Atheists do NOT have constitutional rights


Salam Shalom Salom
Registered Senior Member
According to the US constitution, I'm not familiar with any European ones

OK, why?

Because it says "all men are Created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights

If you don't believe in a creator, the rest becomes irrelevant.
I think athiests are endowed with inalienable rights by the creator. They merely choose not to believe in it.

question 1: do you have an itchy thread starting finger?
question 2: so if I don't believe in speed limits, they don't apply?
Man, wait till Dawkins hears this. Will atheists lead a march to tear up the Declaration and declare it null and void?
Man, wait till Dawkins hears this. Will atheists lead a march to tear up the Declaration and declare it null and void?

So, you haven't read what Dawkins already said about that? :rolleyes:
No I missed it. I've been ignoring his diatribes ever since he signed that stupid thingamagig to the UK government.

What did he say? Is the anti-creationism movement working on it? Has the declaration been nullified because Dawkins can prove that no one is created equal or has been endowed with inalienable rights? Do tell.
According to the US constitution, I'm not familiar with any European ones

OK, why?

Because it says "all men are Created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights

If you don't believe in a creator, the rest becomes irrelevant.

Norse, you have too much time on your hands.
All men were created by their parents, end of thread. :rolleyes:
SAM said:
Man, wait till Dawkins hears this. Will atheists lead a march to tear up the Declaration and declare it null and void?
Dawkins is not the only atheist on the planet, and you really ought to pick on some author you've actually read. You are not only shooting from the hip, but shooting in the dark - you have only the vaguest notion of what Dawkins actually says about anything.
norsefire said:
Atheists do NOT have constitutional rights
According to your argument (given your confusion of Creator with Deity, etc) atheists would not grant rights - they would still have them, as long as there were a couple of theists around to do the believing.

I think that OP is the most completely messed up yet compact and decipherable post I've ever read.
So, will atheists be declaring the declaration null and void? Insisting it goes against their right to freedom from the religious? Or do they pick and choose their anti-creationism stands?
SAM said:
So, will atheists be declaring the declaration null and void? Insisting it goes against their right to freedom from the religious? Or do they pick and choose their anti-creationism stands?
Well, if there are any atheists such as you imagine, and there probably are somewhere (lots of variety in the "miscellaneous" box), they might hold that American's political independence of England was originally based on false theoretical assumptions.

So ?
SAM said:
Ah, so clearly, its religion before country, eh? Thats hilarious
Also backwards, probably. It would be country before (other people's) religion, nine times out of ten.

That's a really common type of error, I've noticed. Even a standard atheist pov is not, apparently, easily grasped by the theistically inclined.
It says Creator not specifically God. I think even atheist believe that someone or something created them. Whether that be God, their parents, a 6ft tall talking cookie, or however you think you got here. God was implied but, He isn't mentioned. So that would give me slightly shaky ground to stand on if I was going to protest it for some moronic reason.