Atheists what is your proof?


This means it is a part of humanity. Right?

No, it's a part of our HISTORY.

If it is part of humanity, then it is natural.

So, anything that humans do is NATURAL?
According to you?

So, homosexuality is natural, right?
Drug addiction is natural, right?
Child abuse is natural, right?
Terrorism is natural, right?

Here you are SUPPORTING SLAVERY - just like Christians did not long agao in the US - support slavery with the Biblical slavery as evidence.

Right? So from an atheist perspective. What's wrong with it?

You've been told 100s of times.
But you never listen anyway.


Yeah but we're talking about slavery.What's wrong with it, from athiest pov?

jan -
you can't even get the WORD right !
After seeing a 1000 times, even though it's right there in the TITLE, even though you've been told 100s of times. You can't even get a simple WORD correct!


You don't know anything about atheism, and you refuse to learn.

You are only here to preach and witness. Please go back to church to do that.

Here, you are expected to debate with facts.


No I'm not.
But let my ask YOU a question;
What is actually WRONG with slavery?

Well - according to Christians - slavery is just FINE.
And according to you slavery is fine, because it's natural.

It is astonishing that you do not appear to understand why slavery is bad.

Atheists have no problem understanding why slavery is wrong.

Why do you, like previous Christians, find it so hard to grasp that slavery is wrong?

Do you still own slaves?
Do you WANT to own slaves ?
What type of person do you want to be your slave?


You tell me?
Atheists are the ones who always bring it up.
Can you answer the question?

(It's been answered 100s of times - you ignore it every time.)

Yes, atheists always bring it up because Christians believed slavery was good.

Christians supported slavery, using the Bible slavery as evidence.

Atheists understand perfectly well why slavery is bad.

Why don't you?
Do you WANT to own slaves, jan ?
Is that it?


Why is it so hard for you guys to answer this question?I simply want to know why you think slavery is wrong.

Answered many times.
You ignore it every time.
Do you think people don't NOTICE that, jan?

Do you think slavery is a part of nature? If not, what is it, and how did it originate?

No, it's evil and un-natural.
Religious people started it.
Christianity supported and continued it.


But it's natural right?
Somewhere in our evolutionary past we must have developed this propensity. Right?
How can it be WRONG or right, for that matter?

Religion started slavery.
Christianity supported slavery.
jan thinks slavery is not wrong.

You really appear to want to keep slaves.


The strong dominating the weak, better for the long term survival of civiliasation, no?

No, this is pure evil nonsense.

It appears you support the strong dominating the weak.
It appears you support slavery.

What an evil point of view.

Well - according to Christians - slavery is just FINE.
And according to you slavery is fine, because it's natural.

slavery of christians is not right in the bible though. not a big surprise.

Can you give me an objective reason why slavery is wrong/right or not? It's a really simple request.

You've been answered many many many times.
You ignore it every time.

Meanwhile, you support slavery as natural.

Was there ever a time when it didn't exist?

so that's your justification, because it exists.

i wonder how long this has to exist before it's considered natural or acceptable to you.

drug trafficking exists, so therefore it must be natural and we should accept it. nevermind, it's harmful and ruins many lives which is an understatement. lol

Was there ever a time when it didn't exist?

What on earth is your point?
We all know slavery exists, and has existed for a long time.

Does that make it right?

Everyone here knows that slavery is wrong.
Everyone here knows why.

Except for you that is.

You keep saying that slavery is 'natural', that it is 'part of humanity'. Theists argued for slavery using arguments like that, and using the Bible for support. And you are obviously a theist, considering the way you bash atheists, or 'athiests'.

If you are not trying to support slavery, then please make your point clear.

Learn to read.


You keep asking over and over for a reason that slavery is bad, and you keep ignoring the many answers and reasons that you are given.

Everyone here KNOWS why slavery is wrong - whether they be atheist or theist.
Everyone but you, that is.
Why are you playing that game?

Especially when it was THEISTS who supported slavery.

It appears that by "conscience", several people here mean 'to not think one's premises through to their logical conclusions; to stop reasoning at a certain intuitively determined point'.

This nonsense really has to stop. You are the one who is taking such a narrow minded, unsubstantiated, pseudo-scientific, nihilistic stance that one suspects either a mental aberration, or an education in residual fascist communities in Argentina.

Conscience is derived from both a cultural and a genetic source. Since the cultural elements are themselves largely of genetic origin it is plain that conscience is a product of evolution.

The belief that slavery is wrong and that consciences function is because these are survival mechanisms: survival mechanisms developed by evolution. Now go and get an education in the basics or leave the argument. Your ignorance is becoming tiresome.

Calling slavery "wrong" is subjective description, and I don't doubt that the majority of people hold that opinion.
But why is it ACTUALLY wrong? Atheists, by claiming God is evil because He condones/allows it, imply that slavery is actually wrong.
All I am asking is why is it wrong.

If slavery is a natural part of humanity, then is slavery itself wrong.
That being the case then God doesn't have to allow/condone it anymore than He doesn't have to condone eating and drinking. By regulating the desire of those particular peoples who view some humans as sub-human

Atheists always talk about things in evolutionary terms. One only has to watch natural world documentary to understand this. Why all of a sudden, for something so prominent in the human psyche, do atheists resort to subjective reasoning when asked about slavery? Where is the evolutionary explanation?

Jan please do come over to my place. I will be glad for you to be my slave. You will enjoy lots of hard work, cheap food, and my control over what you say, who you befriend, and the religion you may follow. As my slave you will get but rudimentary medical treatment and most likely die soon after your working days are over. I will only beat you if you dont follow the rules..

Slavery is wrong, you are a fool to think one human can own another in an ethical world. I has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with compassion and freedom.