Atheists know more about their god than christians do.


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: We've heard it time and again. Christians say that atheists don't know, understand nor believe in god. That is partially true, but atheists appear to know more about their own god than xians do. Why is this? Atheists study religion/christianity more fervently than do its own adherents. Atheists acquire more knowledge about religion than do christians. Atheists can understand the difference between what is to believe and what is not to believe. The world would be a better place without christians. Christians follow a false philosophy about someone who wasn't even a christian! Blind belief is the root of all evil. Is there anyone out there who agrees with what I am saying?

Christians' believe on faith alone. They've never seen, heard, felt, tasted, felt or experienced god, so why do they lie about it? They get mad at us who believe they are delusional, but their delusions are real to them but not for us.

How much longer do you think there will be christians in the world... it's a dying breed, you know. When will the insanity end?

I'm only interested in atheists' replies. No christians need bother.
Pretty generalized statement that should be backed up with facts but when talking religion I think it fair to assume facts are out the window.

Let me rub my crystal ball, hmmmmm.... yep, history will repeat itself. Unfortunately that means Christianity will be replaced by something else just as whacky.

Am I delusional if I think religion will disappear forever someday?
That's true, we read with a skeptical eye, we read scholarly texts like Elaine Pagels that theists wouldn't touch.
So who is this atheist God??
M*W: There is no christian god just as there is no atheist god. The difference is that christians don't understand this concept due to lack of learning. Given the opportunity and the tools (re-education), everyone would eventually become atheist.
M*W: There is no christian god just as there is no atheist god. The difference is that christians don't understand this concept due to lack of learning. Given the opportunity and the tools (re-education), everyone would eventually become atheist.

I think you should rephrase what you said in the opening statement. You said "atheists appear to know more about their own god then xians do."

That is what timmbuktwo is getting at.
Given the opportunity and the tools (re-education), everyone would eventually become atheist.

Even if i stood in front of a mirror for one hundred years and repeated that over and over i still wouldn't believe it. How did you convince yourself of such a fairy tale?
I think you should rephrase what you said in the opening statement. You said "atheists appear to know more about their own god then xians do."

That is what timmbuktwo is getting at.
M*W: Thanks for pointing that out. I'll rephrase that. What I meant was that atheists know more about the christian god than christians do, but we still don't believe in it.
Even if i stood in front of a mirror for one hundred years and repeated that over and over i still wouldn't believe it. How did you convince yourself of such a fairy tale?
M*W: It took me a number of years (about 20 or so) to learn the truth about christianity. This was not an easy task, because I fought myself along the way. That was a symptom of my programming. There was a time I didn't read anything unless it had the nil obistat (sp) or the imprimatur (sp) which are the only authorizations the RCC gives. However, I snuck around and read Hal Lindsay and Billy Graham without their (the RCC) knowledge. When I first came to sciforums, I still believed in a god. I credit sciforums for pulling me out of the pit of religious addiction.
M*W's Friendly Atheist Quote of the Day:

"Faith is doubt." ~ Emily Dickinson
Even if i stood in front of a mirror for one hundred years and repeated that over and over i still wouldn't believe it.
M*W: I'm curious? Why would you consider standing in front of a mirror for one year or a for hundred years (hypothetically, of course), and after all that time and emotional programming to understand your image as you see it, would you still believe in atheism is a lie? Sorry, but I don't buy it. You can lie to others, but you can't lie to yourself. There has got to be some innate idea that you see what you choose to see in that image but not what you don't want to see. It's easier said than done. You stand in front of a mirror and say out loud, "I believe in god," a hundred times, and I assure you, you will start questioning your beliefs.

However, I doubt that anyone has ever done this ritually. I find it more telling than you can imagine of what man's image of himself as the man in the mirror could mean.
That is why it is called faith. Do you have faith in anything?

nil obistat - who taught you that one....
I normaly restrain from these sections. What amazes one is how one religion can be so popular around the world, is it a prophecy? or is it an accidental mistake? I also notice that more people believe in God than caucasians. But there are two reasons why caucasians don't believe, they think it makes them look primitive(some of them), and quite simply nobody believes their own bull kaka. Even if there is a God, do you actually think he is going to bore himself to death by showing up?, I mean, its called "higher intelligence" for a reason. I think about this kind of things too. I rememeber there was an italian man who invented and used binomial theorem to prove the existence of God and the result was 1/2(someone should look this up), thats mathematics, thats good enough for me. Maybe one day Nokia will device a way to communicate with God, by that time their slogan would be, "Nokia: divine communication". My advise? keep an open mind
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That is why it is called faith. Do you have faith in anything?

nil obistat - who taught you that one....
M*W: Sure, I have faith in a lot of people and things. Being an atheist doesn't mean we don't experience "faith." We just don't believe in the existence of gods.

nih obstat (sp) and the imprimatur (sp) are noted in the front cover of books sanctioned by the pope (RCC) for catholics to freely read.

I thought you were catholic?
M*W: Sure, I have faith in a lot of people and things. Being an atheist doesn't mean we don't experience "faith." We just don't believe in the existence of gods.

M*W's Friendly Atheist Quote of the Day:

"Faith is doubt." ~ Emily Dickinson

nih obstat (sp) and the imprimatur (sp) are noted in the front cover of books sanctioned by the pope (RCC) for catholics to freely read.

I thought you were catholic?

Nihil obstat.

You didn't learn latin during those grueling years?
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What amazes one is how one religion can be so popular around the world, is it a prophecy? or is it an accidental mistake?

It could be called effective promotion. After all Christianity did become the Roman Empires' official religion and they did have a lot of influence in the world at that time. After their fall, it's idealogies remained attractive to people in positions of power.
Now, a religion like the cult of Isis was just a bit too "sweet" for patriarchs with control the masses mentality in mind. What good is a Goddess that stresses that all will eventually reach enlightenment(nope ..ya need a other words a safety valve or what I affectionally call the proverbial cop-out for not taking responsibility) and does not posses the hateful side of God that so many of those leaders wanted to see in God(again..usefull for controlling people)