Atheism's Thirteen Biggest Flaws (without dysfunctional link, modship pending)


If the "answer" is indistinguishable then that begs the question, how does anyone know prayer works at all?

The people for whom the experience has been positive, they know whether or not it works. We can only speculate as to whether or not their experiences are true or not.

"Mysterious ways" is a cop-out, a way to stay evasive while still maintaining His existence.

Maybe, maybe not.

This is one of Christianity's central mind viruses, a particular arrangement of ideas that seems like a justification but really means nothing.

Christianity isn't religion.

You could not be more wrong. I could list a dozen cultures with no God concept,...

Then you should have.

No it don't, only that the concept is about as likely as any other fairy tale.

Then for you GOD DOES NOT EXIST, and there is no point in continuing this discussion.

That would be irrational? How could you be do gullible?

What is irrational about me believing
that you have an imaginary freind, based on your testament? As for being "gullible", it doesn't matter to me whether you are telling the truth or not, because either way it does not affect me.

Religion is just like that.

In western society, everything is like that.

What if I asked you for money to get my invisible friend an operation, without which she would die? Would you give it to me?

If you have an "imaginary friend" and you know it, then I would ask you to imagine the money for the operation, or imagine your friend getting better.

Exactly. It is reasonable to conclude that the occaisional times prayer works, or a "miracle" occurs, it is just coincidence.

I agree, but is it
reasonable to conclude that God does not exist, thus no prayer can ever be answered. If yes please state why it is so.

Why would the universe be ruled and created by a being that happened to have many of the same characteristics of a certain species of great ape we call human that only happened to evolve after 4 billion years of other life forms?


Isn't it more likely that humans invented a story to make themselves feel protected and central to the story of existence?

Then when did this story begin?

That can be explained by selective attention. They believe because of the one time prayer worked, but they ignore all the times it didn't.

The same can be said of you, you ignore the times it works, and pay attention only to the times they don't.

This is exactly the same psychology as a baseball player with their superstitious charms and rituals.

Here is a good example of not understanding 'religion'.

I think doubt is a reasonable position, but I'm willing to consider anything new.

Doubt has it benefits, but falls short when it stops you from opening your mind. There is nothing new about religion, prayer, or atheism, read the scriptures, try and understand them, then you will see that they depict what has always happened, which is,
what is happening now, and what is going to happen.
You must work out the "is".

If you doubt people have certain experiences, then isn't the nature of the experience irrelevant?

No, because they are two different things.

Perhaps not though, since the experiences seem specially crafted to meet a psychological need.

That is your opinion.

Craft an
hypothesis about God that can be tested. Without this, it's just a strange and unlikely theory, like the Flat Earth.

Why would I want to attempt such a feat? I have read scriptures, and I believe in the existence of God. If you wish to conduct meaningless experiments, then be my guest.
The difference between us is that you cannot tolerate my "belief", and seek to destroy it.
I can accept your belief that God does not exist, maybe you should try a learn something from that. :)

Please tell me of your personal experiences several years before you were born? What were you thinking or doing?

Do you think being dead will be any different?

Are you frightened of that possibility?(not of the process of dying, but of being dead?)


actually... i do remember being someplace better before birth... but it was probubly the womb....

and.. i have also died once... while giving blood.

i asked the black homeless man across from me how long it takes?
he said..... well.. it will go faster if you pump your hand.

so... like an idiot... i pumped my hand real fast...... .. . . . . ..

and bamm... i was going to die... due to rapid blood pressure dropping.
the body assumes im cut wide open.. and is shutting down.

in fact.. that is why the nurses are there... because if they dont wake you up with smelling salts... your dead in about 30 seconds.

anyway... bamm... i was out.. and i did find myself in a tunnel... and i flew through it like a rocket.. and out into some kind of glowing liquid air stuff.

i was floating, and i had arms and legs, but i could really see them...

i looked around, and thought , gee.. this is strange, because i know i was just sitting in a chair..??? odd.
so.. looking around myself.. and seeing nothing but yellowish fog... i tried to turn around a see the tunnel i just came out of... and i have the vaguest memory of seeing a little dot... and them bamm again...

and i was slammed awake.. with smelling salts.. and the nurse was aking my my name... over and over.. until i told her.. and she walked away.
and the bastard across from me, who told me to pump my hand, ask me what happened... it was only later that i realised.. he had done that to me on purpose.

anyway... i was out..... it was all shutting down... but i was very much awake.... where i was?? is still unknown. but it seemed very nice.

Your brain had lost blood, the brain feeds on the oxygen that the blood provides, once this was inefficient your brain went into a trip, do to lack of oxygen you started to hallucinate. I know this, cause it's happen to me several times! And it was explained to me, why I had hallucinated, and literally passed out. I also experienced a near death, and the same thing happened. If you would have died, this trip will continue for what seems several minutes, then it's just plain dark, your consciousness seizes to exist, when you are in the complete darkness, you will no longer be able to "think" or experience the hallucinations. BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEB your dead!