Atheists: What would it take?

I speak of what I know, I follow my inner voice, you see. I don't know if it's possible to prove anything, I can only make it sound believable.

Spoken like a true theist!. Make belief sound credible.

As for the question; What would it take?. non aging Immortality.
I speak of what I know, I follow my inner voice, you see. I don't know if it's possible to prove anything, I can only make it sound believable.
Wow, talk about giving the game away! ;)
Godless: As for the question; What would it take?. non aging Immortality.
M*W: It's on our doorstep, my friend.
I can't think of anything worse than immortality, ageless, or otherwise. Or anywhere!
Marv: It would take a whole other thread to explain why you think the way you do.

M*W. I know. Howeve if an all mighty being actually promises immortality in heaven or hell, why the heck not give it here? as I am now. This would "hypothetically" convince me that the individual giving me immortality is some sort of god.

Godless said:
Marv: It would take a whole other thread to explain why you think the way you do.
Well, hardly. What's your question?
hmm.. if I could talk to god, what would it take to prove that he is god? I would simply talk to him, ask questions, give replies. miracles are pointless if there is no understanding how it occurs, it becomes just a phenomenon. But if I were to ask of something I think I would ask "What would prove that you don't exist?" the outcome would prove to me that he exists or doesn't.

wow I want to write a story with this that would be sweet..I think I could do it too, in a very usually way, and see a true enlightening of exist and not. but then again I'm too lazy and writing music is much more entertaining then writing about god. I think.
I would perhaps probe a few other questions regarding is godularness to him. If I suspected him nuts I'd entertain him until a convenient graceful exit point appeared. If I didn't, I'd wonder what he was up to and leave it at that I think, as any proof he could offer would only make me wonder how the hell he did it. I he were god, I'd ask if he could make me prove he was god. If he was, I'd think he could. If he was but couldn't make me, I'd assume he didn't want me to be all fucked up thinking about what he wanted me to do. I'd ask him "what do you want me to do?" I suppose I shouldn't presume to hypothesize what he might say. I might say "you know the only way you can prove to me that you're god is by making me think you're god right?".. then "why did you make it that way?".

I wonder if he'd say "because I didn't want you worrying about what I think. it's more important that you think well of yourself and others". Shit there I go anthropomorphising.

If you pursue the 'what proof would it take' angle with some series of fantastic somethings, you really have to ask it in terms of your character. God would know what to do for him to believe... right?
If God wanted me to believe in him, I would.
Therefore either God does not exist or God does not care if I believe in him or not.
Either way, I'm set.

Well, hardly. What's your question?

You have been conditioned by society to accept death.
You are probably very old and looking forward to it; your views would be different if you were 18.
So far death is innevetable, but the goal of life is longevity, and scientists are working for that, within time, the longevity will get longer, and longer gradually as science makes newer and better ways to keep us younger longer.

Check out the link, and see the search of "biological immortality".

Godless: M*W. I know. Howeve if an all mighty being actually promises immortality in heaven or hell, why the heck not give it here? as I am now. This would "hypothetically" convince me that the individual giving me immortality is some sort of god.
M*W: In Hollywood gods are called plastic surgeons, but they my become a thing of the past when stem cells are used to rejuvenate (regrow) skin and teeth.
M*W: In Hollywood gods are called plastic surgeons, but they my become a thing of the past when stem cells are used to rejuvenate (regrow) skin and teeth.

Not if that douchebag Bush keeps limiting funding on stem cell research because he has a personal bias against it. Is he that thick that he can't see how much potential stem cell research has? He has said that he is opposed to it because it goes against his religious principles because it kills a human embryo that could have a chance to live. So basically he classifies it as murder. But what he doesn't understand is that the embryo wouldn't have been created in the first place if the researchers didn't make it happen! If the researchers create it and destory it, or if they don't create it at all, either way to the embryo will not have a chance to live. ARG, Bush makes me so angry...
Godless said:
You have been conditioned by society to accept death.
Death just happens to be a condition of life. It's the penalty to be paid in exchange for being smarter than rocks.
Godless said:
You are probably very old and looking forward to it; your views would be different if you were 18.
Well, I wouldn't call 66 'old'. But then the term 'old' is relative. By the way, I have already been 18! Have you been 66?

Godless said:
So far death is innevetable, but the goal of life is longevity, and scientists are working for that, within time, the longevity will get longer, and longer gradually as science makes newer and better ways to keep us younger longer.
Alive, yes. But younger? I wouldn't count on that. The quest for a longer and longer life is really an expression of the fear of death.

For me, the goal is not longevity of life, but usefulness of life. I've been both fortunate enough, and unfortunate enough, to have been places and done and seen things that many people will never have the opportunity to. I've had my share of fun and saddness, fear and anger, and all those things.

And consider this. The mind and memory are limited by the synapses available in the brain. I can still remember the telephone number of the house in which I grew up in! I'm running out of room. It's sort of like a library that has more books than bookshelf space.

I'll check out imminst.
M*W: Stem cell research is going on in laboratories all over this country as we speak! Bush does not approve of federal funding of human embryonic stem cell research, but don't worry, there's millions (maybe even billions) floating around in private funds to do the work. It's not illegal as long as its being researched in the private sector... and it is. An embryonic stem cell is only viable for research between day 5-6 of life. However, the major portion of stem cell research is being done with autologous bone marrow that is rich in stem cells. You've heard of bone marrow transplantation. They've been doing that for years in cancer patients. Scientists are able to grow stem cells in the lab. In well-funded private institutions they are already transplanting stem cells into damaged myocardium of heart attack victims with great success. In fact, as far as federal funding goes, the NIH has already been generally funding stem cell research but not with human embryos. Sweden, Germany, Brasil, and even Korea, are already ahead of the USA in their embryonic stem cell research endeavors, but we have collaborations going on in these foreign institutions, so essentially the USA is not really lagging in this field of research.
My question about stem cell harvesting has nothing to do with morality or religion but simple economics. So here it is:
Everyday, umbilical cords are thrown in the trash in hospitals. They contain stem cells perfectly suited for the same research that labs go through great expense to produce by creating embryos. Further, cells from umbilical cords are free for the taking and only require refrigeration! So, why spend the time, money and effort to 'create' stem cells?​
Well marv, I don't really know much about the economic side of stem cell research, but I do think you have a good point.

On the other side though, think of how many people's lives this research can do. Isn't it worth it to put money into this? I think so. Look at all the money that Bush has put into the military and the war in Iraq. And yes Medicine Woman, I know stem cell research is going on, but think of how much more money could be put into it if the government hopped aboard.
Do the math. Daily hospital birth rate x number of stem cells in an umbilical cord = a whole bunch more than could be grown from embryos. And at just the cost of refrigeration. And nobody gets upset over religious or moral issues. This whole stem cell thing is just another phony battle over morality and religion.

All of the research hospitals doing stem cell work can simply buy what is now just "trash". I think there's about five such hospitals around the country. The Federal government (read taxpayer) doesn't even have to get involved. The hospitals do it for the potential profit on the results of the research anyway.
one_raven said:
I'm looking for some help with a story idea I'm trying to flesh out.

You meet a guy on the street.
He seems like a nice enough guy, if a bit eccentric.
After a few conversations he tells you that he is God.
What would he have to do to convince you?

Keep in mind that the constraints of the story require that he only prove it to YOU.
He doesn't want to make all the people in the world hear his booming voice at once because he only wants you to know.

Another constraint of the story is that one of the very few things he can not do is read your mind. The other thing he can't do is definitive pre-cognition more than a few minutes into the future (he can see what is likely to happen given certain constraints, like people imagine a massive computer weighing the evidence of cause and effect -the only real variables being the probability of what may or may not happen due to free will).

I want to steer away from the lame cliches such him knowing things about you that no one else could blah blah.

What would you personally require (if anything) to be convinced that this person is God?

If i am an atheist i would ask him to make me omniscient for a minute. Knowing all about/of the present (if possible past) alone would suffice to realise who he is. I don't think either devil (or alien) can do this feat.
This idea is a lie perpetrated by those who wish to turn a religion into a simple easy recipe, when it is nothing of the sort. Easy, microwaveable, ziploc'ed packages of God.
That is a joke.
The earth is not a playground for anyone except by extremely unlikely preponderances of wealth, family stability, physical health, etc., etc., etc., and even then they must be blind to the needs of the rest of the planet to continue to think it a happy little sandbox.
A pox on this idea, and anyone who wants to pretend that it is some sort of necessity in my life, or anyone elses. And to the religious - sorry, no fairytales this lifetime, or easy answers.

Psalm of David:
“The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. 2 He maketh me to lie down in green [1] pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. 3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. 4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. 5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest [2] my head with oil; my cup runneth over. 6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever. [3]”

And 3 psalms before that one:

“My he grant you your heart’s desire, and fulfill all your plans! My we shout for joy over your victories….
Now I know that the lord will help his anointed, he will answer him from his holy heving with mihgy victories by his right hand.”

Psalm 55:16-
"But I call upon God; and the LORD will save me. Evening and morning and at noon, I utter my complain and moan and he will hear my voice.
He will deliver my soul in safety from the battle that I wage, for many are arrayed against me.”

1 Chronicles 29:12:
"Both riches and honor come from thee, and thou rulest over all. In thy had are power and might; and in thy hand it is to make great and to give strength to all......
For all things come from thee..."

Ecclesiasties 7: 13-
"Consider the work of God; who can make straight what he has made crooked?.
In the day of prosperity be joyful and in the day of adversity consider: God has made the one as well as the other, so that man may not find out anything that will be after him"