Athiest? no..... Heretic!

Most of the founding fathers were Atheistic Diests and few of the presidents were profoundly religious. I think it can be argued that George W. Bush is the most religious president and he does nothing really religiously. Even Reagan, who was "pro-religion", identified himself more as a grandfatherly figure than a religiousist.

You need only not -disrespect- religion in order to get voted in.

EVERY president has been white, male, strait, and christian, is that just by chance? At the soonest, we still have couple more decades to wait before that changes at all. And the first change will most likely be breaking the color barrier, and not a religious one.
Keeping God around just to hate him indicates a disingenuous attempt to cover up one's own anxieties and regrets. Instead of blaming yourself for your own misery, you can blame God. What a convenient imaginary scapegoat.

Relax, I know where I usualy go wrong or my misery is my fault. But I also know when it aint. And, you among others who replied missed the point, I still beleive in his existence, but I came to realize that our miseries in the world are his fault to begin with, so I can't be considered an athiest.

You don't want to be an atheist. If you were an atheist, you would need to own up to your own internal condition. (Or perhaps you would blame it on theists! Many here do.) What you don't realize, or what you willfully ignore, is that you choose to live with the despair that your God does nothing about. It isn't God's fault humanity is in so much pain. It's humanity's fault for not making it go away. (This human would prefer to live with the pain than to not live without.)

Ok, with all the number of unkept promises and all the suffering... lets be more specific, in the Quran you find the verse:
if any of My servants ask you about Me, tell them that the Lord says, "I am near; I accept the prayers of those who pray." Let My servants answer My call and believe in Me so that perhaps they may know the right direction. (2:186)
I doubt all the famined people in Africa don't do that by the minute to get a better life, nor the girls of East Europe who are sold into white slavery to the Gulf, nor the people who got AIDS due to some stupid organisation giving them contaminated blood.... Sir, this aint a personel experience I'm talken about millions suffering and they are turning to him in prayer, and where is he? Enjoying the misery!

Consider this too,
"Remember when your Lord said to you, 'If you give thanks, I shall give you greater (favors), but if you deny the Truth, know that My retribution is severe " (14:7).
don't you remeber the Tsunami the hit South Asia, it hit harder at a place in Indonesia called Atche known for its people strict adherence to the Quran, and the least damage was in the Thai islands where prostitution flourishes... So where are the greater favors?

Not to mention the multiple earthquakes that hit Iran and Afghanistan, not only religious areas but places known for its poverty! Whereas the damned corrupted Gulf states get all the credit, greater favors and a claim to the adherence to the Quran yet we've seen them here in Lebanon they are the lowest of humanity's scum.... So where is he?

Name a couple of presidents which you can remember anything spoken about on their religious beliefs as a central point of their character and history outside of the Founding Fathers and George W. Bush?
Prince James: Can you name one president who wasn't a christian? Does it matter how religious they were? The fact is that there was never a president who wasn't a christian, and at the time, a non-christian couldn't realistically run for president.
superluminal said:
Wow. This strikes me as a bit of a frustrated reaction to a previous post. Claiming that technology as represented by one aspect (weapons) is somehow itself more stultifying of scientific inquiry and advance that religious dogma and persecution (using the very "technology" you accuse) seems misguided.

Of course it seems misguided. That's because it is. My remark contains the same logical fallacy not recognized by those who blame such things on the concept of religion. Both claims are bullshit. The tools and ideas of man do nothing that is not ultimately enacted by man himself. (Do you blame Nazism for the Holocaust? Or do you blame the Nazis? Which of the two was capable of deciding not to participate in genocide?)

Yazdajerd said:
I doubt all the famined people in Africa don't do that by the minute to get a better life, nor the girls of East Europe who are sold into white slavery to the Gulf, nor the people who got AIDS due to some stupid organisation giving them contaminated blood.... Sir, this aint a personel experience I'm talken about millions suffering and they are turning to him in prayer, and where is he? Enjoying the misery!

Neither famine, slavery, nor AIDS constitute misery. Misery constitutes misery, and getting rid of it is as simple as not letting any of the aforementioned affect you; or failing that, suicide. It's your responsibility to decide how misfortune will affect you, not God's. That goes for every free being who is affected by misfortune. All people, including those of you who choose to pin it on some external source.

But better to put it on God than someone on whom your anger can actually be taken out, I suppose. After all, what are you going to do, punch the air? That's probably less ridiculous than a theological bar fight between an atheist and a Christian who blame their respective depressions on each other.
Hello people, its been quite a while since I posted, maybe over a year, but many has changed since then, new job, new habits, and new ideas.

I used to be one of the defenders of religion in this forum... now things are a bit different, many of you might think I turned athiest or gnostic, but actually
I still confess God's existence but I don't really care about him (since he doesn't really care about me) were all just a bunch of lab rats to him enjoying our miseries and discomferts while he stays there doing nothing:mad:

And since religious people consider themselves "orthodox" I chose the name they most dislike "heretic". And I actually started this thread to see how many share this same concept, not arguing God's existance, but simply not accepting his will!

I don't think you can call yourself a Heretic at all.

To my understanding a Heretic teaches or holds a view of the will of God that is against the will of God. It seems to me that you just hate God.

I do not remember much of what you posted when you where one of the "defenders of religion in this forum" So i do not know if you once where a heretic or not.

So being a hater of God does not make one a heretic, it simply makes one a God hater.

From what little information you have given it seems you hate God because he did not intervene in a personal cause of your suffering or that He did not intervene in someone else’s suffering that caused you emotional pain?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Relax, I know where I usualy go wrong or my misery is my fault. But I also know when it aint. And, you among others who replied missed the point, I still beleive in his existence, but I came to realize that our miseries in the world are his fault to begin with, so I can't be considered an athiest.

Ok, with all the number of unkept promises and all the suffering... lets be more specific, in the Quran you find the verse:
if any of My servants ask you about Me, tell them that the Lord says, "I am near; I accept the prayers of those who pray." Let My servants answer My call and believe in Me so that perhaps they may know the right direction. (2:186)
I doubt all the famined people in Africa don't do that by the minute to get a better life, nor the girls of East Europe who are sold into white slavery to the Gulf, nor the people who got AIDS due to some stupid organisation giving them contaminated blood.... Sir, this aint a personel experience I'm talken about millions suffering and they are turning to him in prayer, and where is he? Enjoying the misery!

Consider this too,
"Remember when your Lord said to you, 'If you give thanks, I shall give you greater (favors), but if you deny the Truth, know that My retribution is severe " (14:7).
don't you remeber the Tsunami the hit South Asia, it hit harder at a place in Indonesia called Atche known for its people strict adherence to the Quran, and the least damage was in the Thai islands where prostitution flourishes... So where are the greater favors?

Not to mention the multiple earthquakes that hit Iran and Afghanistan, not only religious areas but places known for its poverty! Whereas the damned corrupted Gulf states get all the credit, greater favors and a claim to the adherence to the Quran yet we've seen them here in Lebanon they are the lowest of humanity's scum.... So where is he?

Oh so you where a muslim. Well then as a Christian i believe you once where a Heretic, islam is a false religion and therefore a heretic religion that gives a false view of the will of God.

It could be for you a great blessing to have your false view of the will of God smashed. People who follow a false view of God often need to have their views of God smashed before they can ever have a chance of searching once again to find the true will of God.

Maybe your anger will last many years before you seek Him anew or maybe you will be filled with hate for the rest of your life and never seek Him anew. I hope you do not have to carry that burden of hate and resentment all the rest of your life.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
::chuckles:: What makes christianity so much better than Islam?
I have read the words of Jesus, even wrote a 17 1/2 page report on his teachings for my english class once. I consider him to be among many great philosophers, but not a god.
Of course it seems misguided. That's because it is. My remark contains the same logical fallacy not recognized by those who blame such things on the concept of religion. Both claims are bullshit. The tools and ideas of man do nothing that is not ultimately enacted by man himself. (Do you blame Nazism for the Holocaust? Or do you blame the Nazis? Which of the two was capable of deciding not to participate in genocide?)
Hey, I generally agree with you.
People who follow a false view of God often need to have their views of God smashed before they can ever have a chance of searching once again to find the true will of God.

Your views on gods have been smashed a great many times here, yet you continue to follow your views. Perhaps it is more a case of ego and ignorance?
Oh so you where a muslim. Well then as a Christian i believe you once where a Heretic, islam is a false religion and therefore a heretic religion that gives a false view of the will of God.

So the Bible saying that the Earth was created in 6 days and was completely flooded in 40 days of rain killing all but a few humans is not a false view of god?

You constantly contradict yourself.

Name a couple of presidents which you can remember anything spoken about on their religious beliefs as a central point of their character and history outside of the Founding Fathers and George W. Bush?

M*W: JFK was Roman Catholic, and as a kid I remember the public controversy regarding a Catholic president.
I have read the words of Jesus, even wrote a 17 1/2 page report on his teachings for my english class once. I consider him to be among many great philosophers, but not a god.

Jesus claimed to be the SON of God, not God, a prophet or a philosopher. So was he a lying great philosopher or a delusional great philosopher?
Jesus claimed to be the SON of God, not God, a prophet or a philosopher. So was he a lying great philosopher or a delusional great philosopher?
Either, or both? What I don't understand is the xian position that he (if he even existed) could not have been a smart philosopher/politician and had delusions of godhood. What's the big deal with that?
You don't have to claim to be a philosopher to be one. He could just be a made up character for the purpose of teaching. In that situation, he is as much of a philosopher as Yoda, who definitely has a lot to offer despite being fictional. By inheritance, the son of god would be god. And you left out the option that he was a great philosopher, so great that others made him out to be the son of god.

"Can you name one president who wasn't a christian? Does it matter how religious they were? The fact is that there was never a president who wasn't a christian, and at the time, a non-christian couldn't realistically run for president."

If you do not make Christianity the central purpose of one's life, one cannot rightfully say that people "elected a Christian". No, they elected "a Republican" or a "Democrat" or a "Whig".

Also, interesting: Abraham Lincoln was not a Christian, technically. In fact, he was pretty agnostic. It was only in his later years that he considered becoming a Presbyterian, but never became a communicant in any church whatsoever.

Of course, this is the man that got us into the Civil War...

I'd also claim that even Atheists in the West are properly Christians. Why? Because we live in a society that has, for 2,000 years, been -intimately linked- to Christianity. It has become the defining religious paradigm of our age and all ideas of religion basically use Christianity as a norm. Note that no Atheist writes "Against the Gods" but attempts to refute a monotheistic, Judeo-Christian, God.
You don't have to claim to be a philosopher to be one. He could just be a made up character for the purpose of teaching. In that situation, he is as much of a philosopher as Yoda, who definitely has a lot to offer despite being fictional. By inheritance, the son of god would be god. And you left out the option that he was a great philosopher, so great that others made him out to be the son of god.

Jesus claimed to be the son of God.
Either, or both? What I don't understand is the xian position that he (if he even existed) could not have been a smart philosopher/politician and had delusions of godhood. What's the big deal with that?

I don't think you can have it both ways. like wave/particle. He was the son of God, he said so. His whole existence was based on that premise. He was here to save our souls. Jesus was not ambivalent about this. You might as well dismiss him entirely as to call him a prophet or philosopher.