Atheists Needed as Human Sacrifices

Semblance said,

Atheists have no Karma.

Why would an atheist be worried about not having something he doesn't believe in the first place?

Exactly the point.

The woman in the occult thread needs someone with as little Karma as possible so she can invoke a demon into their body. All you have to do is sit in a chair while she castes her spell. Would you like to participate in her experiment?

check it out:

Sacrifice Thread
Cris said:
You do realize I hope that a Christian can never hope to achieve the level of Karma enjoyed by most atheists. An atheist does the right thing because it is the right thing with no expectation of reward, but the Christian, who is quite confused as to what is the right thing anyway, acts with full expectation of an eternal reward and/or in terror of eternal damnation. The Christian will always be at the bottom of the karmic ladder.

While this may be true for some, it is a gross generalization.
If one is a Christian just because of fear of eternal damnation, then one, among other things, has no positive relationship with God. These people believe in God, but are not thankful that He made them. It is another way to abdicate from your responsibility.
Such a faith cannot accomplish much, and is, in my opinion, useless and harmful.

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Lord_Phoenix said:
Wood and Water, are turning this sciforums into a debate about the existence of god.

An atheist can never guard his faith too much ...
Woody said:
Cole said,

Cole, Yer getting close. Actually Christians have the kind of karma that requires only one life to reach God. No additional incarnations are needed. *** wink ***wink

yeah, there is no point in giving another chance to fellas like yourself. clear case of hellfire.

May satan embrace you with 'love'. hmmmmm...

Thanks for the concern:

Woody dear woody,

You do realize I hope that a Christian can never hope to achieve the level of Karma enjoyed by most atheists. An atheist does the right thing because it is the right thing with no expectation of reward, but the Christian, who is quite confused as to what is the right thing anyway, acts with full expectation of an eternal reward and/or in terror of eternal damnation. The Christian will always be at the bottom of the karmic ladder.

Christians do the right thing because it is their new nature. We do not have to fear damnation. We are God's children, and He is our loving father. A loving Father doesn't kick His children out of the house when they make a mistake. This would be a very poor father indeed. Our Father is far superior to any earthly father. There really is no comparison.

I suggest you read my testimony again. This is how a christian's life operates. Here is an excerpt from the testimony:

I don’t say these things to brag; I did these things because it is my nature to do them. Just as much as it is my nature to breathe air, I do these things because I am compelled to. I don’t have to think about it – it just happens. I didn’t do it because I expected a reward or because I felt like I needed to be good to be saved – I already tried to live that lie. I just want to do whatever it takes to be in harmony with God. It’s been that way since I got saved.
everneo said,

yeah, there is no point in giving another chance to fellas like yourself. clear case of hellfire.

May satan embrace you with 'love'. hmmmmm...

I don't need another chance. Yer just jealous.

The pharasees tried this attack on Jesus when they said he caste out devils by the power of Belzebub, the prince of the devils.

They were just jealous.

Jesus said he would forgive all sins except one, and they commited that sin: blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

Or as you said, there is no point in giving some people another chance. :eek:

Christians do the right thing because it is their new nature. We do not have to fear damnation.

Not quite – your new actions are because of John 11:25-26 – it is the fundamental promise and basis of Christianity and why you would join such a club – believe in Jesus and obtain eternal life. This is now the reward you expect.

I didn’t do it because I expected a reward or because I felt like I needed to be good to be saved – I already tried to live that lie. I just want to do whatever it takes to be in harmony with God.

Yes very emotive. You have been appropriately indoctrinated and sucked in. Look at it another way – if there was no promise of eternal life and you knew you would die when your body died then you would pay no attention to Christianity because it would have nothing to offer.

You cannot separate your expectation of a reward from the new rules you are following. Once you have been sucked in by the baseless promise, Christianity then does its best to convince you that its doctrines are not based on the pitiful and overwhelming truth that Christianity is all about reward and punishment.
The woman in the occult thread needs someone with as little Karma as possible so she can invoke a demon into their body. All you have to do is sit in a chair while she castes her spell. Would you like to participate in her experiment?

I would gladly assist in an experiment, but not a delusional fantasy.

A loving Father doesn't kick His children out of the house when they make a mistake.

Like Adam and Eve?

I did read your entire statement of faith. I can see it is very heartfelt and sincere. It appears your lifestyle is now incredibly intertwined with your religious beliefs, even to the point where at one stage it caused you to lose your job.

Like so many Christians who are willing to expose their inner feelings and beliefs in this way I do find I respect such courage and honesty, yet such texts bring out in me a deep sense of anguish that so many people can allow themselves to be so completely consumed with such fantasies.

While you may feel real contentment with the lifestyle you have chosen together with your beliefs you should also be aware that there is absolutely nothing that indicates that gods, saviors, heaven, hell, etc., have any basis in reality – they are pure fantasy concepts. That you have convinced yourself that you are in communion with a god and that he is guiding you and giving you hope, is I am afraid simply self delusion, even though it might seem very real and powerful, it is unfortunately not based on anything real.

Gods do not exist and Jesus is a fictional character created by imaginative myth makers.

While this may be true for some, it is a gross generalization.

I don’t believe so. When you remove all the flowery and distracting emotive claims and statements the underlying expectation is “do these things and receive eternal life”. Otherwise they would not be Christian.

Or, if they are actually saved, they are at the top of the karmic ladder. Just depends on how you want to look at it.

We are mixing concepts here somewhat. If karma is the deciding factor in being saved then no they are still at the bottom – an expectation of reward will always be present in the Christian outlook no matter how minimal that might be. For example - an atheist who helps someone at some cost to himself, i.e. an altruistic act, and where the recipient has no idea who provided the help, would have a high karmic value because the atheist has no short or long term expectation of reward by anyone or anything. But the same action by a Christian would still be marred by their full expectation that such actions will be eventually rewarded.

edit- actually, i think there is no such thing as good karma, all karma being a link to the past, which one would seemingly want to be free from. Just a thought.

I certainly do not believe that karma is any type of mystical force but is simply degrees of stress – but that is another topic.
The requirement is that you have "little" Karma. Atheists have no Karma. Any volunteers:

Human Sacrifice Forum

Snakelord is your Karma getting better?

While there is unfortunately no law against idiocy, I would at least ask that you leave me out of it.

It wouldn't be bad if my name was used in the attempt to engage in intelligent discussion. Alas, the fact is that you don't have anything intelligent to say.

As for your latest statement:

I don't need another chance. Yer just jealous.

The pharasees tried this attack on Jesus when they said he caste out devils by the power of Belzebub, the prince of the devils.

They were just jealous.

I fail to see what the problem is. Jealousy is a wonderful quality to have. Do you disagree?

Tell me Woody, how do you honestly view those who are prone to jealousy?
Please Woody, what do you feel about those who are prone to be jealous, and perhaps those who are even proud and forthright about their jealous tendencies?
Cris said:
I don’t believe so. When you remove all the flowery and distracting emotive claims and statements the underlying expectation is “do these things and receive eternal life”. Otherwise they would not be Christian.

I take Christians themselves will have to take position on this.

But then again: Let's take you for an example. You are living your life, thinking your thoughts -- all in the direction of achieving immortality. You are, per your own prescription, “do these things and receive eternal life”.

* * *

§outh§tar said:

Your practice of giving theists/atheists the benefit of the doubt is

... is what?

Do tell me what my practice of giving theists/atheists the benefit of the doubt is.
... is what?

Do tell me what my practice of giving theists/atheists the benefit of the doubt is.

31"When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy[c] angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory. 32All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats. 33And He will set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left.

Wilt thou be a sheep or a goat in the day of our Lord?

You are, per your own prescription, “do these things and receive eternal life”.

The massive differences are on three levels. One is based on the known credibility of material principles whereas the other has only fantasy as its basis, and secondly I have no illusion as to the difficulty in achievibg my goal with no expectation that it is a certainty. In contrast the Christian believes their method is a certainty. And lastly there are as yet no rules that can be followed to achieve my goal - hence the search.

Please Woody, what do you feel about those who are prone to be jealous, and perhaps those who are even proud and forthright about their jealous tendencies?

I see nothing wrong with jealousy over your wife and your rightful possessions. If somebody took liberties with my wife I would be quite jealous.

However, envy is a different story. When somebody says they want something that someone else has, and they long for it -- this is covetousness and it is wrong. Someone may have a drop-dead gorgeous wife, or a lot of material things that surpass your own. If you are jealous of them you have a problem.

In the case of the pharasees, they were jealous because people were leaving the synagogue and coming to Jesus. As they said, "Will the whole world go after him?" The problem is that the believers did not belong to the jewish religious leaders, they actually belong to God himself. Hence, they were envious of Jesus, because he was righteous and they were not. This is the same kind of jealousy that caused Cain to kill his brother Abel. As the bible says, Cain killed Abel because Abel's deeds were good and Cain's were evil.

For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning, that we should love one another. Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were evil, and his brother's righteous.

There you have it -- Cain's offering was evil because there was no love in his offering, instead it was just plain old prideful jealousy.

The end result of prideful jealousy is murder. The pharisees plotted to kill Jesus. The devil is a murderer from the beginning. These are all for the same root cause -- prideful jealousy. In an extreme form it can make a killer out of anyone.
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§outh§tar said:
Do tell me what my practice of giving theists/atheists the benefit of the doubt is.

31"When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy[c] angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory. 32All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats. 33And He will set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left.

Wilt thou be a sheep or a goat in the day of our Lord?

I am a mule, stupid! Oops, muse.

Your answer is tricky though. Do you think that my giving atheists and theists the benefit of the doubt qualifies me as lukewarm?

* * *

Cris said:
The massive differences are on three levels. One is based on the known credibility of material principles whereas the other has only fantasy as its basis,

Hm. "Credibility of material principles". If the Bible were to be read as a historic story, and as that alone, then I agree with you. But it is not to be read just like that alone.
As far as practical ethics go, I find a part of the principles agreeable.

and secondly I have no illusion as to the difficulty in achievibg my goal with no expectation that it is a certainty. In contrast the Christian believes their method is a certainty.

Of course, some, those who take pride in their religion, surely consider their "method" to be a certainty.
But nobody knows what Judgement Day will be like for him, what his judgement will be-- so any Christian who thinks his salvation to be a certainty is inconsistent, not to say an elitist fool.

And lastly there are as yet no rules that can be followed to achieve my goal - hence the search.

I think you do have rules -- those of logic and empiricism.
Maybe they just aren't called yet to be the "means to eternal life", but they certainly function this way while you are on your search.