Atheists what is your proof?

The irony is that atheist agree with each and every religion, in regard to the complete certainty that alternative religions are absolutely wrong. Why are we atheist seen as so different from all religious beliefs. Can we not use your own proof against the falsity of other religions.
Who is "right"? Some objective basis has to be established if you are going to make a call of right and wrong beyond just one's own personal feelings.

heh. as if slavery only produces effects of subjective "personal feelings" akin to hallucinations and no real consequences. um, like possible starvation, disease, and any and all type of mental, emotional and physical injury. as if these are not real.
Wrong. Not collecting stamps is not a defensive position. Not being able to play guitar is not a defensive position. Not believing in God is not a defensive position.

Got it?

I have to disagree with you..

Theists are on the offensive...They try to convert people..And threaten eternal torture to those that don't submit.

Atheists are on the defensive.. Not choosing to believe in an antiquated concept. Based neither in logic, nor reality.

How many atheist "door knockers" have you ever encountered?
However the enslaver can either have high morals, or low morals.
Unfortunately, the enslaved don't get to choose who their master is.

theist: why are atheists accusing god of being immoral or wrong

I still agree with you on this one. (See, there's hope for you yet.) Someone who does not exist CANNOT be immoral, wrong or anything else.

It's people that are the problem.
I still agree with you on this one. (See, there's hope for you yet.) Someone who does not exist CANNOT be immoral, wrong or anything else.

It's people that are the problem.

this is about practicality. whether you subscribe to a religion or not, whatever you cite as the source of your moral values is what was up to question for the sake of discussion and understanding what those moral values are. it's not that atheists actually believe that their god exists.
this is about practicality. whether you subscribe to a religion or not, whatever you cite as the source of your moral values is what was up to question for the sake of discussion and understanding what those moral values are. it's not that atheists actually believe that their god exists.
True, but that's playing in their sandbox. It's a diversion from the initial discussion.
Was Jesus being subjective when he said,"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"?

Honestly, yes he was... all we have to go by is ourselves. Hopefully people realize that we are all in this together. We can subjugate or we can cooperate.

:) Before I read you second statement I was about to say "Actually, yes".
Ae you an atheist? If not, what gives you the right to say what atheism is or is not? Atheists themselves do not, by and large, say that they have a positive belief that God does not exist.

The dictionary defines atheism as "the doctrine or belief that there is no god". So perhaps atheists, by and large, don't know what they are.

Compared to what? Militant Islam, say?

Identify a group as militant doesn't rank them compared to other militant groups.

I haven't seen Richard running around bombing people.

Obviously, it is a different kind of militancy.

Why is one man's supposed conversion supposed to prove something?

I couldn't agree more.
Well, you're an atheist aren't you?
You said atheists realise there IS no SKY DADDY, didn't you?
That claim requires smartness (at least) wouldn't you say?

Unless of course you were talking out of your ass. Again.


Geez. Come on. That is not very Christian behavior.

No, atheism is a defensive position.
The theists have an offensive position.
I completely forget the "existence of God" until he is brought up by theists.
I never look for theists to convince them that there is no God.
I think you reverse the roles, and you do not know who burned whom.

Wow. I barely know where to start.

First of all, it isn't the entirety of theism that is responsible for burning anyone. Puritans and the Catholic Church... that's about it, as far as I recall. So to toss that out there as though it is the fault of theism is dishonest.

Secondly, because YOU never look for theists to convince them that there is no God has nothing to do with atheists as a whole, and anyway the "militancy" of atheism is referring to the attitudes of those atheists who do engage. Looking through the posts on this site there is certainly enough atheists who speak about theism with such condemnation and anger as to characterize the attitudes as militant.

Third, the position of theists doesn't have anything to do with the position of atheists. Both sides are capable of being "militant".
You hit the nail squarely on the head...I agree 100% with this statement.

An atheist has nothing to gain by convincing a theist there is no God..

A theist on the other hand does stand to gain...You wish to add to your ranks, convincing yourselves that what you believe, must be true.

Religion is organized...Atheism isn't..

Why does a theist gain by having others "added to their ranks" any more or less than an atheist? Your statement carries with it no logic, just a conclusion, and as such could be equally applied to anything - which renders it meaningless.
The irony is that atheist agree with each and every religion, in regard to the complete certainty that alternative religions are absolutely wrong. Why are we atheist seen as so different from all religious beliefs. Can we not use your own proof against the falsity of other religions.

I don't see it as any different at all. It is indeed one more religious belief.
I have to disagree with you..

Theists are on the offensive...They try to convert people..And threaten eternal torture to those that don't submit.

Atheists are on the defensive.. Not choosing to believe in an antiquated concept. Based neither in logic, nor reality.

How many atheist "door knockers" have you ever encountered?

You are also selecting a specific group or two of theism and applying it to ALL theists. Dishonest.
I have no desire to get into a pissing match with you Solus..

And DON'T take that to mean that I concede that you're right here.

IMO, you are very quick to write off anything anyone says that goes against what you preach.. As you say, what I believe is "meaningless", I feel the same way about what you constantly spew.

You won't convince me that your opinions are right, nor will I convince you, that mine are.. And let's face it, when it comes to a belief in God, that's all we're working with..BELIEF...No proof that a God exists, no proof to the contrary.. Only OPINIONS.

So, try being civil, and a little less insulting and condescending please.
I have no desire to get into a pissing match with you Solus..

And DON'T take that to mean that I concede that you're right here.

IMO, you are very quick to write off anything anyone says that goes against what you preach.. As you say, what I believe is "meaningless", I feel the same way about what you constantly spew.

You won't convince me that your opinions are right, nor will I convince you, that mine are.. And let's face it, when it comes to a belief in God, that's all we're working with..BELIEF...No proof that a God exists, no proof to the contrary.. Only OPINIONS.

So, try being civil, and a little less insulting and condescending please.

My apologies for coming across as condescending. It was not my intent. And frankly, my responses to you have been less about your position and more about your approach. You are making claims without justifying them, and there is no discourse that can come out of that, other than - as you put it - a pissing match. I debates, one must justify their positions with logic, and I don't see you doing that.