

Valued Senior Member
So, how did you guys come to the conclusion there is no god? I mean did you wake up one night thought there isn't a god? Or did you do some research?

And also what is your motivation in life? And do you ever think what life would be like if you believed in a god?

Also are things like thinking of death easy to handle like I mean do you guy fear dying?

Side note: I don't like it the way Atheist go around attack god, and religion Atheist create so many problems in the world. I mean you guys should not say nasty things about god and peoples beliefs its hurtful to people. I mean you guys are pretty offensive. See that is another point look at a Jehovah's witness he believe in a god? but is he violent and disrespectful no? You guys should take a page out of out book, and be alittle more respectful and tolerant.
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Mythbuster said:

There are somethings that are illogical but you still believe in them like penguins. So can you elaborate on that a little more please.
Let's reword it then, God exists, for the weak minded, the delusional, the misguided, the confused, the deceived, the disinformed, the foolish, the ill-advised, the imprudent, the misled, the misplaced, the mistaken, the unreasonable, the unwise, the disfunctional religious prat.
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Muslim said:
So, how did you guys come to the conclusion there is no god? I mean did you wake up one night thought there isn't a god? Or did you do some research?

And also what is your motivation in life? And do you ever think what life would be like if you believed in a god?

Also are things like thinking of death easy to handle like I mean do you guy fear dying?

Well I went to religious schooling, but growing up, slowing realized it was bullshit. I think it's clear there is no God that resembles any created by man. Not that I don't deny completely the possability that there is an 'intelligent designer'. I just find it unlikely. Although the "but the universe is so complex" may sound convicincing, it is completely baseless. Complex compared to what?

I have a fair idea what it would be like to believe in God, since I used to do so around the age of 10. I also believed in Santa. I can say I don't need any self illusions.

I don't look forward to death, but what can you do? Creating a childish fantasy doesn't hide the fact it will happen.

Atheist create so many problems in the world.

That is so funny. Go away and burn my nations flag if you don't like what I say.
Mythbuster said:
Let's reword it then, God exists, for the weak minded, the delusional, the misguided, the confused, the deceived, the disinformed, the foolish, the ill-advised, the imprudent, the misled, the misplaced, the mistaken, the unreasonable, the unwise, the disfunctional religious pratt.

There was no need to thesaurus me!

This is what I mean this is what you get when you try to have a conversation with an Atheist, the first rule of debating is attack the idea not the person.
It's been established the Bible is most certainly NOT a source of scientific evidence; it contradicts itself frequently, claims the impossible and simply doesn't make sense. Using it as a basis for such an extraordinarily ignorant, bigoted and outrageous argument as yours is simply unacceptable in terms of discussion. With no evidence towards it and so much against it, the only logical conclusion is that you are wrong.
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There are somethings that are illogical but you still believe in them like penguins. So can you elaborate on that a little more please.

Are you trying to argue that penguins don't exist....? :bugeye:

I went to a catholic school from the ages of 2 up until 9, I then went to a church of England school until I was 13, I've always been science minded, and I did believe in God while I was a small child. Then I started to research the basis of christianty, and the idea of God existing. When it comes down to it, there's no proof that he does exist. There are plenty of theories to back up why the idea of him was created. Anything God supposedly did, such as create man can be explained in scientific terms, i.e. evolution.
So, I see no reason to believe in God.

And also what is your motivation in life? And do you ever think what life would be like if you believed in a god?

My motivation in life is to make the most of what I have, and have fun along the way. What's your motivation? To please God?
I've considered it, it may well be an easier life to believe in God, I always blame him when things went wrong, or go crying to him when things get hard. Personally, I'd rather face up to the consequences of my actions and live my life for myself, not a non existant entity. :p
So, how did you guys come to the conclusion there is no god? I mean did you wake up one night thought there isn't a god? Or did you do some research?
It took time, research of religions, logical thinking, observations of believers, probably more things i cant think of right now.

And also what is your motivation in life?
To be happy and to make others as happy as possible, to make the world and this life better and as good as it can be since its all we get.
And do you ever think what life would be like if you believed in a god?
Been there, really wasnt worth my time, my life is better without belief in a god.
Also are things like thinking of death easy to handle like I mean do you guy fear dying?
Well a lot of people fear the thought of ceasing to exist since they will lose everything they have in this world, but of course once you actually die you feel nothing anymore, so what is there to fear?
There are somethings that are illogical but you still believe in them like penguins.
What possible problem could you have with penguins?
KennyJC said:
Well I went to religious schooling, but growing up, slowing realized it was bullshit. I think it's clear there is no God that resembles any created by man. Not that I don't deny completely the possability that there is an 'intelligent designer'. I just find it unlikely. Although the "but the universe is so complex" may sound convicincing, it is completely baseless. Complex compared to what?

I have a fair idea what it would be like to believe in God, since I used to do so around the age of 10. I also believed in Santa. I can say I don't need any self illusions.

I don't look forward to death, but what can you do? Creating a childish fantasy doesn't hide the fact it will happen.

That is so funny. Go away and burn my nations flag if you don't like what I say.

How did you slowly realize it was not true? I mean did you read something? like the holy bible from god?
Muslim said:
How did you slowly realize it was not true? I mean did you read something? like the holy bible from god?

God has no beggining and has no end right ?

0 x infinity = undefined
That means he dont exist you twit !

I don't understand why some people simply cannot see this simple, easy fact; it's bloody preschool stuff.
Mythbuster said:
Let's reword it then, God exists, for the weak minded, the delusional, the misguided, the confused, the deceived, the disinformed, the foolish, the ill-advised, the imprudent, the misled, the misplaced, the mistaken, the unreasonable, the unwise, the disfunctional religious pratt.
I can't agree. Prat only has one t.
Mythbuster said:
God has no beggining and has no end.

0 x infinity = undefined
That means he dont exist you twit !

I don't understand why some people simply cannot see this simple, easy fact; it's bloody preschool stuff.

You just made that up. Its not even a proper calculation.
No, that is an easy equation which everyone should learn in basic middle school maths lessons.
Side note: I don't like it the way Atheist go around attack god, and religion
Most dont, i find religious people much more pushy as far as conversions go, and they constantly refer to atheists as satans children etc. I find Atheists much more accepting of other people.
Atheist create so many problems in the world.
Atheism is the minority, but feel free to prove your statement.
I mean you guys should not say nasty things about god and peoples beliefs its hurtful to people. I mean you guys are pretty offensive.
I'd say defensive, used to constantly being attacked, preached at etc, remember aAtheism is the minority.
See that is another point look at a Jehovah's witness he believe in a god? but is he violent and disrespectful no?
No just a pain in the ass, but feel free to cite sources of all this atheist violence. :rolleyes:
You guys should take a page out of out book, and be alittle more respectful and tolerant.
Preaching to someone is neither respectful or tolerant, this is why most religious people struggle to gain respect from atheists, those who dont preach, are respected and tolerated.
Don't be daft :p
:Muslim irritates me, and it kinna makes sense....:p If he can try and argue penguins are fictional I can back up a kinna maybe logical invented equation.
Are you trying to argue that penguins don't exist....?

No they do exist, but they are illogical I mean think about it? it can't fly it lives in cold water and does nothing, and the way it walks it just don't look right I don't like them.

I went to a catholic school from the ages of 2 up until 9, I then went to a church of England school until I was 13, I've always been science minded, and I did believe in God while I was a small child. Then I started to research the basis of christianty, and the idea of God existing. When it comes down to it, there's no proof that he does exist. There are plenty of theories to back up why the idea of him was created. Anything God supposedly did, such as create man can be explained in scientific terms, i.e. evolution.
So, I see no reason to believe in God.

Well Muslims believe in evolution as it doesn't contradict the Quran. Every thought maybe you researched the wrong religion I believe there is a religion out there for everyone and everyone should believe in a god.

My motivation in life is to make the most of what I have, and have fun along the way. What's your motivation? To please God?

Yes, my motivation is to please god and do good so I get my reword. 72 hot virgins.
Lil Light Foot said:
No, that is an easy equation which everyone should learn in basic middle school maths lessons.

Its abstract math, Greeks invented it to talk shit.
I have researched many religions, and I still don't see a reason to believe in God.
What happens if you're wrong? What about if there really is nothing after death?
Have you gone out and researched the scientific basis for most atheists beliefs, or lack there of?