Atheists what is your proof?

No. I also wouldn't want to be poor, overweight, 5' tall, dumb, or bald. What's your point?

you know what his point is. it's that you would not want others to control your life where it goes against your wishes or obstructs your desires and rights.
this whole slavery is not wrong and there is no objective reason that it's wrong is not only a complete farce but dishonest. the "objective" add-on is a distraction and trick considering the enslaved are not "objects" that have no feelings or thoughts but does as the enslaver. enslavement doesn't occur in the world of ideas where there is no real consequences, that is the deception in the argument.

It is no farce, and it is not dishonest. It is a simple application of logic.. Your statement that objectivity is irrelevant because the enslaved has feelings obviously puts some degree of import on one's feelings. So, as a moral basis, everyone's feelings then becomes part of the goal. This is not deceptive argumentation, but rather Socratic logic. If a point cannot be argued in such a manner then it is missing steps.

it's easily debunked. consider an example:

if jeffrey dahmer captured jan ardena against his will and locked him in his dungeon/basement to control, humiliate, torture, mutilate, starve, and abuse; jan ardena's feelings, thoughts and actions would betray his detached "slavery is not right or wrong" bs he's been pushing on this thread. if that were true, jan ardena would not even think of fighting back or escaping. he would agree with his enslaver or be completely neutral. jan ardena would just stay put and think to himself "what is wrong with it? can't find a reason"

This is precisely my point. You have quite handily identified the subjectivity associated with the question of slavery. It is "good" for the enslaver and "bad" for the enslaved. Which is more valuable? Who is "right"? Some objective basis has to be established if you are going to make a call of right and wrong beyond just one's own personal feelings.
Are you really trying to equate slavery with baldness? I thought you were more intelligent than that. :bugeye:

you know what his point is. it's that you would not want others to control your life where it goes against your wishes or obstructs your desires and rights.

How is what one wants a basis for morality? It is completely subjective, and meaningless beyond the self.
Oh boy, fallacy upon fallacy.

Atheism is NOT the viewpoint that God does not exist. It's merely a lack of belief that any do.

No, the lack of any belief is agnosticism. Atheism is a positive belief in God's NON-existence. It is overtly militant, even hateful. Take Richard Dawkins, please.

And as to "proofs," consider:

1. Brandon Carter's seminal paper, "Large Number Coincidences and the Anthropic Principle"

And please, no claims of Multiverses, and we JUST happen to be in the "right" one.

2. The New Evidence that Demands a Verdict, by Josh McDowell.

3. Mere Christianity, by C.S. Lewis, a former atheist who set out to prove there is no God.

4. Likewise Sir Anthony Flew is a convert of considerable influence.
How is what one wants a basis for morality? It is completely subjective, and meaningless beyond the self.
Was Jesus being subjective when he said,"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"?

Honestly, yes he was... all we have to go by is ourselves. Hopefully people realize that we are all in this together. We can subjugate or we can cooperate.
No, the lack of any belief is agnosticism. Atheism is a positive belief in God's NON-existence.

Ae you an atheist? If not, what gives you the right to say what atheism is or is not? Atheists themselves do not, by and large, say that they have a positive belief that God does not exist.

It is overtly militant, even hateful.

Compared to what? Militant Islam, say?

Take Richard Dawkins, please.

I haven't seen Richard running around bombing people.

And as to "proofs," consider:

1. Brandon Carter's seminal paper, "Large Number Coincidences and the Anthropic Principle"

And please, no claims of Multiverses, and we JUST happen to be in the "right" one.

Could you briefly summarise Mr Carter's seminal paper for those of us who haven't had the privilege of reading it?

2. The New Evidence that Demands a Verdict, by Josh McDowell.

Could you please summarise Mr McDowell's main arguments?

3. Mere Christianity, by C.S. Lewis, a former atheist who set out to prove there is no God.

Could you please summarise Mr Lewis's arguments for us?

4. Likewise Sir Anthony Flew is a convert of considerable influence.

Why is one man's supposed conversion supposed to prove something?
sry, guys .. what are you ppl discussing abt? During the course of life, one has to believe in something. . . Religious ppl believ in ideality n atheists believe in reality. But believing in ideality require lesser efforts..dats what i think.
sry, guys .. what are you ppl discussing abt? During the course of life, one has to believe in something. . . Religious ppl believ in ideality n atheists believe in reality. But believing in ideality require lesser efforts..dats what i think.

Perfect example of the stupid preaching. You cant even use the English language. Thats what I think.. Learn to write fool.
Whoops, and we were starting to get along. You're now showing your asshole side again.

PS - When did I claim to be smart?

Well, you're an atheist aren't you?
You said atheists realise there IS no SKY DADDY, didn't you?
That claim requires smartness (at least) wouldn't you say?

Unless of course you were talking out of your ass. Again.


it's amazing that this point is unrecognized. but they DO claim god exists and god is responsible for creation, which follows the accusation that god is "evil", if one holds the opinion that slavery is also evil. simple logic.

My point is, they (as in atheists) do claim or imply that slavery (itself) is evil, which is why I ask the question; why is slavery (itself) evil?

as for evolution, observance is not agreement. again, simple logic. and again, atheists all have different moral values. for instance, many atheists consider animal cruelty wrong, though they can clearly observe that it occurs. again, it's painfully simple to understand the different contexts which follow the questions raised as well as the arguments. an atheist will argue with another atheist on moral issues as well as a theist, if their morals clash. again, simple logic.

Some people who eat meat from supermarkets, butchers, resteraunts, and other similar outlets, believe that animal cruelty is wrong. So what use is their
subjective opinion, when taken apart?

faulty theist logic: god is not immoral because even evolution comprises what can be defined as immoral.

Let's forget "what can be defined as immoral" and go straight to the evolutionary question. Is slavery wrong, and if yes, why??

faulty atheist logic: evolution is not immoral because that is the way it is done.

neither point has anything to do with morals or ethics. it's merely an observance of what is.

At last, an answer to my question, as it rules out personal opinion.
So slavery (itself) is NOT immoral.
However the enslaver can either have high morals, or low morals.
So if such a person (organisation) can be taught to see people as fellow human beings, is that not a beneficial thing?

theist: why are atheists accusing god of being immoral or wrong when they "believe" in evolution?

Not quite the nature of the question.
theist: why are atheists accusing god of being immoral or wrong in in the light of evolution? , is more appropriate.

this is the most common and crucial point of misunderstanding among theists and some atheists. it's not a "belief" in the sense theists "agree" with god's system. it's not a "belief" at all. it's just an observance, which some do and don't agree with on a fundamental principle even if they know what those priniciples are and can even present them as facts. for instance, one can visit another country and observe a corrupt system, one can also be a native in a system and observe it is corrupt but still have to work with and live in it, exercising their power in whatever way they can. again, some think the system is good and some will think it could have been or should be different.

Try not to take it personally. Like I said, some meat eaters are against cruelty to animals. They really are, but they cannot give up eating meat, so they justify stuff. This is called being smart, but sweeps intelligence under the carpet. :)

no one is denying or claiming what evolution is or comprises of. it's the moral implications which will differ among individuals.

It's okay now, you've answered my question. Thanks.

No, the lack of any belief is agnosticism.

Wrong. Agnosticism is a statement about knowledge not faith. For some reason, theists often get this wrong. Agnosticism isn't some apologetic middle ground between faith and atheism, it's not about not having made your mind up, it's a definite statement.

Atheism is simply a lack of faith in your God(s).

Atheism is a positive belief in God's NON-existence.

No it isn't. I just don't believe in what others describe to me as being their God.

It is overtly militant, even hateful.

Inquisitions were loving, were they? Fatwahs are loving? Crusades were all about 'turning the other cheek' were they? Killing in the name of your religion is hateful.

Take Richard Dawkins, please.

I'd be happy to take him for a pint, yes.

And as to "proofs," consider:

1. Brandon Carter's seminal paper, "Large Number Coincidences and the Anthropic Principle"

So Brandon is a puddle;

"... imagine a puddle waking up one morning and thinking, 'This is an interesting world I find myself in, an interesting hole I find myself in, fits me rather neatly, doesn't it? In fact it fits me staggeringly well, must have been made to have me in it!' This is such a powerful idea that as the sun rises in the sky and the air heats up and as, gradually, the puddle gets smaller and smaller, it's still frantically hanging on to the notion that everything's going to be all right, because this world was meant to have him in it, was built to have him in it; so the moment he disappears catches him rather by surprise. I think this may be something we need to be on the watch out for." (Douglas Adams)

Coincidences, ... well, with a couple of hundred billions stars in our galaxy alone, coincidences are going to happen, aren't they?

And please, no claims of Multiverses, and we JUST happen to be in the "right" one.

Well, if we didn't exist, because this version of the Universe wasn't conducive to the formation of life, we wouldn't be here to question anything would we? So the question only exists, because we do. The Universe may well have have expanded and collapsed a million times or more, before life formed. We just can't know. Or maybe, given that there are over 100 elements in the periodic table, given some slightly different Universal constants in a differing Universe, different elements would combine to form life? You are aware, that some crustaceans have Copper based blood, aren't you? That it isn't all 'just so' to make us the way we are, there is wiggle room, and we could have evolved with different chemistry.

2. The New Evidence that Demands a Verdict, by Josh McDowell.

Ha, no. The Romans liked to document things, and had scribes, and somehow, just somehow, there is no corroboration of the existence of Jesus. The Romans didn't get interested until many years after the stories gained popularity, and then they wrote the NT the way they wanted people to see it.

3. Mere Christianity, by C.S. Lewis, a former atheist who set out to prove there is no God.

Oh dear, clearly you haven't been reading the thread. Lewis made arguments based on some external morality. Given that God has said it's OK to keep slaves, is that included in God's morality? Do you think it's OK to enslave people? Actually, the bible in conflicted on the matter, God seems to take sides, it's OK for some, but not others to do so. Oddly, he seems to tell his followers it's OK, and punishes the Sun worshippers. Odd that, eh?

But I guess you are a christian, given you offered nothing from either of the other Abrahamic schisms. So, given they have holy books like yours, why aren't they right?

4. Likewise Sir Anthony Flew is a convert of considerable influence.

Six years before he died, and with his mental capacity declining. Yeah, right, strong argument you have there,.... NOT.
It is overtly militant, even hateful.

No, atheism is a defensive position.
The theists have an offensive position.
I completely forget the "existence of God" until he is brought up by theists.
I never look for theists to convince them that there is no God.
I think you reverse the roles, and you do not know who burned whom.


No, atheism is a defensive position.
The theists have an offensive position.
I completely forget the "existence of God" until he is brought up by theists.
I never look for theists to convince them that there is no God.

You hit the nail squarely on the head...I agree 100% with this statement.

An atheist has nothing to gain by convincing a theist there is no God..

A theist on the other hand does stand to gain...You wish to add to your ranks, convincing yourselves that what you believe, must be true.

Religion is organized...Atheism isn't..
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So slavery (itself) is NOT immoral.
However the enslaver can either have high morals, or low morals.

you are misrepresenting my statements or misunderstanding them. this is really stupid. it's like saying, rape "itself" is not immoral, but the rapist that has high or low morals. absolute nonsense. slavery is not an inanimate object. slavery is based on exploitation and disregard of another's life, so therefore it's immoral. why it's immoral is because all do care about life including the enslaver and thus the willful disregard of it is hypocritical. therefore it is "wrong" whether people do it or not.

and no, your question has been answered way before many times, whether and when you recognized one to your satisfaction is another matter.
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Well, you're an atheist aren't you?
You said atheists realise there IS no SKY DADDY, didn't you?
That claim requires smartness (at least) wouldn't you say?

Unless of course you were talking out of your ass. Again.

OK, if you insist, I'll accept that I am smarter than you.
Wrong. Not collecting stamps is not a defensive position. Not being able to play guitar is not a defensive position. Not believing in God is not a defensive position.

Got it?

Who is God? Who is God to you? Well you came from someone else. Everyone comes from their dad. Ergo dad is God.