Atheism to be taught in RE..

Evil is relative to perception...
No disagreements. I do believe the Will of God guides us through an absolute morality (which I believe exists independent of our individual 'moralities' - dependent on culture society and what-not). I believe our task is to 'discover' or maybe 'tune into' that absolute morality which is governed by God's Will. Far from an easy task I contend, but then, that is one reason, I believe, God showed us grace in Jesus - to make the job a bit easier.
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MarcAC said:

No disagreements. I do believe the Will of God guides us through an absolute morality (which I believe exists independent of our individual 'moralities' - dependent on culture society and what-not).

Okay. Good. We can work with that. Now, however, comes the tricky part, and for once I don't say that sarcastically.

God can be evil, it's just not a sin for God to do so. Many people tend to consider the idea of God committing evil out of harmony with the Goodness of God. Yet that's the point. Why did God call home a child? Worry not, for it is good. Why did God allow/cause/&c. an earthquake/locust swarm/&c.? Worry not, for it is good.

However, the measure of sin is in the offense against God. Should God will leukemia unto the child, or perhaps a terrorist; the destruction of a life might seem evil, but as it is God's will, it cannot offend God.

In this case a double-standard only exists by isolating sin as a concept that exists without God.

Even as a question of God's will, He reveals himself to each person according to their own understanding.

For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. "You have heard that it was said to the men of old, `You shall not kill; and whoever kills shall be liable to judgment.' But I say to you that every one who is angry with his brother shall be liable to judgment; whoever insults his brother shall be liable to the council, and whoever says, `You fool!' shall be liable to the hell of fire. So if you are offering your gift at the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift. Make friends quickly with your accuser, while you are going with him to court, lest your accuser hand you over to the judge, and the judge to the guard, and you be put in prison; truly, I say to you, you will never get out till you have paid the last penny.

Matthew 5.18-26

In the famous Sermon on the Mount, Jesus instructs that one who is angry with his brother will answer divinely, and that one should seek to reconcile with their accuser.

Do we remove God from the equation between brethren? Is it merely the sin of one against the other? Is there not an actual truth, despite what either might believe, that is known to God? Does that actual truth matter at all?

Catholics teach the young that sin is "a deliberate turning away from God and God's goodness" Sin is, in 1 John, "lawlessness" or transgression of the law. Who would argue that this law referred to is not the law of God? 1 John 3.15-20 reiterates Jesus' explanation of redemption in Matthew 25.31-ff. The offenses we commit against one another that constitute sin are deemed sinful because they offend God. Whatsoever any one of us does or does not do unto the least of His brethren, so also we do unto Him.

To remove God from the equation, sin becomes mere offense. Perception of offense, as anyone who has spent more than a day or two around Sciforums is well aware, is thoroughly subjective. And it's not just our corner, either. It's the rest of the world as well.

Thus the perception of offense is individually invested; the individual perceives that s/he has been sinned against; the stain of evil is in the eye of the beholder.

God can be evil, if that's how one chooses to perceive God, for He reveals himself to each according to the gifts He has bestowed upon them; that is, according to His will and the individual's faculties for understanding. But it does not mean that God has committed any sin.
It’s fine to argue about whether or not atheism is a religion, but in the end it’s just a pointless semantic argument.

The real ideological conflict here is quite simple; either you believe in god, or you don’t. How you choose to define ‘religion’ or ‘belief system’ is rather beside the point.
MarcAC said:
No disagreements. I do believe the Will of God guides us through an absolute morality (which I believe exists independent of our individual 'moralities' - dependent on culture society and what-not). I believe our task is to 'discover' or maybe 'tune into' that absolute morality which is governed by God's Will. Far from an easy task I contend, but then, that is one reason, I believe, God showed us grace in Jesus - to make the job a bit easier.

Apparently as we look in retrospect, grace from Jesus has not been effective as the epistles would have us know. Of course, I understand the retort is: those weren't genuine Christians.

If granted God has offered us grace through the work of the cross, it certainly is a shame that He was not mighty enough to share it with West Africans and South Americans in a timely manner.
§outh§tar said:
Apparently as we look in retrospect, grace from Jesus has not been effective as the epistles would have us know. Of course, I understand the retort is: those weren't genuine Christians.

If granted God has offered us grace through the work of the cross, it certainly is a shame that He was not mighty enough to share it with West Africans and South Americans in a timely manner.

But who are you, a human being, to question the will of Almighty God?

Romans 9:19-23 “You will say to me then, ‘Why then does he still find fault? For who can resist his will’ But who indeed are you, a human being, to argue with God? Will what is molded say to the one who molds it, ‘Why have you made me like this?’ Has the potter no right over the clay, to make out of the same lump one object for special use and another for ordinary use? What if God, desiring to show his wrath and to make known his power, has endured with much patience the objects of wrath that are made for destruction; and what if he has done so in order to make known the riches of his glory for the objects of mercy, which he has prepared beforehand for glory--”
a non-existant thing has no will, so what is he questioning again.
I would like to see a non-existant thing show its wrath, now that would be a feat.
tell us when it's going to happen, and we'll get the worlds press to record it.
no that would be a waste of time, as you would'nt be able to see it.
smite me, smite me NOW.

ouch, arrgggg._______________________________________________
pavlosmarcos said:
a non-existant thing has no will, so what is he questioning again.
I would like to see a non-existant thing show its wrath, now that would be a feat.
tell us when it's going to happen, and we'll get the worlds press to record it.
no that would be a waste of time, as you would'nt be able to see it.
smite me, smite me NOW.

ouch, arrgggg._______________________________________________

You are like a worker whose boss has left for the day, saying to yourself "See there is no one around. I can do what I like, who is going to punish me."

How terrible it will be for you when the boss returns and finds you have done nothing.
c20H25N3o said:
You are like a worker whose boss has left for the day, saying to yourself "See there is no one around. I can do what I like, who is going to punish me."

How terrible it will be for you when the boss returns and finds you have done nothing.

Its seems like you would derive an emense amount of pleasure if your non existing god would return and catch us all skiving. All your posts seem to say the same "look god there the ones, they don't believe in you , not like me god ,i told them but they would'nt listern,are you going to punish them now? can i watch? can i help? me,me me god i'll do it !" Do you not understand, if we are atheist, it means we do not. Now open your mind REALLY wide here, absorb these words, i repeat ,atheists do not believe in god. Therefore your theats of swarms of locusts, boils , and other such nonsense is not really going to sway us into thowing ourselves prostrate before a nonexistent entity :rolleyes:
slotty said:
Therefore your theats of swarms of locusts, boils , and other such nonsense is not really going to sway us into thowing ourselves prostrate before a nonexistent entity :rolleyes:

Then you will not be bothered in the slightest by what I say. You will just let me continue in my merry way :)

Revelation 20 :: New International Version (NIV)

The Dead Are Judged

11Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it. Earth and sky fled from his presence, and there was no place for them. 12And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books. 13The sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them, and each person was judged according to what he had done. 14Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death. 15If anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.

Given that the dead will be judged as written in the book of life need you fear this?

15If anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.

just a thought. No need to prostrate yourself. You might do yourself an injury ;)
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How terrible it will be for you when the boss returns and finds you have done nothing.

"Terrible" would have no relevance if your boss was 'all-loving'.

It's always strange to see the religious person use the word "love" whenever they so get the chance, and yet have no idea as to what actual love is. To further explain their warped view of what 'love' is, they speak of terror, hell fire, wrath and judgement - all of which are meaningless to 'love'.
SnakeLord said:
"Terrible" would have no relevance if your boss was 'all-loving'.

It's always strange to see the religious person use the word "love" whenever they so get the chance, and yet have no idea as to what actual love is. To further explain their warped view of what 'love' is, they speak of terror, hell fire, wrath and judgement - all of which are meaningless to 'love'.

Do you take the pis* out of someone who is all-loving towards you? And if you do, how long do you think they should show you grace for? How long should they be patient with you? Forever?

If you say 'Yes of course, forever!', should you really continue to take advantage of their patience? Is that loving on your part?

Awaiting your response

Do you take the pis* out of someone who is all-loving towards you?

It would be inconsequential to the 'someone' who is 'all-loving'.

I am 'all-loving' when it comes to my daughter. She could be rude to me, hit me and so on, but it wouldn't change any aspect of my love towards her in the slightest. If it did, then I could no longer be classified as being 'all-loving' when it comes to my daughter.

And if you do, how long do you think they should show you grace for? How long should they be patient with you? Forever?

Yes, forever. If now you claim 'all-loving' has boundaries, then it's no longer 'all-loving'. We are just humans; imperfect and ignorant. Invariably there will be times that we don't do the best things, don't make the best choices, and indeed do not reciprocate love that is shown to us. However, this can in no way affect 'all-loving', and if it did, then it wouldn't be 'all-loving'.

If you say 'Yes of course, forever!', should you really continue to take advantage of their patience? Is that loving on your part?

As mentioned above, not reciprocating something is inconsequential to 'all-loving'. Whether you should take advantage or not, doesn't mean anything from the perspective of 'all-loving'. It would be 'all-loving' regardless to what you did or felt.

Let me post a story I wrote and see what opinions you have concerning it. It is a mere first draft and is not finished. Anyway, let me know what you think.



Many people have told me that in order to find God, one must seek him. To me this has always seemed somewhat bizarre a notion. The world’s most powerful, and arguably the world’s most loving being, and he resorts to hiding in the shadows. This being that many would claim is the source of light, seems more comfortable in the darkness, in the void where man cannot reach.

However, I came to the conclusion that God is somewhat similar to Bigfoot. Three hundred years Bigfoot has roamed this planet, and yet he has only been seen a dozen times. Those of us who truly seek Bigfoot must truly search for him. You don’t just wake up one day and find Bigfoot, so there’s no reason to believe God would be any different. And so eventually I found myself searching: I looked under the sofa, I shuffled through the closet, and I picked up every rock that lay in my garden for sign of this being. I bought a submarine and explored the depths of the ocean, I stole the Hubble Space Telescope to view the depths of the big black expanse above us, and I purchased a dune buggy that was on special offer in Toys R Us to search the arid desert regions. All of this ended up in futility, and having explored this planet and beyond to an extreme degree, I couldn’t even find a molecule going by the name of God.

And then my son died.

You would be amazed at how sobering the death of a son can be. You would be amazed at how many questions scurry through your mind like ants on a summer night. You would be amazed at how much you need answers. There was no anger, which comes later in the process, just a general lack of understanding. I asked the doctors, and they gave me an explanation. I asked the priest who also gave me an explanation. I asked the rabbi, the philosopher, the Buddhist, the man who painted my fence and the woman at the bus stop. All of them gave me an answer. As you will know, no human is perfect, and yet they all answered me. The one being that is perfect declined from comment. What does this say of perfection?

When I really sought an answer, everyone helped. God hid. When I really needed help, everyone tried their best, even with all their imperfections. God hid.

What do we conclude about the all loving, perfect being that seems to find hide and seek so enjoyable, even at a time when man is at his very lowest? Do we claim him loving or caring, or even all knowing, when at best he cannot help when people ask, he cannot speak when people need to hear, he cannot feel when people need a shoulder to lean on?

I would of course dare one man to say I was not humble. To that man I would ask he experience the death of a son to know what humility is. To know what it is like to be powerless, and yet to seek answers, and to seek help. I did just that, and those who answered did not hide, but became more visible. God just crawled further into the void. It was incredible to see all the people that came to me. They did not ask that I seek them and they did not ask that I must find or want them. They came to me without asking, and simply out of love and out of kindness. Where was God through all of this? Nobody knows. Perhaps he was vacationing in a galaxy far far away. The strange thing is though, that my mother, who was vacationing far far away, still managed a response.

The very word ‘love’ becomes as worthless as a car with no wheels, and ‘perfection’ can only be seen in the imperfect. And so we have something to think about. In this case, isn’t the imperfect perfect? And isn’t the perfect imperfect? Where the perfect has failed, which goes against the very definition of perfect, the imperfect has succeeded. While we have no need to expect anything from imperfection, that luxury does not extend to perfection which by very definition does not have a choice in the matter.

I have the feeling that eventually I will meet God and ask him why he wasn’t there when I needed him most. To this he will undoubtedly respond: “Nobody’s perfect”.

You love your son. Love never fails. Ever! Although you do not see him now, you know that the love between you can never be seperated. Love never dies you see. This is the simple message of Jesus in which I have FAITH. Ressurection is the HOPE of the Christian.
We all LOVE our families. Whether taken early or living to old age, our LOVE for our family is a very very blessed thing. I cannot accept that LOVE perishes. It must not. It is GOOD. What is mortal must be made IMMORTAL. This is the Good News that the Christian tried to share. It is hard for the Christian to overcome unbelief. It is a constant battle for him, until he dies himself and returns to dust.

God bless you and your son.


tiassa said:
God can be evil, if that's how one chooses to perceive God, for He reveals himself to each according to the gifts He has bestowed upon them; that is, according to His will and the individual's faculties for understanding. But it does not mean that God has committed any sin.
Interesting sentiments - the key differences in our views, it seems, being these;
  • You seem to take that evil might not be a sin, however, in Bible verses too numerous to isolate evil and sin are one and the same - and I will concur with them.
  • You seem not to want to isolate sin from God (impossible in any event), but you will isolate evil - I differ - I cannot isolate sin or evil from an offence against God's will because then, in your scenario evil becomes beauty. To some a snake can be a beautiful creature, or it can be one of the ugliest, scaly, most disgusting venemous creatures on the planet. You state sin is an offence against God... or do you state it's an offense against the individual? You don't know? I say it's both; an offense against God's creature is an offense against God, hence Jesus' words. Thus when you state an offense is a relative perception, yes, it is true to some degree, but the basic idea is to show love for your fellow human. You seem to read the text you quoted with a surface understanding. Nowhere does it indicate that an offense, although relative to perception, doesn't have an absolute quality; the lack of love and in that the lack of respect.
    Matthew 5: 23-24 - CEV - "23. So if you are about to place your gift on the altar and remember that someone is angry with you, 24. leave your gift there in front of the altar. Make peace with that person, then come back and offer your gift to God."
    Be "reconciled to your brother", "make peace with that person". The trick here is to realise that you can be one person, or the other. Hence Jesus, words about the Eukaryotic cell in my eye and the California Redwood in yours, do unto others..., the statements about humility, the parable of the man who was thanking God for how righteous he was compared to the other. It's all a self-check routine. Check yourself; be humble, love yourself, love others, love God. The statement "do unto others etc." ultimately leads to a harmonic existence, if only it was followed - even in such an existence (however) some are still doomed to isolation from God (leave them to their beliefs) - such is the case when you isolate, (mis)interpret, err.
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You love your son. Love never fails. Ever! Although you do not see him now, you know that the love between you can never be seperated. Love never dies you see. This is the simple message of Jesus in which I have FAITH. Ressurection is the HOPE of the Christian.
We all LOVE our families. Whether taken early or living to old age, our LOVE for our family is a very very blessed thing. I cannot accept that LOVE perishes. It must not. It is GOOD. What is mortal must be made IMMORTAL. This is the Good News that the Christian tried to share. It is hard for the Christian to overcome unbelief. It is a constant battle for him, until he dies himself and returns to dust.

God bless you and your son.

Alas, it seems the very point is lost to you.
From site:
"LONDON (Reuters) - The government has endorsed the teaching of atheism as a belief system for the first time, in a religious education plan warmly welcomed by the country's religious groups."

Huummm.... two things that I've "learnt" from this statement.
1) Atheism is a belief system.
2) Religious groups are tolerant to atheism. Is atheism tolerant to religious groups?
SnakeLord said:
Alas, it seems the very point is lost to you.

Not at all. I have lost a daughter, my first born, albeit in a different way. I do not give up hope but rather trust that things will be made good. I am sorry for you. It must be terrible. It is terrible. But you must trust in the love in your heart that burns so very very brightly for your son. It is not a perishable thing, and whilst we are perishable now, we will be made imperishable then. This is the Good News of The Christan Faith that I share with you. Jesus made it possible for us. His ressurection means we will be ressurected. Without the ressurection the message of Jesus is nothing at all.

God is good. Do not doubt Him. You will see. Father God knows your heart. He is a Father too.

There is no need for you to repent. You are innocent of wrongdoing. He calls you "Innocent". God is love. I hope you open up to Him from your heart.

Blessings upon you and your household

As I said, you didn't even get the point. You can say the story is good, or the story is shit, but I really don't want your preaching.