
Adstar said:
You and your kind do not put any absurdities into sharp relief, but you succeed only too well in revel yourself in sharp relief.

What on earth does this mean?
Roman said:
I joined cause of the religion forums here (I think), but found everyone to be senseless Christians, senseless atheists or senseless mystics.

Most of the people who dick around in the religion section seem to team up a bit. Your typical Christians v. Atheist thing, really.

And it's funny, because Atheists tout themselves as some sort of superior being that is pure rationality, devoid of belief. Yet, you all behave essentially the same as Christians. You spew the same rhetoric and strut like the label 'atheist' means anything.

My favorite assinine debate, though, is that of whether atheists are religious. Does atheism count as a religion? Does science?

Well, no, not technically. Atheists deny the existance of a God, so aren't technically in a religion. However, the ignorance, intolerance and ferocity to which Atheists around here cling to their pretensions differs little from their diapoles.

Here's a little example, from Superluminal
(bolds mine)

Is that not an entirely obnoxious and ungrounded statement? Superluminal's beliefs and dogma cause him to spew the same garbage that his supposed enemies do!

I'm a thorough disbeliever, so if you come at me, perhaps construct an argument revolving around my hypocrisy and not my Christianity (of which I have none).
Superluminal, I mean nothing personal against you in using you as an example, nor with my somewhat inflammatory rhetoric. It's just that this baloney has been greatly bothering me, and you were the straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak. I do welcome any arguement/discussion/flaming you wish to engage in, though.

And how do you sense these so?
everneo said:
Bible is polytheistic? good LORD and Super-Lord!! explanations/refutations must be forthcoming.
I thought it was pretty much common knowledge outside Christian doctrine that the Old Testament, therefore the ancient Jews, were polytheistic.
The most famous quote...
Genesis 1:26 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness..."

But there are countless places in which other gods are recognized and acknowledged.
The God of Abraham does not claim to be the ONLY god, rather the only god his people should be worshipping and obeying.
That statement in itself at least suggests (at most proves) that early Jews worshipped more than one god.

This should probably be discussed in another thread, however, if you want to discuss it further.
one_raven said:
I thought it was pretty much common knowledge outside Christian doctrine that the Old Testament, therefore the ancient Jews, were polytheistic.
The most famous quote...
Genesis 1:26 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness..."

But there are countless places in which other gods are recognized and acknowledged.
The God of Abraham does not claim to be the ONLY god, rather the only god his people should be worshipping and obeying.
That statement in itself at least suggests (at most proves) that early Jews worshipped more than one god.

This should probably be discussed in another thread, however, if you want to discuss it further.
So there are many Gods/gods but not all are worthy of worship for us christians.
At one time I was deeply ashamed of many comments made by members of this board who speak on behalf of religion and the religious. At one time I was deeply offended and hurt by many of the comments made by members of this board who speak on behalf of atheism and the non-religious. At times I still feel so, but now I mostly just feel saddened by it. Saddened because I see the futility of both sides, because I see bitterness in both sides, because I see the desperation of both sides, because I used to be very much a part of it once, and still am in some meagre and pathetic way, and because the end of it is very difficult to imagine.