Atheists please answer this

Do you agree that our senses are limited, and instruments are extentions of
our senses??


Yes. Though I think i need to clarify that i am an I don't know and there is no way of knowing Agnostic (in terms of a higher being). Still there is no reason to believe that we are being deceived by what our senses can do.
If a god existed then what makes you think the universe would seem like it "needed" a god?
keith1 reply: said:
It is easier to ask, "What makes one think the universe would "SEEM" like it "IS?".
The answer: Evidence.

This clearly answered your question.
"IF", with no evidence, is lamer than
"SEEMS", with evidence.

A god must "comply" with reality** as to create with a cosmic background, like every other theory.
That background is a "handiwork", or it is not.

**A god that must comply to anything, would not be a god.
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I couldn't resist.

It had to be done anyway, the ignorance in this thread is making my head spin. I don't know why you guys even bother.
Let's say there is someone who makes the following argument:

Let's also say that making threads with titles that call out identity groups for confrontation isn't a good-faith way to go about having a respectful adult conversation.
For all I know you may well believe in God, but deny it.



They are therefore a THEIST in denial!

Can you prove that you don't believe in God?

Yes. I don't believe in God. Happy now?

To what degree don't you believe in God, and why??

There are not 'degrees' of it. I just don't. Like I don't not collect collect stamps a little, I don't do it at all. Do you get it yet?

What gives you weak-ass position away is, there is no way you are
going to believe in Him. Hence your mind is already made up.

And yours isn't? You have doubts?

I think I would open you up if I debated you.

No, you've tried, and I find your lack of intelligence infuriating.

You're points have no substance.

What points? I dissect the xtians claims, what points of mine have no substance?

The idea of atheists like you being logical, rational, scientific, and all the other goodies you asociate yourself with, is superficial.

Oh please, that's utter BS and rhetoric.

jan said:
If a god existed then what makes you think the universe would seem like it "needed" a god?

keith1 said:
It is easier to ask, "What makes one think the universe would "SEEM" like it "IS?".
The answer: Evidence.

This clearly answered your question.
"IF", with no evidence, is lamer than
"SEEMS", with evidence.

No it didn't answer my question.
I asked you; "if a god existed......"

There would be no physical evidence of God that would be separate from
the physical world. The only thing which is separate from dull matter is consciousness.
Now, if you want to talk evidence, then explain where the source of consciousness lies in the universe, or in matter?

A god must "comply" with reality** as to create with a cosmic background, like every other theory.
That background is a "handiwork", or it is not.

**A god that must comply to anything, would not be a god.

The part of God that complies, is what we regard as nature, or one of His energies. Another part being conscioiusness.
As conscious beings we have the ability to maintain something, without
having to be completely emersed in it.
Why couldn't a god?

Do you agree that our senses are limited, and instruments are extentions of
our senses??


Considering that our senses are limited and we acknowledge this:
How can a person know when to trust their senses and when not?



They are therefore a THEIST in denial!

And a theist in denial would address themselves as atheist.
Happy now?

Yes. I don't believe in God.

So you don't believe in God, because you don't believe in God?

There are not 'degrees' of it. I just don't.

But there are degrees.

Like I don't not collect collect stamps a little, I don't do it at all. Do you get it yet?

Do you agree there are degrees of stamp collecting?

And yours isn't? You have doubts?

Oh! So it's possible to experience the non-belief , or non-existence in/of God?

No, you've tried, and I find your lack of intelligence infuriating.

What you find infuriating is that you cannot answer my questions.

What points? I dissect the xtians claims, what points of mine have no substance?

Then answer my original questions to you.

Oh please, that's utter BS and rhetoric.

Obviously you're going to say that aren't you?
Answer my questions and let's see if that claim is true or false.

If God guides evolution, then Darwin was wrong. Darwinian evolution is guided primarily by random mutation and natural selection. Theistic evolution allows for species to change over time, but in that system there is no random mutation and no natural selection (in fact, it is "designed" mutation and "supernatural" selection).
If God guides evolution, then Darwin was wrong. Darwinian evolution is guided primarily by random mutation and natural selection. Theistic evolution allows for species to change over time, but in that system there is no random mutation and no natural selection (in fact, it is "designed" mutation and "supernatural" selection).

much talk of natural selection,what is natural, what is nature. Use the word god instaed of nature, god selection. Maybe nature is god and god is nature......
Seems to me, Theists and Atheists will always confront each other. It truely will NEVER end, until there is absolute proof one way or the other on the existance of "God". Which most likely, will never happen. Personally, I'm an Atheist. I just can't believe in a so called "God", that always existed, then created everything. It just makes no sense to me. I have studied many religions though. Why? Not because I want to believe in God, Mostly because I want to understand why others do. I'm new to this forum, though I have been reading threads for a few months now.. Almost non stop. No, not because I'm old or retired. I'm actually 46. I was in a car crash a few months ago, and have 2 broken vertabrae in my back. Hence, I have a lot of free time. I have seen this arguement go on for as long as years back, between several of you. (From reading old threads. Mainly in the religion forum) I must say, it has been interesting though. It's kept my mind off the pain in my back. So, this a good thing. I LOVE to debate, so I really hope to have a chance to do so with Jan, and LG mostly. You are both very stubborn. I'm not saying that's a bad thing though. Because so am I. I see it as a challenge. So, hope we can "discuss" things soon.
Take care,
There would be no physical evidence of God that would be separate from the physical world. The only thing which is separate from dull matter is consciousness.
Now, if you want to talk evidence, then explain where the source of consciousness lies in the universe, or in matter?

There's no physical evidence that consciousness isn't itself a physical phenomenon. It's a mystery, but that doesn't automatically mean Santa Claus did it.
And a theist in denial would address themselves as atheist.]

Does such a person exist?

Happy now?

No. You just make up stupider stuff to excuse your earlier stupidity.

So you don't believe in God, because you don't believe in God?

No, I just don't believe in God.

But there are degrees.

Are there? What are they?

Do you agree there are degrees of stamp collecting?

That isn't the point. There aren't degree of NOT collecting stamps. Do it a little bit, and you do it, you do not NOT do it a little bit. Can you really not understand these things?

Oh! So it's possible to experience the non-belief , or non-existence in/of God?

In what Universe is that an answer to me asking you if you have doubt?

What you find infuriating is that you cannot answer my questions.

No Jan, I find your lack of intelligence infuriating, like I already said. Often, you ask stupid questions, that are not relevant.

Then answer my original questions to you.

Your questions were dumb, Jan.

Obviously you're going to say that aren't you?
Answer my questions and let's see if that claim is true or false.


Answering dumb questions would just make me dumb.

Ask something of substance, and maybe we'll get somewhere.
There would be no physical evidence of God that would be separate from the physical world. The only thing which is separate from dull matter is consciousness.
Now, if you want to talk evidence, then explain where the source of consciousness lies in the universe, or in matter?
Ah yes - the classic "It must be true 'cos you can't prove otherwise!" logical fallacy.
Hi Gremmie,

welcome to these here forums, I hope above all else you have some fun here.


....It truely will NEVER end, until there is absolute proof one way or the other on the existance of "God". Which most likely, will never happen.

If God is real, then everything we percieve, plus our very being, are absolute proof of evidence for God's existence. How is it possible to objectively prove or dis-prove that?

I'm an Atheist. I just can't believe in a so called "God", that always existed, then created everything. It just makes no sense to me.

Makes no sense at all?
I find that hard to believe.

I have studied many religions though. Why? Not because I want to believe in God, Mostly because I want to understand why others do.

Then you have chosen for yourself a position which remain on the outside.
It's like marrying someone, not because you want to, but wanting to know why people get married.
My opinion, you'll never know.

I was in a car crash a few months ago, and have 2 broken vertabrae in my back.

I'm sorry to hear that.
Will you recover from it?

I LOVE to debate, so I really hope to have a chance to do so with Jan, and LG mostly. You are both very stubborn. I'm not saying that's a bad thing though. Because so am I. I see it as a challenge. So, hope we can "discuss" things soon.
Take care,

Look forward to it.

Stubborn?? :bugeye:


Does such a person exist?

I don't see why not.
A closet theist.

No, I just don't believe in God.

That proves nothing to me.

Are there? What are they?

Jesus believed more than his deciples who believed more than the clergy, for obvious starters.

That isn't the point. There aren't degree of NOT collecting stamps. Do it a little bit, and you do it, you do not NOT do it a little bit. Can you really not understand these things?

That's nothing short of idiocy.
I don't believe you're being serious at all.

In what Universe is that an answer to me asking you if you have doubt?

The only thing that could make me doubt belief, is to choose not to believe,
as there is no experience, or no thing that leads to God's non-existence.
Unless you can think of any?

Do you ever doubt your atheism?
What would lead you to doubt?

No Jan, I find your lack of intelligence infuriating, like I already said. Often, you ask stupid questions, that are not relevant.

They are relevant.
They're just not questions that you expect, so you deem them so.
