Atheists please answer this

It makes me wonder what problems you have with theistic based discipline which tend to focus on "stat of being" as opposed to "state of the working senses".

How would a person separate any interpretation of their own state of being from self delusion? Why should others believe somebody else's assertions about their interpretations of their own states of being?
How would a person separate any interpretation of their own state of being from self delusion? Why should others believe somebody else's assertions about their interpretations of their own states of being?
If a state of being is characterized by certain qualities its quite obvious.
For instance lower states of being are characterized by an inability to control one's senses.
Here's a suggestion.

Let's say for example we decide to completely change the way science is done and include the supernatural entity of your choice as an undetectable guiding force for evolution.

in what way is that useful?

how does that improve our understanding?

what new questions does that raise?

Let's say science is a car and you want to go abroad to another country.
Once at the coastline do you proceed to drive the car into the ocean, or do you look for alternative forms of transport?

Let's say science is a car and you want to go abroad to another country.
Once at the coastline do you proceed to drive the car into the ocean, or do you look for alternative forms of transport?


Or how about we pay the toll, and use the bridge, that scientists and engineers built?
Let's say for example we decide to completely change the way science is done and include the supernatural entity of your choice as an undetectable guiding force for evolution.

We could add a new variable to each and every formula;

$$ G_{0} $$.

It would have to equal zero, so it didn't change any of the results.

Adding God literally adds no value! :)
Originally Posted by lightg
For instance lower states of being are characterized by an inability to control one's senses.
You can't control your senses.
hmm..sounds like this may be a mental,emotional,physical,spiritual thing..

our senses are not just tied to physical (see,hear,smell,taste,touch)
definatley not just to our emotional (love,hate,fear,etc)
mental..(the mind,thoughts,..)

what happens when we focus our state of being on just one of those things..
that means the others can have a lower state of being while our attention is on the other..does this come with an inability to control?..if we don't have our attention on it,it is very suceptable to loss of control.


How can i control my senses if i can't find them?
empiricism = incomplete by definition ... unless you have some wonderful philosophy how a metonymic discipline grants access to something holistic ... hence you are driving your car into the ocean

It pays to remember that - it becomes easier when one remembers exactly what it is that limits the said issue (for a car, usually a road ... granted that stunt car drivers can do a few tricky things .... and for science, the senses, which brings in the whole problem of moving outside of anything metonymic )

Let me make things simple for you: Limits aren't a bad thing.
it only looks bad when one tries to encompass a world view within those limits - like for instance relegating all issues of transport to cars
We could add a new variable to each and every formula;

$$ G_{0} $$.

It would have to equal zero, so it didn't change any of the results.

Adding God literally adds no value! :)

but aren't all values expressed in some aspect what we perceive as god making our scientific judgments unlimited...

wouldn't that add value even if it were equal to 0?