atheists, please explain yourselves..

are you an atheist?

  • yes

    Votes: 38 74.5%
  • no

    Votes: 13 25.5%

  • Total voters
Right here babe, shudh angrezi mein likha hai :

Dawkins looks forward to the day when the first US politician is honest about being an atheist

Exactly, thank you. Note that whatever you claimed has nothing to do with what Dawkins said. Perfect. :thumbsup:
i still haven't grasped why atheists don't believe in god..

To put it simply: I was born without a belief in gods and since that time have seen no valid reason to change.

SAM said:
Ironically, Dawkins is quite comfortable with the notion that highly intelligent atheists lie to get into office.
His discomfort with that notion - that is, with all of its implications - is one of his major themes.

You really ought to read his books, one of these days.
THIS is how God wanted us? WHAT a mad muddled mess!

I said close as God was going to get. We are predisposed toward good but still have free choice. We are predisposed to believeing in a higher power but still have a choice not to. We're imperfect, but then again if we were perfect we would be damn bored.

Save your pity for yourself.

Why, I at least have a mind open to possibilities, while yours is closed to anything you cannot understand.

That is your delusion.

No, it is your delusion that there is nothing more. You have no proof. I merely concede that there is a possibility that there something more out ther. You deny the possibility of it's existance.
You're free to wallow in myth and superstition and attempt to rationalize it with your 'holier than thou' attitude of pity, but you're also free to demonstrate that the fantasy world you believe in offers anything different than what the world offers anyone else.

You can't, ever. :D

I am not the on deriding and demeaning others for their belief and yes atheism is a belief.
I said close as God was going to get. We are predisposed toward good but still have free choice. We are predisposed to believeing in a higher power but still have a choice not to. We're imperfect, but then again if we were perfect we would be damn bored.

Even allowing for your absurd assumptions, God is doing a horribly poor job.

Why, I at least have a mind open to possibilities

An open mind doesn't mean fabricating "answers" or accepting absurd cruel fantasy.

while yours is closed to anything you cannot understand.

Absurd assumption.

No, it is your delusion that there is nothing more. You have no proof. I merely concede that there is a possibility that there something more out ther. You deny the possibility of it's existance.

I never said there's nothing more. You go much further than conceding to possibilities. You state fantasy as fact.

I am not the on deriding and demeaning others for their belief and yes atheism is a belief.

No. Atheism is not a belief.
Absurd cruel fantasy accepted as fact is unworthy of respect.
Why should we believe in something there is no evidence for?

Would you believe me if I told you the world was created by a huge blue scorpion, without any kind of evidence?

No. I thought not.

So why is your God a special case? Why is he deserving of unsubstantiated belief?

I said close as God was going to get.
Not if we were his design and he is all powerful. He could have designed us differently. The result must be exactly as he intended if he is perfect.

We are predisposed toward good but still have free choice.
From an evolutionary perspective the first part is correct, but we cannot have free will if all that is going to happen is already known, i.e. God’s omniscience necessarily implies we cannot have free will.

We are predisposed to believeing in a higher power
Not quite. We are predisposed for a strong survival instinct and a system that promises eternal life is an attractive proposition. We are also predisposed to be somewhat irrational where emotions are involved and that further leads us towards religious promises. These are evolutionary traits, not supernaturally inspired.

Why, I at least have a mind open to possibilities,
That cannot be true if you are a theist since that implies you only follow that one narrow path – a god did everything – and your mind must be closed to any other possibility.

while yours is closed to anything you cannot understand.
The atheist position is simply disbelief in your claims. It implies nothing more about any alternatives.

No, it is your delusion that there is nothing more.
Not really. The atheist doesn’t claim there is nothing else only that what is claimed as something else has no basis.

You have no proof.
Isn’t the perpetual absence of evidence for your claims strong evidence that you have nothing?

I merely concede that there is a possibility that there something more out ther.
Why is a god possible? The best we can do is speculate but we are in no position to propose that a god might be possible.

You deny the possibility of it's existance.
That’s a very strong stance typical of religious teachings about atheism. Atheists do not deny, they simply disbelieve theist claims. This says nothing about what is possible or not.
If that's the reason that most people don't want you to seek the truth, then most people seem to be cowards. It would hurt (or even burn) to know your wife/husband is cheating on you, but I think most people would still want to know.
just like wanting to know who created this universe, but they don't go on about the details and styles and visual discriptions because not only is it pointless..but it might make you do harm to yourself(and others)..
many people lose their way in looking for god..those who answered all the questions exist but are few..those few reach to leaders and put their energy into giving them the conclusion and making them satified with it..then those leaders apply what they learned to their people without telling them how everything went because it would be a waste of time, and because some people are pure's like parents telling their kids how they were born without all the details..
But this is not directly addressing the point anyway. If religion explains some sort of natural phenomenon with God, then religion is no longer (if it ever was) fostering an environment for discovery. got it messed up..
religion explains very little, religion tells you how things is what explains everything..and because science and discovery are continuously evolving..meaning every minute proves a fallacy in the minute before is wrong to accept it as a way of a tool to explain life, yes..but as a WAY of life..i don't think so..

But if you're really sincere about having a discussion on atheism and not just push your point of view, then go read some books. I'd suggest starting with at least one that takes the opposite stance from what you currently have, and simply consider the argument(s) made. The points you've brought up so far are among the first and simplest you'll see in the literature. You'll come across far more complicated arguments and I think you'll enjoy them if given a fair viewing. I am of course assuming you'd be able to read an entire book on something you probably find offensive.
1- i gave atheism it's chance long failed then..i did it again with the guys in this forum..and they couldn't even be as challenging as i was to myself last time..
2-i'm interested in the far more complicated arguments you mentioned..but if i'm 18 and the explenations i give to the simple points weren't understood here..why would the more complicated be otherwise?
3-and this is important..have you ever read a whole book on an opposit view which you might call stupid and gave it a fair viewing?
So you're coming to this forum to find answers to these questions, which seems fair. But there are groups of people who actually write books on this , people who have spent the necessary time and done the necessary research to answer some of the difficult questions (of which yours is not). If you're sincerely looking for answers in this or any forum, it's at best a nice start and at worst, intellectually lazy.
actually i'm writing a book myself:D..:)grumble:although i admit i wrote more of it on this forum than in print)
and you're right..i am lazy:D..but if you promise me that if i read to this dawkins there would be some real progress..i actually might do it..
Go right ahead. Feel free to refute Dawkins at your convenience.
Not if we were his design and he is all powerful. He could have designed us differently. The result must be exactly as he intended if he is perfect.

The end result is always determined by the medium as much as the tools and the skill of the creator. If the medium is imperfect the result will always be imperfect. Besides, don;t you think we are loved more for being imperfect.

From an evolutionary perspective the first part is correct, but we cannot have free will if all that is going to happen is already known, i.e. God’s omniscience necessarily implies we cannot have free will.

I have argued this before and still you do not understand. Just becuase the utcome is known does not mean free will is gone. It's just that God understands us well enough he knows what are choices are despite not making them for us. Thus we are free willed. When you develop the ability to actually understand this you will wonder why you ever though t the other way.

That cannot be true if you are a theist since that implies you only follow that one narrow path – a god did everything – and your mind must be closed to any other possibility.

No actually i believe a greater power might have set things in motion and then made some tinkering along the line. I still believe in big bang and evolution and even chaos theory.

The atheist position is simply disbelief in your claims. It implies nothing more about any alternatives.

Actually it states a belief that that can be no god. And that can only be a belief as you have no evidence either.
just like wanting to know who created this universe, but they don't go on about the details and styles and visual discriptions because not only is it pointless..but it might make you do harm to yourself(and others)..
many people lose their way in looking for god..those who answered all the questions exist but are few..those few reach to leaders and put their energy into giving them the conclusion and making them satified with it..then those leaders apply what they learned to their people without telling them how everything went because it would be a waste of time, and because some people are pure's like parents telling their kids how they were born without all the details.. got it messed up..
religion explains very little, religion tells you how things is what explains everything..and because science and discovery are continuously evolving..meaning every minute proves a fallacy in the minute before is wrong to accept it as a way of a tool to explain life, yes..but as a WAY of life..i don't think so..

1- i gave atheism it's chance long failed then..i did it again with the guys in this forum..and they couldn't even be as challenging as i was to myself last time..
2-i'm interested in the far more complicated arguments you mentioned..but if i'm 18 and the explenations i give to the simple points weren't understood here..why would the more complicated be otherwise?
3-and this is important..have you ever read a whole book on an opposit view which you might call stupid and gave it a fair viewing?

actually i'm writing a book myself:D..:)grumble:although i admit i wrote more of it on this forum than in print)
and you're right..i am lazy:D..but if you promise me that if i read to this dawkins there would be some real progress..i actually might do it..

I have read the old testament.

If I'm not interested in a book after the first 60 pages, I stop reading it. It's arbitrary, but you only have so much time and you can't read every book in print. Dawkins book, even though authored by a scientist, is well written in my opinion. If you read it, then find me and we should discuss it.
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The end result is always determined by the medium as much as the tools and the skill of the creator. If the medium is imperfect the result will always be imperfect.
Monotheist gods are usually depicted as all-powerful. This means that it can create the medium and tools to be exactly as it needs.

Besides, don;t you think we are loved more for being imperfect.
Why? If I produce something sub-standard I would tend to destroy it not love it.

Just becuase the utcome is known does not mean free will is gone. It's just that God understands us well enough he knows what are choices are despite not making them for us.
And you still don’t get it. If the outcome is known beforehand then you have no free will to do anything other than what is known you will do. Remember, the knowledge would exist before you are even born. The simple existence of something omniscient necessarily means that everything has been pre-determined. Free will cannot coexist with that.

Thus we are free willed. When you develop the ability to actually understand this you will wonder why you ever though t the other way.
Dream on kiddo.

“ The atheist position is simply disbelief in your claims. It implies nothing more about any alternatives. ”

Actually it states a belief that that can be no god. And that can only be a belief as you have no evidence either.
What are you quoting? It is not correct.
.. We are predisposed toward good but still have free choice.
NOT with an all knowing god you dont!
We are predisposed to believeing in a higher power but still have a choice not to.
no we arent,every god believer was indoctrinated into religion,by their parents..
We're imperfect, but then again if we were perfect we would be damn bored.

What did God do during that eternity before he created everything? If God was all that existed back then, what disturbed the eternal equilibrium and compelled him to create? Was he bored? Was he lonely?
God is supposed to be perfect.
If something is perfect, it is complete--it needs nothing else. We humans engage in activities because we are pursuing that elusive perfection, because there is disequilibrium caused by a difference between what we are and what we want to be.
If God is perfect, there can be no disequilibrium. There is nothing he needs, nothing he desires, and nothing he must or will do.
A God who is perfect does nothing except exist.

A perfect creator God is impossible.
Why, I at least have a mind open to possibilities, while yours is closed to anything you cannot understand.
religious mind by its own definition is closed to all other possible scenarios.
No, it is your delusion that there is nothing more. You have no proof.
I merely concede that there is a possibility that there something more out ther. You deny the possibility of it's existance.
thats b/c xian god is impossible to be real

IF God created everything, there must have been a time when nothing existed except God. IF nothing else existed, the only thing God could have used to create something was itself. Thus Life, The Universe & Everything were made out of God.
So parts of God worship God. Parts of God believe it will eternally torture some other parts of God for not believing in itself. Eventually, God will welcome back the parts of itself that believed in it & everything will be good again. (Except for the missing parts.)
Hmm - that's a bit of a stretch, remember a god can create something from nothing, or so I am told. :)