Atheists please answer this

Your sky pixie is nothing more than a convenient misconception concocted to help you suppress/dismiss your very real awareness of the Person you'd rather not deal with. Sorry old bean, you will deal with Him, and in turn, be dealt with by Him.

'very real awareness', ... hahahahahah you are funny. Why can't theists accept that atheists aren't in denial?

Get this kid, you theists just aren't that convincing. Theists never present coherent and logical arguments for God. They never accept that they are atheists wrt other gods. Theists are funny.

But go on, make vague threats against my eternal soul again, I liked that part.
'very real awareness', ... hahahahahah you are funny. Why can't theists accept that atheists aren't in denial?

I'm a Christian. As such, I've been where you are; you on the other hand, are not where I AM--hence your question.
cop out! cop out!
ner ner ne-ner nerrr!! :p:p:p


No Jan, an atheist 'in denial' cannot exist. To be in denial, the subject would have to believe in God, and then deny God exists. That would mean they were a theist in denial, wouldn't it?

Or are you theists too thick to see this? See Jan, this is why you aren't worth debating, because you cannot follow simple logical steps and come to logical conclusions. It's not a cop out on my part, but you really aren't worth much of my time.
Let's say there is someone who makes the following argument:

Darwinism is a scientific fact. We know that it works, and how it works, and we know that it is the explanation for life on earth as we know it - but Darwinism works as it does because God is guiding it.

This is not my view, I don't believe in evolution, but my question is:

By what scientific evidence (not arguments or logic but scientific evidence) can you prove this person wrong?

Your disbelief in god is purely subjective, based on your own personal needs. Atheism is wish fulfilment.

You are demanding the wrong evidence. There is only the logical argument to prove this person wrong.

Science doesn't deal in supernatural explanations and hence any explanation that uses a supernatural explanation violates the dogmas of science and is inherently wrong.

Unless God is bound to natural laws in which case he wouldn't be a god to start with.

You can convince a donkey that it is wrong to move forward by waving a carrot in front of him. Demanding scientific evidence to convince an unscientific notion is exactly like that.
The assertion that God is guiding it is just conjecture. There is no evidence for it.

It's like if I say to someone there is a blue dog running around my neighborhood. That's not entirely impossible, there have been reports of other blue animals (tigers and other felines). But if I don't show them evidence, they've no reason to believe me.
By what scientific evidence (not arguments or logic but scientific evidence) can you prove this person wrong?

The existence of god is unprovable - the furthest we get is probablility with a result of highly improbable - or in the case of my own personal lack of belief, I simply dont care if god exists and dont feel its an important question worth spending any time on (I'm an apatheist lol!)

but hey - I'm not concerned in the slightest if someone supports evolution but happens to beleive that it was guided invisibly by a magic sky being who did it in such a subtle way that there was not a single trace of his tampering and instead made it look like the most elegant of natural systems.
In fact if there was a god thats EXACTLY how she would do it.

Your disbelief in god is purely subjective, based on your own personal needs. Atheism is wish fulfilment.

perhaps - but the door swings both ways - the same can be said for religion
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No Jan, an atheist 'in denial' cannot exist.

Being described "atheist" does not give any reasons for being.
You're the only one who knows why you refer to yourself as such.

For all I know you may well believe in God, but deny it. The same way
a wayward kid may say he hates his parents out of anger, but really love

To be in denial, the subject would have to believe in God, and then deny God exists. That would mean they were a theist in denial, wouldn't it?

Can you prove that you don't believe in God?
To what degree don't you believe in God, and why??

You seem pretty hung up on him that's for sure.
I wonder why?

Or are you theists too thick to see this?

It's funny how you lump all theist in the same boat.
Your negativety seems to rest not only with God (whom you say you don't believe in), but with anything that is connected with Him.

What gives you weak-ass position away is, there is no way you are
going to believe in Him. Hence your mind is already made up.

See Jan, this is why you aren't worth debating, because you cannot follow simple logical steps and come to logical conclusions. It's not a cop out on my part, but you really aren't worth much of my time.

I think I would open you up if I debated you.
You're points have no substance.

The idea of atheists like you being logical, rational, scientific, and all the other goodies you asociate yourself with, is superficial.
Nothing but costumes you don.

Have a nice day.

Let's say there is someone who makes the following argument:

Darwinism is a scientific fact. We know that it works, and how it works, and we know that it is the explanation for life on earth as we know it - but Darwinism works as it does because God is guiding it.

This is not my view, I don't believe in evolution, but my question is:

By what scientific evidence (not arguments or logic but scientific evidence) can you prove this person wrong?

Your disbelief in god is purely subjective, based on your own personal needs. Atheism is wish fulfilment.

God belief is wish fulfillment.
"I have spent many a lifetime building this floor wax brand, and you invent this carpeting, therefore ruining my business. So now I postulate that my floor wax is a great carpet cleaner. Yeah, that's the ticket."

If the Universe does not need a god, to initialize, then "no god" is the foundation axiom to dispute. Not the other way around.
God belief is wish fulfillment.
"I have spent many a lifetime building this floor wax brand, and you invent this carpeting, therefore ruining my business. So now I postulate that my floor wax is a great carpet cleaner. Yeah, that's the ticket."

If the Universe does not need a god, to initialize, then "no god" is the foundation axiom to dispute. Not the other way around.

If a god existed then what makes you think the universe would seem
like it "needed" a god?

If a god existed then what makes you think the universe would seem
like it "needed" a god?


It is easier to ask, "What makes one think the universe would "SEEM"
like it "IS?".
The answer: Evidence.
I believe in reality. And science is the poetry of reality. Science is merely an observation of the Real World. As far as we can tell, evolution is the most logical explanation on how life become so diverse and numerous. Id ratehr see the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, no matter how reassuring and satisfying.
I believe in reality. And science is the poetry of reality. Science is merely an observation of the Real World. As far as we can tell, evolution is the most logical explanation on how life become so diverse and numerous. Id ratehr see the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, no matter how reassuring and satisfying.

How will you determine that what you see, is actually realty?
