Atheism and the First Amendment

Funny if someone had put up a sign advertising a new church in a neighborhood where people don't really adhere to any particular belief no one would have raised a stir. Why are the religious so threatened by atheists anyway? They should feel secure in their belief but obviously they are not, they think such a sign will take from the flock. Atheists are more tolerant than theists.
Funny if someone had put up a sign advertising a new church in a neighborhood where people don't really adhere to any particular belief no one would have raised a stir. Why are the religious so threatened by atheists anyway? They should feel secure in their belief but obviously they are not, they think such a sign will take from the flock. Atheists are more tolerant than theists.

Yes, obviously, theists are very insecure. And intolerant. Yet they say such of atheists.
“ Originally Posted by Lucysnow
Funny if someone had put up a sign advertising a new church in a neighborhood where people don't really adhere to any particular belief no one would have raised a stir. Why are the religious so threatened by atheists anyway? They should feel secure in their belief but obviously they are not, they think such a sign will take from the flock. Atheists are more tolerant than theists. ”

Yes, obviously, theists are very insecure. And intolerant. Yet they say such of atheists.

These are generalizations. Insecurity, intolerance........these have very little to do with one's religious beliefs. I'll agree that there is a greater tendency for theists to be these things but atheists are not immune.

They are true generalizations. Generalizing isn't always bad. It is also an appropriate response to the OP & that LS post.
Insecurity & intolerance certainly have much to do with religious beliefs.
I could've said humans are insecure & intolerant. I didn't say or imply atheists are immune to it.
Well, this thread really sucks and shouldn't be read that much. It comes up every god damn week. This is my first visit back in this sub forum, and I'm reading through all the posts(first few pages) and responding to a few.

So tell them, not me. Far as I can see, there is a preacher, a church and a congregation. Thats not a club. Thats a religion.

What don't you understand?

Okay, this one really does not need responding to but, serious lolz at how she didn't know what Cris was talking about.
It is, or are you suggesting that a poll on persecution of atheists or who kills more atheists has nothing to do with persecution of atheists?

Wtf is passing for thinking these days?


One question: what's the "First Amendment"?

p.s.: it's just an unfortunate truth on here that US based posters simply assume that everyone knows everything about the US....

It's a shame I assume everyone knows how to use Google. Simply typing the word first a would have the first link being First Amendment and the first link being the proper Wikipedia link.


The sign said "Do not believe in God"??? Do I need to reread the OP?
It said Don't believe in God? That = "Do not believe in God." I guess.
No, atheists just do not claim that God exists. Nothing more to it.
Norsefire was just saying how it made him laugh that someone who is supposed to be rational believes in something as stupid as objective morality. Why the fuck did you guys waste like four pages or however many on that?

Alright I'm out of this thread. Enjoy this shit.
You have to prove that no atheists were killed solely because of their lack of belief, not create a poll and an open thread and claim that proves anything.

You mean, prove a negative? Isn't that what atheism is about?:confused: