Atheism's Thirteen Biggest Flaws (without dysfunctional link, modship pending)

Here is another flaw in Atheism - it seems that they love to talk about religion. I am Christian and have never "looked" for a discussion with an atheist. But it seems that atheists like to talk about religion (of course, to bash it). Maybe my understanding of the belief system is off - but it seems to me that if a person were indeed an atheist, he/she would be indifferent when it comes to talking about such things.
Here is another flaw in Atheism - it seems that they love to talk about religion. I am Christian and have never "looked" for a discussion with an atheist. But it seems that atheists like to talk about religion (of course, to bash it). Maybe my understanding of the belief system is off - but it seems to me that if a person were indeed an atheist, he/she would be indifferent when it comes to talking about such things.
Atheists love to mock religious fanatics.
It’s like stealing land from savages using bright shiny objects.

It’s not difficult and it doesn’t offer the sense of accomplishment but its so fuckin’ easy that nobody can resist.
FEAR.... is natural... Athesist fear even the possibility of a god.

Atheists.. usually get real mad when you say that.

they dont want to admit it.... even to themselves.

FEAR.... is natural... Athesist fear even the possibility of a god.

Atheists.. usually get real mad when you say that.

they dont want to admit it.... even to themselves.

I admit it.
I fear imbeciles.

I wonder what Christians fear.

I hope there’s a God in the same way I hope I will win the lottery.
Here is another flaw in Atheism - it seems that they love to talk about religion. I am Christian and have never "looked" for a discussion with an atheist. But it seems that atheists like to talk about religion (of course, to bash it). Maybe my understanding of the belief system is off - but it seems to me that if a person were indeed an atheist, he/she would be indifferent when it comes to talking about such things.
You are definitely mistaken. You can't draw conclusions like that from here.

This is where us normally shy and respectful atheists come to blow off steam. We really don't give a flying blue fuck what anyone thinks about god(s) etc. It's what they do about god(s) etc that pisses us off.

Without a shred of compelling evidence that a god exists, and that the book(s) and rules you follow are anything other than ancient ramblings, you theists would presume to have answers for the way we all should live. The arrogant gall of it is sickening. You will interpret your book(s) in a thousand different ways and expect anyone with a shred of intelligence or integrity to take you seriously.

It's obvious that theists are following an ancient and instinctive directive to follow the herd, that some of us have managed to break free of. It must be embarrassing and insulting to be told you are a wildebeast. But that's what you are.

Step back and look at what you do.

Masses of you, hanging your heads and on your knees before a shaman, chanting ancient spells to ward off demons and gain favor with the great spirit. It's demeaning and disgusting behavior for a supposedly dignified human being. Have some fucking respect for yourselves.

Faith is stupid. Stop being stupid. If you find that offensive, defend yourself with some arguments that aren't stupid. You won't find any theist here who can do that. I'd love to see a nice, simple statement as to why faith (the willing dismissal of any requirement for compelling proof or evidence) is not totally fucking stupid.

1 a : slow of mind : OBTUSE b : given to unintelligent decisions or acts : acting in an unintelligent or careless manner c : lacking intelligence or reason : BRUTISH

Faith, anyone?
Athesist fear even the possibility of a god.

they dont want to admit it.... even to themselves.

He he he he! :D

If we did that we probably wouldn't say things like "O god, mighty creator of the UNIVERSE! Please come down and butt fuck me into oblivion with thy mighty phallus of destruction, thus preventing me from saying things like fuck god and such anymore! A-fucking-men."
Here is another flaw in Atheism - it seems that they love to talk about religion. [...] But it seems that atheists like to talk about religion...

Its a hard topic to avoid. Its like talking about the weather on a day where it snows all day. The amount of religious propaganda and nonsense that finds its way into every serious discussion, casual conversation, news story on radio and tv, or the amount of people that attribute various religious reasons for their various successes and failures is staggering. And that doesn't even include the constant encounters with religious nutters in stores, street corners, etc. who expect that just because they mention their god and how their cause is their god's work, you'll be willing to give money to them.

When this is brought into perspective, it is surprising that atheists aren't more vocal in public, choosing instead to voice their opinions and discontent in anonymous venues like internet forums and blogs. This is slowly beginning to change, however, and more and more atheists, agnostics and freethinkers are choosing to question and criticize publicly.

Maybe my understanding of the belief system is off - but it seems to me that if a person were indeed an atheist, he/she would be indifferent when it comes to talking about such things.

Atheists should, as I indicated above, be more willing to question and criticize in public. No longer should religious nutters have an unqualified pass on their public displays of piety without criticism and even ridicule. It should be just as embarrassing to have a bible on your desk in the workplace as a UFO book or a book about Bigfoot. But it isn't, so it's hard to be indifferent about religious nutters that seek to codify their religious cult beliefs into laws and influence politicians who invade other nations, denounce condom use in the face of epidemics of AIDS, ban stem cell research, etc. -All because of the religious mythology written by Bronze and Iron Age agriculturalists and pastoralists.
SEE..... they will never admit it.

and christians... also fear god... but for different reasons.

Atheist... dont even like the idea....
if they became.. believers.. they would have to change behavior and stuff.

its much easier to enjoy sin... if there is no god to worry about.

For a theist, you seem to know an awful lot about what it's like to be atheist Mosheh, with the exception of course that atheists at least nominally try to be logical, wheras you seem to be quite adept at mind reading. Well, it's at least comforting to know you won't be using your powers for evil, lest the wrath of the lord strike you down.
SEE..... they will never admit it.

and christians... also fear god... but for different reasons.

Atheist... dont even like the idea....
Actually many atheists, myself included, really like the idea of a God, especially an afterlife where we get to meet everyone again.
But merely liking an idea is highly irrational grounds for "belief".

... if they became.. believers.. they would have to change behavior and stuff.
Please tell me how my behaviour would change? Other than a few minor things like maybe going to church each Sunday (depending on which elements of "belief" I picked up) I am fairly sure my life would not be significantly different.
But please feel free to tell me how it must be obvious I am an atheist through my actions, and how they clearly differentiate me from someone with "belief"?

its much easier to enjoy sin... if there is no god to worry about.
If there is no god to worry about then there is no sin - there is merely conscience.
But again - please tell me which "sins" I clearly enjoy because I'm an atheist.
Please tell me how "belief" in a god would change my behaviour etc.

red army

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
quite commonly, yes

No they don't - so there!

No, really - they don't. If I saw God just once I'd be an instant convert, believe me. I mean, he'd have to be doing something really impressive at the time, like making fire come out of his ears or something, but yes, I'd be willing to trust my senses on something like that. I trust my senses the vast majority of the time. They help me to tie my shoelaces, and cross roads, and correct spelling errors, and distingush shit from sugar. They're really rather invaluable to me, I don't know what I'd do without them, and I think most people - athiests or not - would say the same. So don't be so bloody ridiculous.
then why is the common atheistic response to a person who has witnessed god's nature (BTW the fire coming out of his ears is optional) something like "Oh it must have been his imagination", even if such a (saintly) person advocates not merely just a claim but also a claim of a process that enables verification?

the issu eis more about how there is not a clear connection between the pink unicorn/celestial teapot/etc and god since the former is clearly fabricated and does not draw any serious advocates

Whereas the latter has had several millennia in which to establish itself and garner the financial backing and support of the world's most powerful institutions.
still, there is no clear connection between the two - its not sufficient to say "in this instance (the pink uincorn) they are getting it wrong so in all instances (all theistic claims) they are all getting it wrong" (particularly since the pink unicorn/celestial teapot doesn't even rate a single sincere practitioner)
Which god are we talking about by the way - or are they all to be given equal validity. Perhaps they're all one and the same?
perhaps there are more similarities then you imagine, after all, if you ask anyone where the sun is during midday they will say "directly above my head" (all 2 billion people)

notice how this response contradicts the one you give below

I've read both several times and still see no contradiction. Enlighten me.

I think most atheists would agree that it's "bad" to run round stabbing random strangers. More usefully, one might classify such a person as clinically insane, and deal appropriately, rather than promising him an eternity burning in Hellfire.

"morality is essentially the same for everyone"

Yes, it's tough being a grown-up. Choosing your own moral path in life isn't the free-for-all in the candy shop that the above statement implies - it's often hard, thankless, can be absolutely heart-breaking. But, yes, the knowledge that you've 'done the right thing', not because someone's told you to, but because you've considered and debated all the relevant issues and arrived at a decision that you can live with does bring it's own rewards - vanishingly small though they might be sometimes.
"morality is essentially different for everyone"
then why is the common atheistic response to a person who has witnessed god's nature (BTW the fire coming out of his ears is optional) something like "Oh it must have been his imagination", even if such a (saintly) person advocates not merely just a claim but also a claim of a process that enables verification?
The common atheistic response is merely NOT to jump to the conclusion that it is something that defies the current understanding of the laws of the Universe - but to try and understand all other possible explanations beforehand. Only when one has eliminated the possible is one left with the impossible.
To jump to the conclusion / belief of the impossible without first going through the process of elimination is irrational.

The process of enabling verification is also subject to the same scrutiny.
For example, if I claim to have witnessed god, and give my "process for verification" as taking a certain hallucigent - and someone takes the hallucigent and "witnesses god" (as I had claimed they would) - does this mean that we are really witnessing god?
Afterall, I claim it - I provide a process - and others "witness" it through following the process.

All you are doing in this scenario is taking a phenomena that is obeying the laws of the Universe (albeit in this case the interaction of chemicals that induce hallucinations) and calling it God.

All you are doing with any other process that claims to "witness god" is taking a phenomena that is obeying the laws of the Universe and calling it God - which adds nothing to the understanding of that phenomena.
Well, its seems to me that forums are where atheists gather to have their...religious services. But instead of worshipping God, they worship themselves.

Well, its seems to me that forums are where atheists gather to have their...religious services. But instead of worshipping God, they worship themselves.


Lets be fair and say some atheists.:p
I'll say some atheists, if atheists say some Christians when they say what they say...;)
Atheist... dont even like the idea....
if they became.. believers.. they would have to change behavior and stuff.

its much easier to enjoy sin... if there is no god to worry about.


Actually some of the most spiritual acts I've seen have been done by athiests.
Such as an act of selfless service or aiding someone in dire need and not expecting or wanting a reward. Perhaps even more impressive in this case is since they don't do it for an "eternal reward" . Just my opinion of course but I think this would be a more impressive act to what I believe God to be.
Depends on what an individual believes god to be..a god that represents unconditional love and selfless service or an ill tempered male god,petty, and afflicted with severe emotional problems.
Here is another flaw in Atheism - it seems that they love to talk about religion. I am Christian and have never "looked" for a discussion with an atheist. But it seems that atheists like to talk about religion (of course, to bash it). Maybe my understanding of the belief system is off - but it seems to me that if a person were indeed an atheist, he/she would be indifferent when it comes to talking about such things.

Even if that were true it is not a flaw. Atheists are drawn in to religious debate because sadly religion plays a large part in public policy.