
§outh§tar said:
If you don't submit to the truth of God, then you have submitted to the lies of Satan.

It is either one or the other. I see your choice has been made.
M*W: No, you don't understand the choice I have made, my relationship with my creator, nor do you have any fucking clue what submitting to the truth of God is. If you did, you wouldn't claim to be a "slave." A slave to God or to anyone else implies resentment of the burden of his master, because he is in an inferior and servitude position. We are all vessels of servitude which carries the One Spirit of God across the face of the Earth. Some, to a greater degree than others, but that is the only purpose for this gift of life we have been given. That, and that alone, is the reason for our salvation. We are One with God and not slaves to our Creator.
§outh§tar said:
this is coming from someone who will accept nothing else? :rolleyes:
M*W: Hah! Now the pot calls the kettle black! Take a good look at yourself, my friend with the narrow little mind.
§outh§tar said:
For your cause? You have a cause???
M*W: If you had been reading my posts with an open-mind and spiritual understanding, you would have been aware of my "cause." Unfortuantely, you are unable to do that. You have a narrow, one-track mind which has been programmed by your religion so that you can only see things of God OR things of Satan. Anything you don't understand with that pea-brain of yours, you simply call Satanic. Since you're so obsessed with the things of Satan, I could never possibly reach you with my "cause." But, that's okay, because whether you and I debate of issues on this forum, you are doing a fine job toward proving Christianity is the Antichrist.

You continue to verbally attack me and call me names in just about every thread you and I participate in. I have tolerated this behavior for a while and 7 days but I will continue to turn the other cheek.
M*W: Better yet, why don't you simply put me on ignore, so you won't be insulted by my posts. This is NOT a Christian forum, you know. Maybe you should find a Christian forum where everyone would agree with you. "If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen."
If this is a religion section of the forum, then we can say what we believe. I just don't see why you're here because I thought most people don't consider athiesm a religion.
ConsequentAtheist said:
M*W: But it fits you so well.
I suspect that you're lying, but it's easy enough to prove me wrong. Simply point me to these statements. (I predict that you'll blather and/or evade, but fail to do so.)
M*W: What statements mein freund verstopfte?
You have "never read ANYTHING written by him"? On 7 July you wrote/quoted ...
Do you still maintain "I don't know who the writer is, and I've never read ANYTHING written by him. "? Either
  • You are a liar.
  • You are a mental case.
  • You quoted some 13 paragraphs that you've never read.
Which is it?
M*W: I'll check my posts of July 7 and get back to you. If, in fact, I have quoted something from this guy, I may have gotten it off the internet and didn't recognize his name, because I know I have never seen a book he has written. I could be wrong, and if I have quoted from something he wrote, I will admit it. The list of references in question came off a Jewish website. Like I said previously, I hadn't read most of the books on the list, his being one of them, but I "assumed" the Jewish list would be compatible with my beliefs about Christianity. So, I'll get back at cha. By the way, you must spend a lot of time checking out people's references. You could benefit this forum by contributing your own knowledge which you seem to have a lot of, but you are anally retaining it. Just relax and let it all come out!
Enigma'07 said:
If this is a religion section of the forum, then we can say what we believe. I just don't see why you're here because I thought most people don't consider athiesm a religion.
M*W: This is the religion forum. You can say what you believe. The problem here is stating "my god is bigger than your god," etc., which Christians do. I'm not saying "my god is bigger than your god," what I'm saying is I have a more enlightened concept of god. There's only ONE God. We all see God differently. That doesn't make anyone's perception of god better than anyone else's. My "cause" is to show people my concept of God, so that they may have a more positive understanding of our Creator and the purpose of our lives. If that's what you call "atheism," then that's your opinion. I am only a Satanist in YOUR eyes, but I am no atheist. I'm a humanist as is my perception of God.

If this is a religion section of the forum, then we can say what we believe. I just don't see why you're here because I thought most people don't consider athiesm a religion.
Not quite. The forum is about religion. It is not a forum just for pro-religion. Atheists also have vested interests in religion, but their views are anti-religion. Both perspectives pertain to religion and both are entirely appropriate for this forum.

But it is also primarily a debating forum where members try to argue the validity of their particular case. If you simply state baseless beliefs then you should rightly expect such assertions to be torn apart.

Medicine Woman said:
M*W: No, you don't understand the choice I have made, my relationship with my creator, nor do you have any fucking clue what submitting to the truth of God is. If you did, you wouldn't claim to be a "slave." A slave to God or to anyone else implies resentment of the burden of his master, because he is in an inferior and servitude position.

I have already assured you that there is unimaginable honor in submitting fully to God.

We are all vessels of servitude which carries the One Spirit of God across the face of the Earth. Some, to a greater degree than others, but that is the only purpose for this gift of life we have been given. That, and that alone, is the reason for our salvation. We are One with God and not slaves to our Creator.

If you loved your Creator, you would do what He asked of you and trust His judgement fully.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Hah! Now the pot calls the kettle black! Take a good look at yourself, my friend with the narrow little mind.

By calling me narrow minded, you are showing that you are narrow minded because you don't believe what I say either.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: If you had been reading my posts with an open-mind and spiritual understanding, you would have been aware of my "cause." Unfortuantely, you are unable to do that. You have a narrow, one-track mind which has been programmed by your religion so that you can only see things of God OR things of Satan. Anything you don't understand with that pea-brain of yours, you simply call Satanic. Since you're so obsessed with the things of Satan, I could never possibly reach you with my "cause." But, that's okay, because whether you and I debate of issues on this forum, you are doing a fine job toward proving Christianity is the Antichrist.

If you don't believe in Christianity, how do you believe in the antiChrist? I am not obsessed with things of Satan at all. You are the one who will see things no other way and yet you mock me for having a "narrow, one-track mind". Hypocrite.

M*W: Better yet, why don't you simply put me on ignore, so you won't be insulted by my posts. This is NOT a Christian forum, you know. Maybe you should find a Christian forum where everyone would agree with you. "If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen."

I only ask that you do not verbally assault and call me names when it really has nothing to do with what we are discussing.
M*W most of us have insulted southstar, because he does say some stupid thing's.
one guy even gave him, a christian forum site to goto, I believe forever.
but he's still here, and I must say he's, an endless source of amusement.
and no it's not funny ha ha, but funny ludicrous.
§outh§tar said:
I have already assured you that there is unimaginable honor in submitting fully to God.

If you loved your Creator, you would do what He asked of you and trust His judgement fully.
M*W: "Submitting to" and "being a slave of" are two entirely different perspectives. "Submitting to" my Creator fulfills the purpose of my existence, so how can you "assume" that I do not love my creator nor that I'm not doing what my Creator asks or expects of me? This is your narrow minded hyprocrisy talking again.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: "Submitting to" and "being a slave of" are two entirely different perspectives. "Submitting to" my Creator fulfills the purpose of my existence, so how can you "assume" that I do not love my creator nor that I'm not doing what my Creator asks or expects of me? This is your narrow minded hyprocrisy talking again.

I don't see how submitting to and being a slave of are different "perspectives". I believe I showed this verse to okinrus, but I will show it to you to see what you think of it (albeit I expect your bias towards anything by Paul will undoubtedly influence your judgement):

17But thank God, though you were once slaves of sin, you have become obedient with all your heart to the standard of teaching in which you were instructed and to which you were committed.
18And having been set free from sin, you have become the servants of righteousness (of conformity to the divine will in thought, purpose, and action).
19I am speaking in familiar human terms because of your natural limitations. For as you yielded your bodily members [and [3] faculties] as servants to impurity and ever increasing lawlessness, so now yield your bodily members [and [4] faculties] once for all as servants to righteousness (right being and doing) [which leads] to sanctification.
20For when you were slaves of sin, you were free in regard to righteousness.
21But then what benefit (return) did you get from the things of which you are now ashamed? [None] for the end of those things is death.
22But now since you have been set free from sin and have become the slaves of God, you have your present reward in holiness and its end is eternal life.

Well at least we have a discussion going.. :)
If you loved your Creator, you would do what He asked of you and trust His judgement fully.

Perhaps so, but what has God asked of us? Nothing I personally know of. Although there is a crapload of things people ASSUME he would want or ask of us. So in the case of a holy book, shall we do what the AUTHORS (ie: humans, not God) ask of us? Hahaha.. wait a moment.. hahafuckingha.. yeah right. And that's the problem.

- N
Medicine Woman said:
This is your narrow minded hyprocrisy talking again.
Does narrow minded hypocrisy include quoting someone extensively and then denying having read anything written by him -- or is this simply a mindless lie?
pavlosmarcos said:
M*W most of us have insulted southstar, because he does say some stupid thing's. one guy even gave him, a christian forum site to goto, I believe forever. but he's still here, and I must say he's, an endless source of amusement.
and no it's not funny ha ha, but funny ludicrous.
M*W: Yes, Pav, you are right. I am very impatient with Christians because they walk around with blinders on. I understand what you mean about him being funny "ha ha." Since I was a Christian, and a devout Roman Catholic, it's hard for me to see the humor in his posts. To me, they are dastardly evil. I know he preaches a lot, and James R should moderate his posts. Anyone who is a member of this forum, Christians included, should realize that most of us aren't like them. We may have our varying perceptions, but ultimately, there is only one God. For atheists, however, there is no god. For agnostics, they don't know god. Therefore, it's always going to be a battle between Christians and the rest of the world, because they think they are the only ones saved. Now THAT'S ludicrous!
Medicine Woman said:
Therefore, it's always going to be a battle between Christians and the rest of the world, because they think they are the only ones saved. Now THAT'S ludicrous!

That is so true...... and heres a question for you Southstar..... if the world ended tomorrow --- lets say there is 6 bilion people on earth.... I will give you the benefit of the doubt and say there are 2 billion Christians ? , they all go to heaven (Like that would happen)- anyways.....and 4 billion to hell, because those 4 billion have not nor ever will except Jesus as the Lord and my question to you is... if biblegod is true....... and the devil is true ? Who is getting there ass kicked ? Who is more powerful ?
Stop whining. Can you point to any peer-reviewed sociology that agrees with you?
Atheism is not a scientific term. It's not part of sociology though socioogists study religions.

By the way, do you realize that according to you, the belief that "atheism is a religion" constitues a religion? What a joke ...
No, the belief that atheism is a religion is not in the realm of supernatural belief. The supernatural belief must have some attached importance to the person. Just because someone believes in ghosts does not make belief in ghosts a religion because ghosts hold no importance to most people.
OliverJ said:
That is so true...... and heres a question for you Southstar..... if the world ended tomorrow --- lets say there is 6 bilion people on earth.... I will give you the benefit of the doubt and say there are 2 billion Christians ? , they all go to heaven (Like that would happen)- anyways.....and 4 billion to hell, because those 4 billion have not nor ever will except Jesus as the Lord and my question to you is... if biblegod is true....... and the devil is true ? Who is getting there ass kicked ? Who is more powerful ?

No one is getting their ass kicked. In the very end, the devil returns to the bottomless pit. God allows Satan to tempt humans and restrains him as well, therefore God is more powerful.