Atheists Needed as Human Sacrifices

What is wrong with another man appreciating her beauty, or whatever else she has that is attractive? Nothing.
But another man wanting her causes obvious problems. For you, her, the other guy, or all of the above, depending on what the result is.
I'm not talking about somebody walking down the street, they probably wouldn't even notice that she's married. This is about wishing you had your neighbor's wife.

If you honestly think that's ok, never mind. This ethical value is common to almost every culture, but if it shows up in the bible, to you it must be stupid - that is how you appear to think, you take this bias to the point of silliness.

While crime rates are higher among the poor it is not a necessity for them to survive. Society is a problem for letting them get away with it. Arab countries are poor but criminals are rare.
I do obey the ten commandments, because it is my new nature to do so, not for the reasons you cite.

The reasons I cited? You were the one on the other thread stating how you can hang all the old laws, and that they're meaningless. You're just contradicting yourself, nothing more.

I do obey the ten commandments I do love God

So you do agree that a big part of loving god is to obey all his laws?

You think he's an asshole.

Wrong. As always. The being is non existant. Well, no more existant than leprechauns. You choose.

Why don't jews make sacrifices anymore/ Aren't they commanded to do that? You need to go argue with a jew.

Eh? Why do I need to go argue with a jew? You asked those questions, not me. Perhaps you should argue with a jew? Uhh...

I'm asking you. Stop trying to pass the buck. It's cowardly.

Nobody is accountable for wrongdoing. Look at what we get as a result.

Sorry Woody, what are you getting at? Are the prisons empty? Are the prisons full of innocents? Well?

Sorry Woody, what are you getting at? Are the prisons empty? Are the prisons full of innocents? Well?

You are implying that the american justice system keeps criminals off the street, and this is not true. You don't live here in the US. Sure they go to prison for a short sentence. Then they are right back out there doing the same thing or worse. I suggest you read up on criminal statistics in america. Close to 90% of all criminals continue in the criminal lifestyle. If the liberals had their way, the whole prison population would be turned loose. It's a fact that most ex-cons vote the liberal ticket.


The reasons I cited? You were the one on the other thread stating how you can hang all the old laws, and that they're meaningless. You're just contradicting yourself, nothing more.

Sorry but I don't follow you on this one. My new nature fulfills the ten commandments. Is there something wrong with that? You do not understand the motivation for obeying the law. You say it is fear, I say it is a new nature.

You can go on to say every little thing in the law should be done, but this is the law that judges non-believers. Believers are not judged by the law, but this does not give them a license to sin. We are talking christianity 101. The jews did not have Jesus when they were given the law. Now that Jesus is given, we are to live by the law of love, and he gave us this commandment.

Jesus: A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

As you will observe, Jesus didn't go around punishing people and giving them lots of rules. Instead Jesus asked people to love him and other people. That's really all God ever wanted anyway. In the absense of human love, the law is mandated.


W: You think he's an asshole.

SL: Wrong. As always. The being is non existant. Well, no more existant than leprechauns. You choose.

W: I heard you say God is an asshole on another post. You think the God of the bible is an asshole whether you believe he exists or not.


W: Why don't jews make sacrifices anymore/ Aren't they commanded to do that? You need to go argue with a jew. ”

Eh? Why do I need to go argue with a jew? You asked those questions, not me. Perhaps you should argue with a jew? Uhh...

W: I made this suggestion as a simple illustration. The Jews believe in the law as you preach, but why aren't they living up to it? The law is the Jewish holy grail. Why did they stop sacrificing? Surely they don't believe Jesus put an end to the need for sacrifices. That is why I suggested talking to a jew, since it is so inportant to them to keep every dot and tittle of the law. Even they are failing.

SL: I'm asking you. Stop trying to pass the buck. It's cowardly.

W: I asked pointed questions and you flip flop from talking like a theist to talking like an atheist. I find it frustrating to talk with someone that feigns certain characteristics, and then dismisses them when it is convenient to do so. I am trying to understand when you are presenting a hypothetical as opposed to an actual personal belief and this gets confusing. That is why I suggested the walls be dropped. You know my true intentions, but I don't know yours.


By the way I explained our situation to Ken, and he said it's like trying to lead a dead horse. There really is no point in giving you details about the ouija board. He suggested we save ourselves a lot of trouble and just drop the whole thing. You aren't going to believe it anyway. You can call him a story teller if you want, but I agree -- there is no point in me, Ken, or yourself wearing out our fingers on a keypad. I am sorry I even brought it up. It was a pure waste of time, as all of my posts seem to be.
i've looked in a many of you posts, you avoid answering most question posed to you contradict yourself all the time, quote meaningless scripture thinking your putting a point across far from it.
you say you are 52 I believe, yet you act a lot of the time like a spoil child, which you will do the moment I post this.
when you came here the first thing you said was I quote "I have an IQ of 136" as if that made you special, it's below the world average anyway.
it seems to me your IQ is 80% lower.
if you are a man and not a child, then I fear you are a dangerous man, if you are a child then this is what we should expect, and we only have ourself to blame for replying to you.

I have read your posts, and I'll be honest, I don't see much that would make a person think. You always have criticism.

Everyone in this world is basically intelligent. 100 IQ is by definition average intelligence. But this just seems to elude you. Why are you so hung up on it?

here is the IQ test I took:
Give it a try:
Let's see how you do on it.

Free IQ Test

I am a degreed engineer. By the way I just passed my six sigma black belt examination. I am now a certified guru in the statistical martial arts. Does this sound below average to you?

Here are some sample questions. See how many you can get right? These questions are really easy:

Six Sigma Trial Questions

Why do you have a chip on your shoulder?

I mean I have to admit to myself that I am a brilliant mathmatician. Math does not give me problems at any level. Is there something wrong with being brutally honest with myself?
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woody that exactly what the preacher means, he actually said you do in his post, acting like a spoil child and singing your own praises, are just worthless, I dont think the preacher has a chip, but you certainly have a 2 by 4 on your shoulder. WOW!
OK musta,

I perceive you are jealous about this intelligence thing. So is preacher. Well big deal. In thirty years I'll probably be some drooling old man in a rest home. In the end it all goes away -- physical appearance, wealth, intelligence, your education. But Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow!
Woody said:
OK musta,

I perceive you are jealous about this intelligence thing. So is preacher. Well big deal. In thirty years I'll probably be some drooling old man in a rest home. In the end it all goes away -- physical appearance, wealth, intelligence, your education. But Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow!
I nearly choked with laugher, you are funny woody, if nothing else your a good laugh.
thanks for that.
Woody: Everyone in this world is basically intelligent. 100 IQ is by definition average intelligence. But this just seems to elude you. Why are you so hung up on it?
M*W: Woody, you are the one who is "hung up" on the status of your IQ!
Woody: here is the IQ test I took:
Give it a try:
Let's see how you do on it.

Free IQ Test
M*W: IQ tests are all pretty much the same. This forum is for an "intelligent community," otherwise, none of us would be here.
Woody: I am a degreed engineer. By the way I just passed my six sigma black belt examination. I am now a certified guru in the statistical martial arts. Does this sound below average to you?
M*W: You're boasting again!
Woody: Here are some sample questions. See how many you can get right? These questions are really easy:

Six Sigma Trial Questions
M*W: Woody, you are really fixated on your IQ. You're still trying to prove to us that you are a friggin' genius. Why are you so insecure about it? Why do you pompously promote your own IQ agenda? What are you really trying to prove -- that by being a Christian, you're not as dumb as the others on this forum?
Woody: Why do you have a chip on your shoulder? I mean I have to admit to myself that I am a brilliant mathmatician. Math does not give me problems at any level. Is there something wrong with being brutally honest with myself?
M*W: We don't really care if you're a brilliant mathematician. I'm a lousy mathematician. Always have been, always will be. Why do you think that bragging about what an high IQ you have and how brilliant you are in math would ever prove to us that Christianity could not possibly be the false religion the rest of us believe it to be?
spidergoat said:
The way the Christians tell it, they needed a human sacrifice, too.
This is why I come to this forum. To think. This statement you make has meaning on multiple levels. Tasty brain-chow for the day, thanks.

Also, medicine woman has a very valid point in her post, woody, you should listen to her, instead of being offended or defensive.

preacher said: when you came here the first thing you said was I quote "I have an IQ of 136" as if that made you special, it's below the world average anyway. it seems to me your IQ is 80% lower.

Woody: I am a degreed engineer. By the way I just passed my six sigma black belt examination. I am now a certified guru in the statistical martial arts. Does this sound below average to you?

M*W: You're boasting again!

Ok medicine woman what sould I say instead, should I agree with preacher? Should I say well, you know I am a degreed engineer and my IQ is indeed 80% lower than average which means I have an IQ of 20? I think preacher is acting rather childish here, at least that's about the only reasonable conclusion I can come to.

Why doesn't he just say something childish like: stick two electrodes to your head and see if you're on life support, Geez?

Do I go around calling people morons? no. This is because, logically speaking, anyone that can get on a computer, type a message, and post it on a forum has to be better off than a moron, wouldn't you agree or does anyone agree with anything here?
M*W: Woody, you are really fixated on your IQ. You're still trying to prove to us that you are a friggin' genius.

I am not a genius, I am only brilliant. There is a big difference.

Haven't you ever been proud of anything you accomplished?

M*W: We don't really care if you're a brilliant mathematician. I'm a lousy mathematician. Always have been, always will be. Why do you think that bragging about what an high IQ you have and how brilliant you are in math would ever prove to us that Christianity could not possibly be the false religion the rest of us believe it to be?

What would you do if somebody on this forum called you an idiot? I will follow your advice.

I have a right to my opinion and I think preacher is a kook. Why does he call himself preacher anyway? It's an oxymoron.
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cole grey said:
This is why I come to this forum. To think. This statement you make has meaning on multiple levels. Tasty brain-chow for the day, thanks...
And what is a martyr? A personal sacrifice for your god, and there were many Christian ones during Roman times, as well as the more contemporary suicide bombers associated with radical Islam. I think this is also why the natives of South America and mexico adopted Catholicism so readily, Jesus was not unlike their own traditions of human sacrifice, a person pure of heart, like a virgin, (nailed for the very first time).
musta said:

I nearly choked with laugher, you are funny woody, if nothing else your a good laugh.
thanks for that.

You are very much welcome. I try to keep things in perspective. ;)
But now you are talking about plain old everyday humans. Some stupid, some evil, some weak, some dominating. Those sacrifices don't offer as much to think about in relation to God. All humans, religious and non-religious alike, get lumped into the same category in my mind - why? because I have seen the patterns. What about american "freedom" fighters in Iraq, they are sacrificed to different "gods", but they are sacrifices none the less.
Cole Grey,

. All humans, religious and non-religious alike, get lumped into the same category in my mind - why? because I have seen the patterns.

And what are these patterns? A need for sacrifice?

There is a popular concept -- "If you truly love me, you will die for me".
How come there exists this concept?

It is so hard to prove you love someone. Ironically, a final sacrifice can be such a proof -- but it takes away the possibility of ever consuming that love.

How do you prove to someone that you truly love them when this person isn't prepared to believe your words and actions?

You die for them, protecting them.

I once found myself in such a hopeless situation, and mustered up this scenario: Say that he would be approached by a rabid dog. Then I would come running to protect him with my bare life. I would throw myself on the dog and strangle it. In the course of it, I'd get infected with rabies, which is 100% lethal. In the little time I would have left for my sanity before rabies would take me, I could then tell him I did it because I love him. Then, he would have to believe me that I love him.

(Note: The reason I came up with rabies (we still have it in my country, in some parts) is that I needed a deadly affliction which would give me some time where I'd still be sane and in possession of my faculties before I'd die -- so that I could still speak to him.)
Sorry, I'm just laughing at the thought of you jumping on a dog and strangling it, not because it is funny, but just because it is hard to imagine. I remember my mom telling me to watch out because i would have to get the shots in my stomach if I got bitten by a rabid dog. I don't know if any of that is true.

I wasn't talking about patterns of sacrifice, but rather patterns of stupidity, weakness, evil, domination, etc. I guess eventually I will give up on trying to tell people how silly it is to think that religion is at fault for humanity's mistakes and evils, but I think anyone who has really taken the time to observe will eventually see that people just need an excuse for their behaviors, if they can get past their bias.

RE: sacrifice for love - I stumble, you fall. Love is weird. Even starting to think about it gives me brain-fade. There are better ways to prove love but they require a lot of commitment from both sides, I think. That is an interesting solution you came up with, though.
Cole Grey said,

Tasty brain-chow for the day, thanks.

Have you heard about the brain eating cannibal tribe in Borneo? We studied it in anthropology. The practice is known as anthropophagy:

October 1997, Equatorial Guinea. An unnamed individual was condemned to death after removing the eyes, tongue, ears and genitals of his 10-year-old female victim.

Overview: Malabo radio reported that 17 ritual murders were committed in Equatorial Guinea in August and September of 1997, according to official figures. See, "Ritual murderer of girl, 10, sentenced to death", Agence France Presse, October 3, 1997.

Another news report cites a Spanish journalist and ethnographer, Jose Manuel Novoa, an expert on the country who has conducted investigations in Equatorial Guinea since 1979 and has written two books about cannibalism in the region. Novoa claims that anthropophagy (eating human flesh) is widespread in the country. He stated, "Eating human flesh was a tradition of warriors pertaining to the ethnic group of the Fang, which lives in Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria, Gabon and Cameroon they conquered new territories, Fang warriors ate parts of their victims to absorb desirable qualities such as youth and strength... human organs are eaten by members of secret brotherhoods which practice sorcery in forests at night. New members are initiated in ceremonies which invoke spirits...bodies are obtained through murder and robbing them from cemeteries...the secret groups are known as 'evu societies', because many Guineans believe the human body to contain an organ known as the 'evu.'"... "The human brain is known to be highly toxic, for which reason the cannibals seek to immunize themselves by ingesting potent vegetal poisons in small doses... nevertheless, the cannibalism is believed to have led to a disease known as the kuru." See, "Cannibalism still common in Equatorial Guinea, Spanish expert claims", Deutsche Presse-Agentur, April 5, 1998.

In April of 1988, President Omar Bongo met with leaders of the Catholic, Protestant and Moslem communities to discuss possible action against imported beliefs and practice. This action was taken after an admission by a witchdoctor, purporting to belong to a sect based in neighboring Equitorial Guinea, that he had eaten six humans, including two of his own children, over the past decade. The witchdoctor was a railway worker and his followers had killed another victim, a teacher who was seeking help to solve family problems. See, "Bongo Denounces Sects in Wake of Gruesome Cannibalism Tale." Reuters (Libreville) April 29, 1988.

Yike, it looks like psychologists are high on the menu.

Here is the link where the stories came from, there are many many more:

Sacrifice Cover-ups
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david icke was a tv presenter in england, who believed he was jesus, the bbc could not get rid of him quick enough, when he started to preach.
he's just another lunatic, just more for you to promote. you are an endless source of humour please dont leave this forum, your posts are hilarious.