No Jan, an atheist 'in denial' cannot exist.
Being described "atheist" does not give any reasons for being.
You're the only one who knows why you refer to yourself as such.
For all I know you may well believe in God, but deny it. The same way
a wayward kid may say he hates his parents out of anger, but really love
To be in denial, the subject would have to believe in God, and then deny God exists. That would mean they were a theist in denial, wouldn't it?
Can you prove that you don't believe in God?
To what degree don't you believe in God, and why??
You seem pretty hung up on him that's for sure.
I wonder why?
Or are you theists too thick to see this?
It's funny how you lump all theist in the same boat.
Your negativety seems to rest not only with God (whom you say you don't believe in), but with anything that is connected with Him.
What gives you weak-ass position away is, there is no way you are
going to believe in Him. Hence your mind is already made up.
See Jan, this is why you aren't worth debating, because you cannot follow simple logical steps and come to logical conclusions. It's not a cop out on my part, but you really aren't worth much of my time.
I think I would open you up if I debated you.
You're points have no substance.
The idea of atheists like you being logical, rational, scientific, and all the other goodies you asociate yourself with, is superficial.
Nothing but costumes you don.
Have a nice day.