basically there are two very different dynamics that the spiritual and material world operate on.
The material world functions on law or force (karma)
The spiritual world operates on love or personalism.
Making the decision to step out of one and enter the other holds very different consequences.
And love or personalism is not subject to karma?
When people think, say and do things in love or personalism, those thoughts, words and actions are not subject to karma?
I would have thought that
all thinking, speaking and acting is subject to karma - karma in the sense of the fourfold formula mentioned eariler, indicating that interactions between thoughts, words and actions are very complex.
Why would a good God create beings who desire to be separate from God?
its part of having independence - that is what distinguishes us from the external energy (or dull matter) - if we didn't have the scope to misuse independence, there would be no possibility of love or even issues of good or bad. Basically the reason we are created with independence is because we are created with the ability to love and enter into relationships of reciptocation
I can't argue against that directly.
However, I see no point in accepting that stance, I even think that accepting it can be harmful.
For one, because I recognize nothing about myself that I could term "soul".
For two, because presuming that I have or am such a thing as "soul" is bound for mistaking: as far as I can tell, everything that I consider "I", "me", "mine", "my self", "who I really am", are thoughts, words and actions - and they are subject to karma. Whatever is subject to karma, is not self. I see no use in presuming a self when it's obvious that I am going to make a mistake about it.
It's is not that I am saying "There is no self". I am saying that whatever I would currently think to be my "self", would most likely not be my self - and I have no way to tell either way.
To be able to recognize what the self is, one would have to be beyond karma, or at least know the full workings of karma - and I don't know that.
Moreover, having a view of self such as "I am a basically good person", "I am a basically bad person", "I am a basically neutral person", "I have a self", "I have an eternal and independent self", "I have no self", "I have a dependent self" - holding either of such views makes for deluded thinking in one way or another (because one has breached the competnece of what one actually knows for oneself), to laziness and inaction.
sure - but regardless whether one deals with it successfully or not, the ultimate result is the same for everyone in all circumstances (along with everything in relation to the body - ie friendship, position, wealth etc etc)
See above about karma.