that with theists who almost entirely are the result of local culture and tradition (the mindless sheep of the world).

But really it is that the thinking people can simply see the rather obvious idiocy of traditional theism and have the courage to say so.

How can an athiest have happiness when he knows that he is just one of many. He has no purpose in life, does he?
You can still be happy as one of many, religious people are still one of many, we all are. We are all going to die sometime, if you live on or not is not important and it wont make you happy, living to be happy now is what makes people happy and anybody can do that.

Gods existance cannot be proved or disproved as all we have to go on as evidence it exists is holy texts, which were written by man and fallable, if you go by these texts god most likely doesnt exist(if as they claim it is gods words), but if you go by your own reasoning of what a god might be then it is impossible to prove either way if its there or not, it depends who's definition you use as to how provable it is.

Unitarian Universalism (peace, humanism, equality, respect, and morality)
I like the sound of that, though i dont know why you'd need to catagorise yourself eddy? Why not just be an individual and not worry about it?
Enigma'07 said:
I honestly don't want to argue, just wanted to see how you reason stuff, but every thing I look at seems to prove the existance of a higher being. Odd, isn't it?

I honestly don't want to argue, just wanted to see how you reason stuff, but every thing I look at seems to disprove the existance of a higher being. Odd, isn't it?
I don't believe in any type of God which is portrayed by man today.

If there is a God, it will be too complex for mankind to ever understand. We will simply never have the intelligence to comprehend something which created everything, if that is the case.
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Who said we have to comprehend Him, why not just get to know Him? We don't understand all of mathematics... does that keep people from trying to?
Jenyar said:
Who said we have to comprehend Him, why not just get to know Him? We don't understand all of mathematics... does that keep people from trying to?

When men slaughter other men in the name of something they can't comprehend it confirms my belief that religion is insane.

It doesn't add up does it!
Vienna said:
When men slaughter other men in the name of something they can't comprehend it confirms my belief that religion is insane.
It certainly confirmed Jesus' belief. But God was on his side, not the ones slaughtering him - you would do well to keep that in mind.
But God was on his side, not the ones slaughtering him
but you can't be sure of that until you die, can you? well, when you find out, please do enlighten me. i'll be sure to get a ouija board or something. but seriously, don't you find it odd that god would set his own creations - whom "he" supposedly loves - against one another. that he would condemn all those good people whose only "fault" is a lack of faith? and so long as we are talking about undue suffering; televangelism?! :bugeye:
antifreeze said:
but you can't be sure of that until you die, can you?
I agree about televangelism, although it might serve some purpose for the people who are attracted by it - good can come out of the worst things.... But that aside: the Good News is that you can know - and you don't need an ouija board. That was the one thing that Jesus came to demonstrate: it is possible to know God, to be certain He will justify you, and to have real hope.
"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."​
Justification is having proof that you were right; it's being declared innocent even when the whole world thinks you're guilty; it's knowing God even if it sounds impossible.

It's finding evidence of something you've had faith in all along - and that's what scientists, philosophers, innocent victims, and regular people seek every day.
I know what it is, i ask why do you feel your life needs that? Why do you feel the need to be proved right? Is it really that important for christians to be right? It sounds more like god only punishes you if your wrong, when theres only one person who can decide what is right or wrong for them, and thats themselves.