Atheist Realism?

If you cannot see the analogy you are lost.
So you agree we cannot experience yellowness. Does yellow then exist or not ?
I am not lost, don't worry, I know completely where I am
I just say we can experience yellow feeling (personally it is what I would call yellowness) and in that sense it exists in our experience, in our consciousness, while unconsciousness cannot exist in consciousness (experience) by definition

Don't you understand my point ?
So why is that not possible for the universe, leaving god out of the picture as an unnecessary addition ?

It is not an addition, god is reality, why you cannot see my point?
god is conscious
The point is that if you said that reality is unconscious you have to prove it

That and related quotes ….

Dreaming is not an alternate state of awareness that can be mistaken for an awake state for normal people. The dream state and waking consciousness are significantly qualitatively different that we do not confuse them. Implying that we cannot tell the difference is patently false.

All of you makes the same mistake,
your qualitatively differences are based on your experience so you cannot prove that it is not a dream, maybe you will wake up and be in a different dream, then you will say also that they are qualitatively different and realized that in fact you were not wake but dreaming
when you are dreaming, what standards of reality do you call upon to assert that you are in fact only dreaming?

I am not asserting that we are dreaming, I am asserting that we cannot know whether we are or not!

you never dream when you sleep?

Your question ...

when you are dreaming, what standards of reality do you call upon to assert that you are in fact only dreaming?
I don't consciously call upon anything when I am unconscious.

“ What do you mean by reality? ”

you said

The dream state and waking consciousness are significantly qualitatively different

so what is the qualitative difference you experience in a dreaming state to indicate that you are in fact only dreaming
Can you really not tell the difference for yourself between when you are awake and when you are dreaming? Surely you can figure this out for yourself.


Your question ...

I don't consciously call upon anything when I am unconscious.
so you never dream when you are asleep?

Can you really not tell the difference for yourself between when you are awake and when you are dreaming? Surely you can figure this out for yourself.
After I wake up, its usually pretty easy
its so simple..i am sorry that u cant understand. ther is nothing philosophical. men often do not see what is obvious. thats what i meant!!!

I understood all to well. You issued an false assertion and I stated that it might be thought provoking for a relative thinker (a philosopher).

secondly it is not strange in what we belive. like u believe that u are not dreaming which is a dream again .reason is that it is not in ur control. u just imagine it. thats it.

Your 'belief' is based on faith. Mine is based on evidence. I'm sorry to tell you that evidence always wins.

when u cant answer u say that other one a philosopher thats just incompetence..nothing else. don't misquote any person or subject. be unbiased and judge for urself.

Huh? Did you ask a question? If so, please explicitly point it out.

All of you makes the same mistake,
your qualitatively differences are based on your experience so you cannot prove that it is not a dream, maybe you will wake up and be in a different dream, then you will say also that they are qualitatively different and realized that in fact you were not wake but dreaming
No this is nonsense. Unless you are suffering from some illness or mental ailment you know full well when you are awake and conscious. There can be no confusion with dreaming.

The best analogy perhaps is looking at a photograph of something compared with looking at the real thing. We have no doubt which is real and which is not, similarly with dreaming and being conscious.

This is close to the realization that an infinite past must be true. The reasoning is that if there was ever a time when nothing existed then there would be nothing to cause anything to follow. I.e. something must have always existed otherwise we could not be here. However, we have no reason to conclude that “reality” (whatever you choose that to mean), has godlike properties or not.

what do you mean by god-like property?
mine i just that it is conscious and as I told you, we only experience consciousness by definition, so that is your side to prove that reality can be unconscious

It is somewhat condescending to request someone to broaden their views and follow it with a baseless assertion, as if your claim to superiority should be sufficient proof. You haven’t made your case yet so I would recommend you restrain yourself from insinuating others are narrow minded and look to your own narrow minded view that god is the only answer and seriously consider broadening your horizon to consider alternatives.

You misquote/misunderstand me, It was about the statement:
With 'conventional god' I meant a personified god, in stead of just regarding nature as god or godlike.

I asked him to open his horizon because there are many kind of believes in god and to say that one is conventional to argue that mine is not valid (not shared by many) is a sign to show that he did not want to know about other believes.

I do not see any reasoned argument here that bridges the chasm between various aspects of what is meant by reality to the quantum leap assertion that reality is a god.
I define god to be a conscious reality, it is a belief that I argue is true,
Many share this belief in this kind of god as I already said in this thread . It is not a quantum leap at all, it is the way I see (with many other) what god is. So if you do not like the word "god", please replace it in your mind by "conscious reality" and argue against that instead.

If you cannot proof that reality is not conscious
and if you cannot proof neither than unconscious reality can give rise to consciousness
then you should see why my belief is justified ;)

The best we can project right now is that consciousness is a gestalt experience that occurs beyond a particular threshold of escalating neural complexity and interaction. I have no idea what you are talking about, that the brain and consciousness are somehow separate? Our problem right now is explaining consciousness. It is indeed a very complex issue.

brain and consciousness cannot be said to be separated or not because maybe we are dreaming of having a brain.

Note that Nagle, Jackson, and Chalmers, deliberately attempt to limit the scope of science and make the erroneous conclusion that consciousness can never be explained by science. History is littered with authority figures asserting an event can never occur, only to see that very event occur later.
So prove that an unconscious reality can give rise to consciousness!

Unsupported assertion. A worthless statement.

Please refer to what I said earlier,
if you do not like the word "god" replace it by "conscious reality"

Gibberish. A complete non sequitur.

Prove then that it is unconscious !

No this is nonsense. Unless you are suffering from some illness or mental ailment you know full well when you are awake and conscious. There can be no confusion with dreaming.

The best analogy perhaps is looking at a photograph of something compared with looking at the real thing. We have no doubt which is real and which is not, similarly with dreaming and being conscious.

You do not understand the point, it is a logical argument: You have no way to know that you are dreaming or not because all your evidences will be based on your experiences (which can be false because part of a dream)
If you cannot see the point, I hope some other people can help you.

so you never dream when you are asleep?
You’ve said that already. What’s the relevance to the issue? When I am asleep and dreaming I am not conscious. One does not ask oneself in a dream if one is dreaming or not. Dreaming is not a conscious sequence of thoughts.

“ Can you really not tell the difference for yourself between when you are awake and when you are dreaming? Surely you can figure this out for yourself. ”

After I wake up, its usually pretty easy
Right, when you are conscious. What happens during sleep is irrelevant. Dreaming is simply a brain maintenance operation.

You’ve said that already. What’s the relevance to the issue? When I am asleep and dreaming I am not conscious. One does not ask oneself in a dream if one is dreaming or not. Dreaming is not a conscious sequence of thoughts.

Right, when you are conscious. What happens during sleep is irrelevant. Dreaming is simply a brain maintenance operation.
maybe we are not on the same page with what is meant by consciousness

Since we have a sense of awareness in a dreaming state (you can reflect over something you have dreamt), I say that indicates it is a state of consciousness.

The fact that one cannot determine whether one is in a dreaming state or not while dreaming is the precise issue

You do not understand the point, it is a logical argument: You have no way to know that you are dreaming or not because all your evidences will be based on your experiences (which can be false because part of a dream)
If you cannot see the point, I hope some other people can help you.
No Ronan, there is no issue here. You are assigning conscious-like qualities to dreaming that do not exist. Your analogy doesn't work.
unless there is some greater agency of awareness than ourselves ?
what ?

It is not a complete sentence
Our own powers of awareness are obviously limited.

Whether that is the same for all entities that lay claim to consciousness (a self realized person or alternatively, god, for eg) is debatable

... just as in the matrix movie the critical point came with the person offering the red or the blue pill ....
I don't consciously call upon anything when I am unconscious.

I believe you never had dream.

While dreaming we are conscious, that's why we experience them, of course sometime we forgot them like many other things in life.
maybe we are not on the same page with what is meant by consciousness

Since we have a sense of awareness in a dreaming state (you can reflect over something you have dreamt), I say that indicates it is a state of consciousness.

The fact that one cannot determine whether one is in a dreaming state or not while dreaming is the precise issue

I agree

maybe we are not on the same page with what is meant by consciousness

Since we have a sense of awareness in a dreaming state (you can reflect over something you have dreamt), I say that indicates it is a state of consciousness.
I almost agree. But you do not have a sense of awareness in a dreaming state but dreams can impinge on memory that you can recall when you wake and are conscious.

The fact that one cannot determine whether one is in a dreaming state or not while dreaming is the precise issue
Agreed, but one which I think is entirely irrelevant. Or in other words, why care what happens when you are unconscious? The essential point is that when awake we can tell the difference between dreaming and being awake. I think Ronan is trying to argue that he cannot tell whether he is awake or dreaming.