Atheist + Theist = enemies???

I've read a lot of religious texts, in order to better understand people who do believe. Compassion begins with understanding the why's needed to converse with people on an empathetic level. I understand why you seem to have such a distaste for it all, as you don't seem to want to try.
There is no such thing as an agnostic atheist.
Atheists are bias. That is why they cannot have proper discussion. They do not wish to discuss. Only to argue.
cool skill: There is no such thing as an agnostic atheist.
Atheists are bias. That is why they cannot have proper discussion. They do not wish to discuss. Only to argue.
M*W: I believe you've got this the other way around. Atheists per se have nothing to argue about. It's you christians who do the arguing up to the point where you've run out of things to argue illogically about!
There is no such thing as an agnostic atheist.
Atheists are bias. That is why they cannot have proper discussion. They do not wish to discuss. Only to argue.

I see you're still blurting out your naive statements. Tell me, what would you like to discuss? Let's discuss something..
Medicine Woman said:
I believe you've got this the other way around. Atheists per se have nothing to argue about. It's you christians who do the arguing up to the point where you've run out of things to argue illogically about!
You have no say. Thus far everything that has come out of your mouth is fanatical goop.

SnakeLord said:
I see you're still blurting out your naive statements. Tell me, what would you like to discuss? Let's discuss something..
I see you are still full of it. Grow up.
I have stated my discussion.
Of course, all atheists want to do is insult and argue without brains.
Because they are bias, nobody else is allowed to insult and bash in response.
Arditezza said:
I don't believe in God. But I do believe that he exists for some people.

I hope that makes sense.
it doesn't.

I have stated my discussion.
what? you can't state somethings without anyone responding and call it a discussion
Of course, all atheists want to do is insult and argue without brains.
all I want (I don't want to speak for all atheists) is for everyone to admit that they have no tangible reason to believe in their religion.
Because they are bias, nobody else is allowed to insult and bash in response.
bias how? I could say the same for religious people. moreover, I welcome responses, I have carried on long PM conversations trying to prove my point, without insulting, and when we both decided that we were not going to budge, we gave up.
cato said:
what? you can't state somethings without anyone responding and call it a discussion
Pointless as usual. Atheists do not have any point. They only want to argue about whatever they see without substance.

cato said:
all I want (I don't want to speak for all atheists) is for everyone to admit that they have no tangible reason to believe in their religion.
Apparantly not. Atheists are only interested in winnind and losing. Usually they think they win even though there is no competition in the first place.

cato said:
bias how?
I guess you have not realized that atheists are allowed to bash and insult in this forum. Anybody that bashes and insults against atheism however will get in trouble.
I see you are still full of it. Grow up.

I get the distinct impression you're taking the piss. I refuse to believe for one second that anyone as truly stupid as you portray yourself to be actually exists on this planet.

You say atheists don't want to discuss anything, I say: "let's discuss something", to which you tell me to grow up. No offence, but you're a complete nincompoop.

But I tell you what.. I shall just agree with everything you've said. Does that make you happy?

Of course, all atheists want to do is insult and argue without brains.

With all due respect, but I have not seen you actually use your brain once in any post I have seen you make thus far, and you then have the audacity to accuse others of that?

Because they are bias, nobody else is allowed to insult and bash in response.

Well if it pleases you I shall switch to 'sympathy for the hard done by christian' mode. I hereby give you permission to insult me to your hearts content. Go for it, and enjoy it.

(To James: Please do not ban or have a go at Cool Skill if he insults me here. I have given him my permission to do so because I can see it's what he really needs to do before he ends up having a hernia. If there's any issues, blame me. Thanks in advance).

Well Cool Skill, knock yourself out.. Bash me, insult me, take the piss out of my mother, whatever you feel you need to do.
cato said:
what? you can't state somethings without anyone responding and call it a discussion

Pointless as usual. Atheists do not have any point. They only want to argue about whatever they see without substance.
my point was that you discussed nothing.

Apparantly not. Atheists are only interested in winnind and losing.
I am not, like I said, I tried to convince someone of my argument and when we reached a stalemate I agreed to disagree and ceased my argument.

I guess you have not realized that atheists are allowed to bash and insult in this forum. Anybody that bashes and insults against atheism however will get in trouble.
I have not noticed, sorry for the bias. if there is a bias, then it is wrong.

if you would like to discuss why you think atheism/agnosticism is wrong, you can PM me, I don't think mods will ban you for a PM.
cool skill: You have no say. Thus far everything that has come out of your mouth is fanatical goop.

I see you are still full of it. Grow up. I have stated my discussion. Of course, all atheists want to do is insult and argue without brains. Because they are bias, nobody else is allowed to insult and bash in response.
M*W: CS, I still have "my say," regardless of what YOU say! I speak the truth! Whether you believe it or not doesn't really matter.
SnakeLord said:
I refuse to believe for one second that anyone as truly stupid as you portray yourself to be actually exists on this planet.
Speak for yourself. This is my point. If I were to say the same thing I would get in trouble for it. Atheists truly are bias. Thank you for supporting my point.

SnakeLord said:
You say atheists don't want to discuss anything, I say: "let's discuss something", to which you tell me to grow up.
No you did not. You probably can’t even read your own post that I even quoted for you.
Was this not you? => “I see you're still blurting out your naive statements.”

Sorry but atheists seem to think that insults and bashing is the same thing as discussion. Of course, because this forum is bias, I would not have been allowed to say the same thing. I guess atheists are too dense to understand their own bias.

SnakeLord said:
I have not seen you actually use your brain once in any post I have seen you make thus far, and you then have the audacity to accuse others of that?
Perhaps I should be the one asking that question. Oh but then again, I can’t because this forum is bias. I am not allowed to.

Medicine Woman said:
CS, I still have "my say," regardless of what YOU say! I speak the truth! Whether you believe it or not doesn't really matter.
No you do not. Continue being fanatical. Everything you do and say contradicts every statement you make. You say atheists are not self righteous, and make self righteous remarks. You say atheists are not fanatics, and follow with the most fanatical statements an atheist can possibly make. I claim that you have no say because this is all you seem to do. What is the point in taking you seriously when you portray all of the attributes you claim atheists are not about. If they are not about such things than why portray them? Are you being facetious? Why not just come straight?

cato said:
my point was that you discussed nothing.
Exactly. Like I said, you have no point. I for one hardly consider my discussion nothing.
Furthermore, atheists have no intention of coming to conclusion. They see discussion as a matter of winning and losing. There can be no winners and losers in a discussion. Atheists seem to think that it is a competition, and that there can be winners and losers. I have exemplified this many times over.

My assertions are only supported.
JamesR: Allows everybody to insult and bash unless it is against atheism.

Medicine Woman: Fanatical self righteous statements all day long.

Skin Walker: Complete disregard for relevant discussion. Completely focused on winning or losing his own imaginary competition.

Mr Anonymous: Troll.
Speak for yourself. This is my point. If I were to say the same thing I would get in trouble for it. Atheists truly are bias. Thank you for supporting my point.

And you're still whinging.. Sheesh. I said I agreed with everything you said. Are you happy now?

No you did not.

Yes I did. Here's the proof: "Tell me, what would you like to discuss? Let's discuss something.."

Was this not you? => “I see you're still blurting out your naive statements.”

Yes that was me, and I see you're still at it. Tell me Cool Skill, was this not you? => "I guess atheists are too dense to understand their own bias." That is quite clearly an insult, (if you assume the quote I used is), and yet have you got in trouble for it? So where is this bias you speak of? The fact is you're just blowing wind.

Perhaps I should be the one asking that question. Oh but then again, I can’t because this forum is bias. I am not allowed to.

I can't say much more than.. build a bridge. Seriously, the whining isn't doing anything. You have nothing of worth to say, nothing of worth to discuss, you just want to piss and moan like a 3 year old. Fine, this forum is bias, all atheists are bias, we don't want to discuss yada yada yada. There it is, I agree with you completely. Shuttup already, or go pray for cosmic intervention.

From the rest of your post we can all say you have serious problem with atheists, and indeed feel like a very hard done by christian. Would it not therefore be in your own best interest to leave and go somewhere else? Find a nice joyful christian website free from forum trolls like Mr Anonymous, atheist fanatics like MW, competitive atheists like SW and rude atheists like myself. Or are you implying that you actually get a kick out of hanging around places with people you clearly despise and crying about it like a baby girl?

See that little red 'x' in the top right corner? Push it.
SnakeLord said:
And you're still whinging.. Sheesh.
All you seem to do is support my point even more. If it were me, I would be banned or something. The delusion of atheism seems to be why they are so bias.

SnakeLord said:
Yes I did. Here's the proof: "Tell me, what would you like to discuss? Let's discuss something.."
I guess you like to take stuff out of context. I already posted clear support to my assertion that all atheist wish to do is insult and argue. People that actually want to participate in normal discussion do not look at things as a win or lose situation. All of your posts are nothing but ridiculous flames, and you wish to convince yourself that you are trying to discuss anything. Of course if somebody was to do the same against atheism, my post would get deleted.

SnakeLord said:
Yes that was me, and I see you're still at it. Tell me Cool Skill, was this not you? => "I guess atheists are too dense to understand their own bias." That is quite clearly an insult, (if you assume the quote I used is), and yet have you got in trouble for it? So where is this bias you speak of? The fact is you're just blowing wind.
Thanks for supporting my assertion once again. Atheists are completely bias, and can’t even comprehend how bias they are. He posted my assertion, and followed through by proving it. He does not believe that this place is bias. Thanks for adding more evidence to my assertion. Of course, if it was something against atheism, it would get deleted. Since it is not, his posts remain. Wow how did that happen? You are allowed to bash and insult as long as you are not doing so against atheism. Then you claim atheists are not bias. Can you support my point even better?

SnakeLord said:
I can't say much more than.. build a bridge. Seriously, the whining isn't doing anything. You have nothing of worth to say, nothing of worth to discuss, you just want to piss and moan like a 3 year old. Fine, this forum is bias, all atheists are bias, we don't want to discuss yada yada yada. There it is, I agree with you completely. Shuttup already, or go pray for cosmic intervention.
Typical. More supportive evidence that atheists are bias, and that all they wish to do is insult and flame. Did his thread get deleted for it? Of course not. It’s still here. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to quote it.
Now if I were to tell atheists to shut up or something, you would see my post removed. Yet they say atheists are not bias. Comedy is everywhere.

SnakeLord said:
From the rest of your post we can all say you have serious problem with atheists, and indeed feel like a very hard done by christian. Would it not therefore be in your own best interest to leave and go somewhere else? Find a nice joyful christian website free from forum trolls like Mr Anonymous, atheist fanatics like MW, competitive atheists like SW and rude atheists like myself. Or are you implying that you actually get a kick out of hanging around places with people you clearly despise and crying about it like a baby girl?
Therefore, SnakeLord is only here to harass and troll. It was my point from the beginning that he was not interested in proper discussion. Flame all you want. You have a right to do so in a bias forum. I myself cannot flame back, so you might as well direct it all to yourself. We might as well assume you are flaming yourself. Flame flame flame all day. Wow you didn’t get deleted. How convenient. Anymore flames? I do not think you added enough flaming and trolling to this discussion. You might as well add more because we all know you will not get deleted or banned for it in this bias place.
Cool skill, I wonder why you still post here? If you feel you are treated unfairly here, go check out other boards.

In a while, I think you'll notice that sciforums is not that bad afterall.
I suggest that Cool Skill posts here because he wants to disrupt the thread. Cool Skill is "antiatheist" and fanatically so. By insulting, "flaming," "trolling," and carrying on in a juvenile manner, Cool Skill can cause enough disruption that casual participants will avoid threads like this alltogether.

He trolls negative responses and counter-insults just so he can cry "foul" and justify his own juvenile behavior.

Why Cool Skill does this is worth discussing, however. There are a many possible reasons, but I think its safe to assume that his own insecurities and personal ego, combined with some perceived "mission" against atheism is the probable cause. Though, I've noticed the same distasteful behavior in other threads in forums like Freethoughts and perhaps in General Philosophy.

Those threads didn't involve atheism as the thread topic, though it did involve those Cool Skill has undoubtedly identified as atheists and therefore already has a bias against. But I think the athesim thing is simply an excuse for an angry person to lash out at those who he perceives as a threat to his ego or self-esteem. The internet has the advantage of offering a person who is otherwise ineffective at dealing with criticism and disagreement in person a method of attacking with relative anonymity.

Unfortunately, this kind of behavior by a member of a community like sciforums can be detrimental to the community because it will discourage discussion and participation by those that are passionately convinced to one side of the argument or the other. What remains is the extreme right and left of an argument, giving the impression that there is little to no middle ground.

With regard to the theist/atheist argument, there is a lot of middle ground. Both sides have fault common to humanity. Both sides have attributes common to humanity. Hopefully, he doesn't drive too many new members away or prevents them from posting their own thoughts because they worry that he'll attack them with juvenile and impetuous remarks.
All you seem to do is support my point even more.

If you say so.

If it were me, I would be banned or something.

If only that were true.

The delusion of atheism seems to be why they are so bias.

Maybe I'm just imagining things, but do you have a problem with atheists?

I already posted clear support to my assertion that all atheist wish to do is insult and argue.

Who's arguing? In the last two posts I've agreed with you completely. Yes atheists are bias, this forum is bias, the world is bias.. What more do you want?

People that actually want to participate in normal discussion do not look at things as a win or lose situation.

What to you is a "normal discussion"? I mean no offence Cool Skill, but since you arrived in this thread you haven't discussed anything other than your absolute hatred for atheists. Is that a normal discussion?

All of your posts are nothing but ridiculous flames

Well that's a bit of an exaggeration but what would you honestly expect on a forum heavily populated with atheists when you have done nothing more than continually berate them in every single post you make? I'm not just talking in this thread, but in every thread I have seen you post in. It reminds me of Die Hard 3.. the part at the beginning when Bruce Willis stands in Harlem with a sign that says: 'I hate niggers'.

There is no difference here, so can you honestly expect nobody to say anything? Your very first post in this thread, (that wasn't quoting anyone and thus not debating against anyone), was:

"Atheists are bias. That is why they cannot have proper discussion. They do not wish to discuss. Only to argue."

You seriously expect nobody to say anything?

Of course if somebody was to do the same against atheism, my post would get deleted.

You know this is wrong given that all your posts remain. You have done nothing but slam atheists in every thread you've posted in.

Thanks for supporting my assertion once again.

Not that I did, but hey.. if it helps you feel like you're winning this "discussion".

Atheists are completely bias

I know that, you've said it 300 times now over 20 threads.

He does not believe that this place is bias.

I've agreed with you on that three times now. Of course being here is your choice, and given such utter hatred that you have for atheists, (and this forum), I wonder why you stay.

Of course, if it was something against atheism, it would get deleted.

Against atheism? You mean like:

Atheists are bias. That is why they cannot have proper discussion. They do not wish to discuss. Only to argue.

Of course, all atheists want to do is insult and argue without brains.
Because they are bias, nobody else is allowed to insult and bash in response.

Atheists do not have any point. They only want to argue about whatever they see without substance.

Atheists are only interested in winnind and losing. Usually they think they win even though there is no competition in the first place.

I guess atheists are too dense to understand their own bias.

And that's just in this thread. Aren't they against atheism? Have they been deleted? No.. The fact is, you're wrong.

Therefore, SnakeLord is only here to harass and troll.

I'd disagree, but hey you can have your opinion.

Finally one more time I would ask why you stay in this "bias forum", with "bias atheists"? We have all heard you state your complaint time and time again - and yet it's not like anyone is forcing you to be here and put up with it. I wish you luck finding a forum more suited to your needs.
SkinWalker said:
By insulting, "flaming," "trolling," and carrying on in a juvenile manner
Atheists do so all the time. go troll elsewhere. Thanks for proving my point. All atheists do is harrass and argue. They have no intention to discuss anything, but how they can win and loose. Self esteem this and self esteem that. It is all atheists are focused on. Therefore, they do not know that there is no winning and losing in an argument.

SnakeLord said:
If only that were true.
It is true. Atheists do not know what bias means. Atheists think that if we are allowed to bash anybody but atheists, that is not bias. Another product of their own self righteousness.

SnakeLord said:
Maybe I'm just imagining things, but do you have a problem with atheists?
Atheists cannot even comprehend posts that I have restated over and over. Let me refresh your memory:

SnakeLord said:
Who's arguing?
You are arguing. You seem to be under the impression that it is not bias that atheists are allowed to insult and bash, while anybody else that says something against atheism is not. The fact that you believe this is not bias only supports my assertion completely.

SnakeLord said:
What to you is a "normal discussion"?
I have already explained what it is, and what atheists prefer. Your posts are a perfect example. Everything in your posts supports my claims about atheists.
More proof that your real intention is only to harass or win and loose. You have no interest in discussion. Only the same bias posts over and over.

SnakeLord said:
Well that's a bit of an exaggeration
It is not an exaggeration. Your only intention is to flame, and harass. There is no doubt you will continue to do so. It is perfectly allowed here in this forum for atheists to do so. But when it is against atheists, it is not allowed. I was right in my first post:
"Atheists are bias. That is why they cannot have proper discussion. They do not wish to discuss. Only to argue."

Thanks for supporting my entire assertion from the beginning.

SnakeLord said:
You know this is wrong given that all your posts remain. You have done nothing but slam atheists in every thread you've posted in.
More proof that atheists refuse to accept their own bias. Everybody knows that atheists are allowed to insult anytime. My post did get deleted. I was told by the bias moderator that if I were to do so, I would be banned. Of course, he did not say so against others that were doing the insulting and flaming. You attempt to claim that it never happened. Or that it is not bias. It is OK and not bias to delete somebody’s thread, and threaten to ban them, but not do the same for atheists. More proof. Keep insulting and flaming because you are allowed to. It’s all atheists know how to do. That is why they are the only ones that are allowed to do so. If you actually believe others are allowed to do the same against atheists, you can continue with your fallacy.

SnakeLord said:
Not that I did, but hey.. if it helps you feel like you're winning this "discussion".
Yes you did. Over and over and over and over and over. It is all about winning and losing to atheists. You have supported my argument again. To you that is what it is all about. All you want to do is argue fallacy, and try to make it seem like atheists are not bias. That everybody is treated equal. Not in this bias place. Only atheists can do what they want here. Therefore, you can keep doing so which supports my point completely.

SnakeLord said:
And that's just in this thread. Aren't they against atheism? Have they been deleted? No.. The fact is, you're wrong.
The fact is you are wrong. You continue to cling to your false belief that people are treated fair. If people were treated fair, this would not have happened. Atheists are bias. You are wrong. You have even contradicted your whole argument over and over. Face it, this is an atheist bias forum. Atheists are bias. It has already been established that my post gets deleted, and atheist post does not. You are trying to warp reality. The reality is that it did happen. So continue with your flames. Continue running around screaming that atheists are not bias. Continue running around screaming that others can say whatever they want, and not just atheists. Continue running around screaming all those false things. It will never ever change what happened. It will never ever change the truth. Atheists are allowed to say what they want. Others are not because this forum is bias towards atheists.

SnakeLord said:
have all heard you state your complaint time and time again
Obviously not because you ask the questions about stuff that has already been stated.
Like I said, you will continue to flame and troll because you are allowed to. I am not allowed to do the same. Therefore, this forum is bias. Plain and simple. Nothing more nothing less. I have proven my case. You have only flamed and trolled because you are allowed to. You simply have not read what I was told. Therefore, you seem to think that it is not bias to not allow me to do so, while allowing atheists to do so. They can do so, but I cannot. There is no question about that. Therefore, my point has been supported. Atheists are completely bias.