Atheism - what it means - a proposed forum standard

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Unbelievable, we can both agree on something!
I'm not sure I've agreed with you on anything here. I merely note your entrenched position is of no value.
My "entrenched position" is more reflective of reality. Show me an atheist who believes deities may exist. If you can find one.

Show me an atheist who believes deities may exist.
For most it's always implied if you can show convincing evidence. In the meantime the atheist chooses to withhold belief.
How do you "withold" belief? Is there some deity that you believe may exist?

How do you "withold" belief? Is there some deity that you believe may exist?
There is no onus to believe anything.

I don't believe theist claims. That doesn't imply I believe the opposite or that I believe there is a possibility. There is simply inadequte material to base any type of belief regarding the existence or non-existence of gods.

Until, someone presents some evidence I can simply refrain from believing.

So there is no deity you argue for or against?
One can only argue for or against the claims, or about the claimed evidence.

So there is no claim of deity you argue for or against?
I argue against all claims that I do not find believable. I might argue for Einstein's pantheist idea that there is awe and wonder in the universe as the laws of physics reveal themselves, but then that is an entirely naturalistic position, and was his perspective of spirituality.

Finally. See, that wasn't so hard. So now we agree that you reject all theist claims of deities.
Apart from the ones I haven't heard yet.
Let me know when you hear one you believe and we'll investigate if you're still an athiest. :)

Let me know when you hear one you believe and we'll investigate if you're still an athiest.
Good that is a breakthrough. You admit I am an atheist yet my position is one of no belief, as you must surely have been convinced during this long dialog. It is good you finally recognize the multiple definitions.
SAM said:
And yet the most imaginative among us seem to also be the more likely atheistic

You're kidding right? Atheists, imaginative?
Scientists, for example. Famously. And disproportionately artists, musicians, novelists, explorers, etc, less obviously.

Compare with Quranic or Biblical literalists, or people who can't imagine purpose in life without deity, or people who can't imagine morality without a god delivering it in the form of edicts.

These are people who can't even handle metaphor, let alone the range of human imagination available to others.
Which scientist are you referring to? Who is the creative atheist without any religious influence?


Good that is a breakthrough. You admit I am an atheist yet my position is one of no belief, as you must surely have been convinced during this long dialog. It is good you finally recognize the multiple definitions.

I admit that you reject all the claims you have heard. Thats what an atheist is. They can only reject claims they have heard, not the ones they haven't. Your current position re: all deities is that they do not exist [natural birth or not]. I don't see any ambivalence in your position with regard to any present deities.
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