Atheist Realism?


You are funny Cris,

How can there be any doubt about consciousness when you know that for doubting, consciousness has to be present?
That's an assumption. Define consciousness.

if you define "I" as what makes you different from other, then it is not consciousness itself but just one of the perception consciousness has. your individuality is indeed one perception!
Then define consciousness.

so "I" as defined this way has to be doubted, only consciousness itself cannot be doubted
Then define consciousness.

My point is first to doubt everything and realize that we are sure of only one thing: consciousness exist.
What is consciosness?

even when there is doubt, there is consciousness !!!
That’s an assumption. What is consciousness?

Forgot science now and let see if we can get back to science (you will have the pleasure to argue) but first accept the complete skeptic view that the only thing we know is that consciousness exists
But what is consciosness?

Let's be clear if consciousness and perceptions are the same, you mean that the whole of your perception are your "I"?
But in this case how can you identify your "I".

If you can identify it, it means it is one perception among all perception.
so you never really reach this entity or process which is perceiving the whole.
This is consciousness of course, the feeling of "I" should thus be considered possibly false.
Then what is consciosness?

I don't need to define consciousness, at least now, we all know that it exists!
No we don’t. that’s your assumption. Justify it.

I can still say to keep it simple that consciousness is what makes you able to feel something
When you say “you” you mean the concept of “I”, right? Otherwise what do you mean by “you”? What is “something”? What do you mean by “feel”? In your simple assertion is an array of assumptions that you say we must not make.

anyway, consciousness exists
Define it first very clearly and precisely then we can consider if it actually exists?

let's agree with that while doubting everything else.
No, let’s start by doubting your assumptions.
Are you conscious ? (I have some doubt, sorry :p )

If you think you are, why do you not accept the evidence?

Consciousness is probably ineffable and if it is not its definition can only be given after knowing its role and mechanisms.

But we all know what I am talking about, at least enough to start.

I repeat, do you agree that consciousness exist?

If not, why are you saying that it may not exist?
if you cannot find any reason (outside your biological science for which you cannot rely now because of the skepticism advocated here) why cannot you accept that indeed, consciousness exist.
consciousness (the self) is an illusion, that's why it's impossible to die or disappear or attain everlasting nirvana, annihilation.... because there is no self to begin with. consciousness is a thought. it's the thought that the thought "i" is different and separate from the thought "world".

we will always be conscious because even if we sometimes become unconscious, we can't be conscious of it.

we are conscious because we can't "be" unconscious because "being" can only be when there is consciousness. unconsciousness (nothing) becomes conscious because it's the only way it can (appear to) "be", which it has to do because it (nothing) is the only thing that "exists".
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Are you conscious ?
What does conscious mean?

If you think you are, why do you not accept the evidence?
Define what you mean so I don’t have to assume anything.

Consciousness is probably ineffable and if it is not its definition can only be given after knowing its role and mechanisms.
We can’t effectively discuss such things until we agree on its definition. If you can’t define it then there is nothing that can be discussed.

But we all know what I am talking about, at least enough to start.
Clearly we don’t otherwise this thread would not have gone on so long. The definition of consciousness is central to your entire argument. You cannot expect to argue for something without defining it and then make an assumption that everyone will agree with you.

I repeat, do you agree that consciousness exist?
Depends if we can agree on how it is defined. You appear to be making unjustifiable assumptions about it.

If not, why are you saying that it may not exist?
if you cannot find any reason (outside your biological science for which you cannot rely now because of the skepticism advocated here) why cannot you accept that indeed, consciousness exist.
But what is it?

Define consciousness then we can discuss further.
Clearly we don’t otherwise this thread would not have gone on so long. The definition of consciousness is central to your entire argument. You cannot expect to argue for something without defining it and then make an assumption that everyone will agree with you.
The thread have been so long, not because of the definition of consciousness but because of other things. It is only now that you talk about a definition that can only given afterward.
Indeed, definitions will imply assumptions

You know you are conscious,
consciousness is what make you able to be conscious.
I think this definition suffice for my arguments.
A better definition can only be given/constructed after having seen what assumptions we can make. Definition should never be before, else we will already assume so many thing.
Depends if we can agree on how it is defined. You appear to be making unjustifiable assumptions about it.

What assumption I put except that it exists and that it makes perceptions possible?
And its existence is not an assumption, you know that but you seem to do not want to accept and continue further.

If you say that you are conscious, you agree that consciousness exist and this consciousness make you able to perceive things.

can we continue?
consciousness (the self) is an illusion, that's why it's impossible to die or disappear or attain everlasting nirvana, annihilation.... because there is no self to begin with. consciousness is a thought. it's the thought that the thought "i" is different and separate from the thought "world".
consciousness of an ego is maybe an illusion but consciousness itself (not the "Ï" that you identify with some of the perceptions) exists.
we will always be conscious because even if we sometimes become unconscious, we can't be conscious of it.
we are conscious because we can't "be" unconscious because "being" can only be when there is consciousness. unconsciousness (nothing) becomes conscious because it's the only way it can (appear to) "be", which it has to do because it (nothing) is the only thing that "exists".
unconsciousness is an assumption
if you say that nothing is the only thing that exist you contradict yourself.
something has to exist and it is consciousness itself.

The thread have been so long, not because of the definition of consciousness but because of other things. It is only now that you talk about a definition that can only given afterward.
Indeed, definitions will imply assumptions
Like one of your earlier assumptions that consciousness is god.

You know you are conscious,
Yes but I think you mean that means something that I do not.

I simply have no confidence in what you think is consciousness is the same as my perception of it. Therefore it is important for you define what you think is meant by consciousness so we can find common ground if any.

consciousness is what make you able to be conscious.
I think this definition suffice for my arguments.
That doesn’t help much. What do you mean by conscious?

A better definition can only be given/constructed after having seen what assumptions we can make. Definition should never be before, else we will already assume so many thing.
That is nonsense. If something has a name and a label then that implies it has a meaning. The label alone is of no value.

Precisely what do you think is meant by the term consciousness?

What assumption I put except that it exists and that it makes perceptions possible?
What do you mean that it exists? Do you think it is a concept, or an actual entity, or what? What do you mean when you say it exists?

And its existence is not an assumption, you know that but you seem to do not want to accept and continue further.
From this thread I have no confidence that what you mean by something coincides with anything I might mean by the same terms.

Define what you mean by exists? Is it a concept like “justice” or is it physical, or is it supernatural, or what?

If you say that you are conscious, you agree that consciousness exist and this consciousness make you able to perceive things.
Nope you aren’t close yet. Define what you mean by all those terms.

can we continue?
Not until you have defined all the terms you are ASSUMING we all accept according to your perceptions of them.
What do you mean that it exists? Do you think it is a concept, or an actual entity, or what? What do you mean when you say it exists?

Define what you mean by exists? Is it a concept like “justice” or is it physical, or is it supernatural, or what?
Justice is about moral (we are not yet at this stage)
physical usually imply unconsciousness (so it is certainly not that, at least not at this stage)
supernatural imply that it is over or more than nature, I don't even know what does it means (so I won't use this term)

existence is relative to reality. To say that something exist is to say that it is in reality, or that it is reality itself. Reality I defined it at what is behind our perceptions (or more adequately what generate them).

consciousness as I told you so many times, is what make able the apparency of perceptions. It is what makes perceptions possible.

About god, I simply used it as another term for consciousness. god is a indeed word used by many theist to refer to consciousness. You do not need to agree but disagreeing it is like disagreeing that when French use the word "chien" it refera to "dog" in English.
Anyway, let's continue with the word "consciousness" to keep you psychologically safe.

Why you keep saying that I do not refers to the same thing as what you think is consciousness?

You feel something, you feel yourself, you experience emotions, you see bananas, dogs... all this are perceptions, they are in some sense inside (or part of) consciousness

so consciousness is what contains these perceptions but it is also what generate them because without consciousness there will be no perceptions

the definition is of course not precise because we don't want to make assumption yet. I want to give possibilities of explanation.
for example, maybe as you said it is physical (generated by brain processes) but at this stage we cannot say that. we doubted everything and we are left with consciousness that in some way makes perceptions possible.

I think you have also consciousness so you can also help me build the definition instead of just saying that I do not define it.

Justice is about moral (we are not yet at this stage)
LOL. I meant the term as an example of something that definitely exists but only as an abstraction.

I think this statement drom Wikipedia describes a great deal of our present position -

Consciousness is a state that defies definition, but which may involve thoughts, sensations, perceptions, moods, emotions, dreams, and an awareness of self, although not necessarily all of these.[1] Consciousness is a point of view, an I, or what Thomas Nagel called the existence of "something that it is like" to be something.[2] Julian Jaynes has emphasized that "Consciousness is not the same as cognition and should be sharply distinguished from it. ... The most common error ... is to confuse consciousness with perception." [3]

Ned Block divides consciousness into phenomenal consciousness, which is subjective experience itself (being something), and access consciousness, which refers to the availability of information to processing systems in the brain (being conscious of something).[4]

The issue of what consciousness is, and to what extent and in what sense it exists, is the subject of much research in philosophy of mind, psychology, neuroscience, cognitive science, and artificial intelligence. Issues of practical concern include how the presence of consciousness can be assessed in severely ill individuals;[5] to what extent non-humans are self conscious; at what point in fetal development consciousness begins; and whether computers can achieve conscious states.[6][7][8]

In common parlance, consciousness denotes being awake and responsive to the environment, in contrast to being asleep or in a coma.
After pages and pages of asking for a definition of consciousness from Ronan, he has to provide one himself.

Was it that hard ronan?
It does not bring clarity at all :p
On the contrary we are getting confused here

"Consciousnes is a state that defies definition,"
I would agree

"consciousness is a point of view, an I".
I disagree, the "I" is a perception of consciousness,
consciousness is beyond the "I"

if you agree with the definition :
consciousness is what makes perception possible

we can continue, else bring a clear one.
consciousness (the self) is an illusion, that's why it's impossible to die or disappear or attain everlasting nirvana, annihilation.... because there is no self to begin with. consciousness is a thought. it's the thought that the thought "i" is different and separate from the thought "world".

we will always be conscious because even if we sometimes become unconscious, we can't be conscious of it.

we are conscious because we can't "be" unconscious because "being" can only be when there is consciousness. unconsciousness (nothing) becomes conscious because it's the only way it can (appear to) "be", which it has to do because it (nothing) is the only thing that "exists".

So Yorda,

are you saying that consciousness cannot become conscious of itself? As in apperception or the awareness of awareness?

"consciousness is a point of view, an I".
I disagree, the "I" is a perception of consciousness,
consciousness is beyond the "I"

if you agree with the definition :
consciousness is what makes perception possible
I believe this to be a key issue.

Consciousness is the same as "I". They are one and the same thing and cannot be seperated. Consciousness is the essence of "I".
I would agree if the "I" you say is not what you identify as what you are, namely a human currently writing on a forum.

Because this description is a perception and not consciousness itself.

Do you see the point?
That's why Descartes have been criticized about his "cogito ergo sum"

I would agree if the "I" you say is not what you identify as what you are, namely a human currently writing on a forum.

Because this description is a perception and not consciousness itself.

Do you see the point?
That's why Descartes have been criticized about his "cogito ergo sum"
I think what you mean is the distinction between the function of consciousness as opposed to how we use it.

For example we know a car has a number of properties and capabilities, its "consciousness", but the details of the journey it took from A to B has nothing to do with what is a car.

I hope that analogy works and if so then I think I understand what you mean.

I think what you mean is the distinction between the function of consciousness as opposed to how we use it.

For example we know a car has a number of properties and capabilities, its "consciousness", but the details of the journey it took from A to B has nothing to do with what is a car.

I hope that analogy works and if so then I think I understand what you mean.

In some way we can say that, consciousness is the function (car) by which perceptions (the journey) are possible.

so now we agree,

consciousness (the function (the car) by which perceptions (the journey) is possible) exists
we cannot deny that.

But if we want to go beyond, we can notice that the journey (perceptions) are present as well.
We can see 3 possible ASSUMPTIONS which will deal with the presence of these perceptions.

A1) the perceptions are based on an unconscious substance
consciousness is another substance which interact with the unconscious substance to form specific experiences.
=> dualism

A2) the perceptions are based on an unconscious substance
consciousness is caused by this unconscious substance as well

=> physical monism

A3) the perceptions are based on consciousness itself
=> consciousness monism

All these 3 assumptions requires proof:

for A1) you have to prove that unconscious substance exists and that consciousness and unconscious substance can interact

for A2) you have to prove that unconscious substance exists and that unconscious substance can give rise to consciousness + perceptions.

for A3) you have to prove that the content is is a result of consciousness alone

Note: You can do prove A3) if you disprove A1) and A2) , namely, that an unconscious substance can not give rise to consciousness and cannot interact with it.

Note: you cannot prove A1) and A2) because unconscious substance cannot be experienced.
while you cannot prove that unconscious substance does not exist neither, if the interaction is prove to be impossible, it would mean that even if it exists it would have no consequence on our experiences.

As I said in a later post the link between unconscious substance and consciousness is the hard problem:
This depend on the famous hard problem (Nagel, Chalmers, Harnad...).


if the hard problem is impossible then A3) is true
if the hard problem is solvable
it does not mean that A1) or A2) are true neither that A3) is false because we have to prove that an unconscious matter exist (which is impossible)

So if you agree with that we then can argue about the hard problem.
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Perception is consciousness, which is composed of information. Whatever you think is consciousness. When you don't think, there is no consciousness.