Athiest? no..... Heretic!


Behold... The Bringer of Light
Registered Senior Member
Hello people, its been quite a while since I posted, maybe over a year, but many has changed since then, new job, new habits, and new ideas.

I used to be one of the defenders of religion in this forum... now things are a bit different, many of you might think I turned athiest or gnostic, but actually
I still confess God's existence but I don't really care about him (since he doesn't really care about me) were all just a bunch of lab rats to him enjoying our miseries and discomferts while he stays there doing nothing:mad:

And since religious people consider themselves "orthodox" I chose the name they most dislike "heretic". And I actually started this thread to see how many share this same concept, not arguing God's existance, but simply not accepting his will!
I like the word heretic. When ignorance (religion) reigned supreme, they did all sorts of nasty things to 'heretics'. Nowadays, heretics are vindicated and a reminder that theists have been wrong at every new stage in human knowledge.

Heretic is basically a word that makes the theist blush... whilst atheist is a word that mostly makes the atheist blush.
So you want to be an atheist, but you don't know how, due to years of conditioning yourself to believe it.

It might take some time, but eventually you will come around and join us in the light of reason.

I like the term heretic. I was thinking of getting some bumper sticker like that. Maybe "infidel", "godless", "unsaved", or "rapture reject".
Not this again. Look here:

Keeping God around just to hate him indicates a disingenuous attempt to cover up one's own anxieties and regrets. Instead of blaming yourself for your own misery, you can blame God. What a convenient imaginary scapegoat.

You don't want to be an atheist. If you were an atheist, you would need to own up to your own internal condition. (Or perhaps you would blame it on theists! Many here do.) What you don't realize, or what you willfully ignore, is that you choose to live with the despair that your God does nothing about. It isn't God's fault humanity is in so much pain. It's humanity's fault for not making it go away. (This human would prefer to live with the pain than to not live without.)

Fire said:
When ignorance (religion) reigned supreme

Har. Can you oversimplify a little more?

Fire said:
they did all sorts of nasty things to 'heretics'. Nowadays, heretics are vindicated and a reminder that theists have been wrong at every new stage in human knowledge.

Yes! It was the atheists who led us out of obscurity and left the first works of human art on the walls of the caves in which they lived. That is why these paintings are primarily of god-like creatures.

It was the atheists who led us out of hunter-gatherer societies and began agriculture! It is clearly reflected in our calendars: Sun's day, Moon's day, Thor's day, Saturn's day. It is why ancient (ignorant) religions revolved around the seasons and harvest, and developed rituals about them to instill agricultural knowledge into the culture.

It was the atheists who first followed the movements of the stars! That is why the constellations and planets are named after mythical beings.

The great wonders of the ancient world were built by atheists! The pyramids, the hanging gardens of Babylon, the temple of Zeus...

Civilization was built by atheists. All theists are inherently wrong about everything. We should hate the theists for persecuting us and filling our lives with stupidity. It is their fault we face difficulty in life.

Fire said:
Heretic is basically a word that makes the theist blush... whilst atheist is a word that mostly makes the atheist blush.

Har. Can you oversimplify a little more?

You know, when nobody was allowed to question the absurdity of religious doctrine?

Yes! It was the atheists who led us out of obscurity and left the first works of human art on the walls of the caves in which they lived. That is why these paintings are primarily of god-like creatures.

Since religion was practically law, none of the things you mention challenged it in any way. Science and reason was supressed for centuries by religious authority until the enourmous weight of it could not be held back any longer.

And you know what? We can still hang art up on our walls, but nowadays, they're allowed to be atheist.

Because everyone thinks of the heretics being punished because they were simply enlightened by reason and critical thought. Punished by theists, typically known for their intolerance and stupidity past and present.

Most atheists blush at being called atheists due to the continued stigma applied to the word by the gormless theistic majority.
You know, when nobody was allowed to question the absurdity of religious doctrine?

I was unaware that the human species is less than two thousand years old, but apparently Christian dogma has been enforced as law since time immemorial. You learn new things everyday, I guess.

Since religion was practically law, none of the things you mention challenged it in any way. Science and reason was supressed for centuries by religious authority until the enourmous weight of it could not be held back any longer.

So agriculture is not scientific? Astronomy is not scientific? Neither of these disciplines are valid because they were originally theistic?

Science and reason flourished even during the Middle Ages, when alchemy was born. You know what has stifled science way more than religion? Technology. It was a Roman blade, a weapon perfected through the ages by experimentation and human intelligence, that killed Archimedes, who had just recently discovered the calculus more than a thousand years in advance.

And you know what? We can still hang art up on our walls, but nowadays, they're allowed to be atheist.

Good for us. I agree, freedom is sweet.

Most atheists blush at being called atheists due to the continued stigma applied to the word by the gormless theistic majority.

And they don't blush from the word heretic why? There's an equal stigma applied to the word heretic as to atheist. To any theist who recognizes both terms, an atheist is the same thing as a heretic. If atheist is actually a greater taboo, it's not the theists who are making it that way.
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I was unaware that the human species is less than two thousand years old, but apparently Christian dogma has been enforced as law since time immemorial. You learn new things everyday, I guess.

Being persecuted for not believing in the local religious irrational is not something that's been happening for only 2,000 years. It's happened always, and is still going strong in many parts of the world today.

So agriculture is not scientific? Astronomy is not scientific? Neither of these disciplines are valid because they were originally theistic?

Science and reason flourished even during the Middle Ages, when alchemy was born. You know what has stifled science way more than religion? Technology. It was a Roman blade, a weapon perfected through the ages by experimentation and human intelligence, that killed Archimedes, who had just recently discovered the calculus more than a thousand years in advance.

The first time a human ancestor used a stick for practical purposes isn't likely to threaten whateven irrational beliefs they hold. We are of course talking about heretics, and WHY they are heretics, and the awful things that happen to heretics/blasphemers/infidels, when the virus of religion has any source of power.

And they don't blush from the word heretic why? There's an equal stigma applied to the word heretic as to atheist. To any theist who recognizes both terms, an atheist is the same thing as a heretic.

Well the word 'heretic' congours up images of brilliant minds being burned alive for committing the hideous act of saying how the universe really is. In this way heretics are thought of in a positive light, and and embaressment lays on the part of theists. Atheists however... non-belief in god is still deemed unthinkable by people who have the delusion.

If atheist is actually a greater taboo, it's not the theists who are making it that way.

Who then? Atheists themselves? Atheists in America can come under all sorts of abuse, are you saying that it is not theists who are doing the abusing and descriminating?

Atheists are the least likely people to be voted into office. They are behind even homosexuals and Muslims by some margin. Considering the zeal many Christians have for gays and Muslims, this is really saying something. Even the president claimed that atheists were not citizens of the US since it is one nation under God. That stigma is applied by non other than Christians.
Hello people, its been quite a while since I posted, maybe over a year, but many has changed since then, new job, new habits, and new ideas.

I used to be one of the defenders of religion in this forum... now things are a bit different, many of you might think I turned athiest or gnostic, but actually
I still confess God's existence but I don't really care about him (since he doesn't really care about me) were all just a bunch of lab rats to him enjoying our miseries and discomferts while he stays there doing nothing:mad:

And since religious people consider themselves "orthodox" I chose the name they most dislike "heretic". And I actually started this thread to see how many share this same concept, not arguing God's existance, but simply not accepting his will!

IMO, you're still getting wrapped up in a fantasy as long as you accept the assertion 'God exists' as true without supportive evidence and in the presence of contradictory evidence.
Being persecuted for not believing in the local religious irrational is not something that's been happening for only 2,000 years. It's happened always, and is still going strong in many parts of the world today.

It has always happened. Everywhere. Riiiiiiight.

Fire said:
The first time a human ancestor used a stick for practical purposes isn't likely to threaten whateven irrational beliefs they hold. We are of course talking about heretics, and WHY they are heretics, and the awful things that happen to heretics/blasphemers/infidels, when the virus of religion has any source of power.

Holy shit. Now you're saying that religion is a virus? Really? Does it have DNA? Does it reproduce using living cells as a host? Okay, maybe I'm being a bit too literal. Maybe you mean the religion is a viral idea. Right, an idea that can propagate itself. A meme.

What kind of idea isn't viral?! Are you out of your mind? Ideas spread. It's cultural diffusion. The problem comes when people like you try to clothe yourself in your damn worldview and try to put it up on a pedestal above all others. This is exactly what I've been on about in this thread. You just use "the enemy" as a scapegoat for your own misery because your existence outside of your beloved clique of so-called free thinkers is a bit more meaningless than you would like. But whose fault is that? Certainly not the Christians'.

I don't mean to single you out. This is something that literally everyone does. We become more collective -- we identify with a larger group -- in order to lessen the burden of individuality. With that comes a lowered sense of personal responsibility, and that responsibility you lose awareness of gets shifted to some opposing group in your eyes. That's why you need

Fire said:
images of brilliant minds being burned alive for committing the hideous act of saying how the universe really is. In this way heretics are thought of in a positive light, and and embaressment lays on the part of theists. Atheists however... non-belief in god is still deemed unthinkable by people who have the delusion.

Why do you need to embarrass theists? It makes you feel bigger. You get a kick out of belittling the source of your pain. But you're belittling a false image. The real source of pain is you. That's why no matter how much you poke fun at the enemy in an attempt to transcend it, you still feel persecuted.

Fire said:
Who then? Atheists themselves? Atheists in America can come under all sorts of abuse, are you saying that it is not theists who are doing the abusing and descriminating?

Yes. I am saying that the vast majority of perceived persecution of atheists is self-created. You overblow what little vocal opposition there is to atheism anymore in order to make your plight seem more important than it is. It gives your group a sense of focus, a sense of communal cohesion. You're like the fucking Church of Scientology, always making a fuss over how much you're hated, when in reality, no none gives a shit except for a few crackpots.

Fire said:
Atheists are the least likely people to be voted into office. They are behind even homosexuals and Muslims by some margin. Considering the zeal many Christians have for gays and Muslims, this is really saying something. Even the president claimed that atheists were not citizens of the US since it is one nation under God. That stigma is applied by non other than Christians.

Have you considered the possibility that atheists aren't voted into office precisely because they are such a minority? This is a representative government, after all. It's not persecution. It's democracy.
"His gods were simple and understandable; Crom was their chief, and he lived on a great mountain, whence he sent forth dooms and death. It was useless to call on Crom, because he was a gloomy, savage god, and he hated weaklings. But he gave a man courage at birth, and the will and might to kill his enemies, which, in the Cimmerian's mind, was all any god should be expected to do."
You know what has stifled science way more than religion? Technology. It was a Roman blade, a weapon perfected through the ages by experimentation and human intelligence, that killed Archimedes, who had just recently discovered the calculus more than a thousand years in advance.
Wow. This strikes me as a bit of a frustrated reaction to a previous post. Claiming that technology as represented by one aspect (weapons) is somehow itself more stultifying of scientific inquiry and advance that religious dogma and persecution (using the very "technology" you accuse) seems misguided.
You're like the fucking Church of Scientology, always making a fuss over how much you're hated, when in reality, no none gives a shit except for a few crackpots.
Nonsense, no one can get elected to office in the US as an atheist, that reveals the extent of prejudice against us. Scientology is also hated, in spite of the fact that it is no more ridiculous than Christianity.
Nonsense, no one can get elected to office in the US as an atheist, that reveals the extent of prejudice against us. Scientology is also hated, in spite of the fact that it is no more ridiculous than Christianity.

not unless one fakes his love for God. :cool:
Most of the founding fathers were Atheistic Diests and few of the presidents were profoundly religious. I think it can be argued that George W. Bush is the most religious president and he does nothing really religiously. Even Reagan, who was "pro-religion", identified himself more as a grandfatherly figure than a religiousist.

You need only not -disrespect- religion in order to get voted in.