Atheist + Theist = enemies???

The biggest enemy of the theist doesn't seem to be the atheist but the other theist. That particular one that claims that the other god is the false one and his is the right one. The atheist after all doesn't discriminate in this matter. All gods are created equal in his eyes.

If we look at history the most used scapegoat to start a conflict is dispute over religious details. I remember fondly the moment when protestants appeared on the scene to battle with the catholics. They 'hardly' disagreed with each other (the same god, the same christ, the same disciples, etc.), but still they were larger enemies than any atheist ever was. That is because rejection of atheism is easy. Atheists are apparently all fools beguiled by fake promises from satan himself. The other theist is however on a divine mission.
good afternoon, mr cool skill, I am the preacher, would you like to discuss something, regarding theology. I would very much like to discuss something with you, you seem like a nice person, I know what it's like to have everybody against you, so could you and me discuss something.
It has zero to do with anything. If you want to flame elsewhere, you probably can do so too. Who cares? Irrelevant. It changes nothing. It does not make this forum any less bias. Therefore, it has no effect on my assertion.
It has zero to do with anything.

It has a lot to do with it. You're unhappy and this might just make you happy. Or do you just enjoy being miserable? Personally I don't know what's become of you... In your old posts you seemed generally quite normal, (other than asking forum members to help you buy a vibrator for your twin sister - which in itself does point at some serious underlying problems..), but in general you seemed.. relatively.. sane. well.. sort of.

Here you haven't stopped promoting absolute hatred while not even grasping the very basics of the replies. Now I don't mind wasting my time. People like you are harmless, and I have no issues with putting up with your pathetic version of a discussion, but it would be nice if you'd at least ask someone to translate what has been written into symbols or picture format so you can understand it. I'm not much of an artist I'm afraid.

It does not make this forum any less bias. Therefore, it has no effect on my assertion.

I think it about time you got over it. I've already agreed with you now five times. Yes, I'm bias, this forum is bias, everyone's bias. Your assertion has been settled. Move on already.
SnakeLord said:
It has a lot to do with it.
No it doesn't. WRONG. I have already stated the reasoning why it doesn't. You have nothing but squat.

SnakeLord said:
I have no issues with putting up with your pathetic version of a discussion, but it would be nice if you'd at least ask someone to translate what has been written into symbols or picture format so you can understand it.
Why do atheists not get tired of flaming?
You have already made it clear over and over again that the only thing you are interested in is insulting and flaming. You use the bias of this forum to do so as if anybody really cares. Flame flame flame. It's all ahteists know how to do. They think they can win or lose a discussion with cheap strategies. OF course, when I flamed in response, I get threatened and deleted for it by the bias moderator. Keep burning your own argument by proving that all you are interested in is flaming with no direction.
They flame because that is all they know how to do.
This forum is bias, and allows people to flame all they want as long as it is not about atheists.
The only reason you are posting is to troll.
Nothing more nothing less. It is part of the atheist mentality to troll and flame.
Of course, you only burn yourself when you do it by providing more proof that it is all you are interested in.
Cool Skill's incessant trolling and flaming (and childlike "no, they flamed first") behavior is clearly designed to degrade any discussion that he's involved in to the point that it'll get closed. Then, he can proclaim himself victimized and talk about how the bias of moderators and the forum in general unfairly censored him.

The facts of the matter is, Cool Skill, that you directed personal insults, profane remarks, and invective labels to members that were being critical of only the assertions and positions of theists. You have an apparent inability to distinguish from what is individual and what is societal.

Rather than engage in genuine conversation, you resort to juvenile tactics of name-calling and verbal stone-throwing. Either because you are unable to actually create effective supporting arguments for your position or because you're just generally an asshole. Or perhaps you simply want to flood and spam those threads, that discuss topics with which you are unable to engage in intelligent conversation, with insults and unintelligent accusations of bias.

I realize that my sentence above that includes the word "asshole" will undoubtedly spark the response of, "you just proved my point about how atheists flame, flame, flame..." But if that's the response this gets then you aren't actually reading people's posts and criticisms of your behavior. If you expect that you can act like an asshole and not have it pointed out as the appearance you are giving, then you clearly don't belong in a forum of intelligent discussion.

I also realize that your other tactic will be to quote some short phrase and reply with "wrong," as if that makes it so. But this juvenile tactic is also getting worn.

I think you should either engage in intelligent and civilized discussion or leave. Or, if you are that sentimental about being at sciforums and have better success elsewhere, consider staying out of discussions that involve atheism and atheists. If that doesn't work for you, click the usernames of the atheists that annoy you then click "add [member] to your ignore list."

Beyond that, STFU. Several atheists and even theists have appealed to you to be civil and try to engage you in intelligent discussion. If you can't, STFU.
No it doesn't. WRONG. I have already stated the reasoning why it doesn't. You have nothing but squat.

But it does. You're wrong. Yes, I can even say it in caps if you think that will make it seem all the more so. You haven't actually stated anything other than the same old dribbling tripe that I have now agreed with six times.

The simple fact of the matter is that you cannot understand simple English. Stick to buying vibrators instead.
No because I have proven my point over and over, yet you continue to attempt worthless examples that prove my point even more. This thread is bias, and there is nothing that will change it. Flame all you want. Nobody really pays attention to bias atheists anyway.