UD, what IS consciousness?
This must be relevant to your cause?
Everything that has ever been proved to exist has been found to be physical. So to prove god exists (subject of OP) requires his physicality being ascertained (proclivity of OP). Your god is physical so if he is proved to exist it will require physical evidence unless you are willing to admit he might not exist. I do not think you are willing to admit that because it destroys your stance despite the fact it may be quite close to the truth?
You have to remember this is a scientific context.
I think you will agree with me when I say that consciousness is physical. Does your 'physical' god possess consciousness? If yes then his consciousness is physical too?
Are we not agreeing then that consciousness is physical?
Any element of consciousness that has been proved to exist leaves findable evidence of its action in the brain. Brainscans reveal all. We may still be learning how to interpret them, but we are doing so at an exponential rate due to new methods of testing and evidence (from fMRI) assessment using computers.
If your god is reality, the universe, and he is conscious, it follows that his conscious interaction with the universe would leave tell tale signs? If we ever discover these signs it will be through a physical scientific approach?
Why were you trying to move this argument in a direction that is at odds with your core belief? Were you confused? or making up as you went along for the arguments sake. Is that a way of honouring your belief? Why say physical, then say 'beyond' physical?
You have already made your beliefs apparent so what does my take of consciousness have to do with anything?
Concisely, consciousness (for me) is:
1, a simulation of the outside world created by the mind's interpretation of input supplied to it by the senses coupled with;
2, the (physical) raw processing power of the mind combined with its ability to memorise information through arrangements of more complex than computer-type switches: an ability to selectively hard-write all the input it receives in such a way that benefits the fitness of an individual in the world.
All aspects of consciousness being embedded within the physical function of the brain. As I said, all aspects of consciousness that have been proved to exist are able to be monitored in the brain.
I think people think there is something more there because they are not consciously in control of all of the brain's functions. But that doesn't mean that the brain doesn't control itself automatically. All evidence reveals the fact that areas of the brain affect other areas of the brain and their function. I read New Scientist quite regularly and the progress in this field, at the cutting edge of our understanding of the brain, all points to the fact all proven elements of consciousness are a resource of the brain. Even religiosity is a scanable phenomenon of the brain's (physical) matter.
Does that help?