Atheism and the First Amendment


Why its is sad to tell people it is ok to be atheist?

Thats not a club. Thats a religion.
What's the difference? Both are a group of people who come together to share similar interests and points of view.

Why its is sad to tell people it is ok to be atheist?

Is that what I said? Or are you suffering from the flying horse syndrome?:p


What's the difference? Both are a group of people who come together to share similar interests and points of view.

Not just to share, to practise their faith. Its about settling a society with common value systems, mores and social institutions that follow a set of moral values decided upon by consensus.

Of course, the problem with such an organisation is that even unaffiliated individuals are then recognised by the visible symbols of this organisation. Thats not something you have to worry about if you don't join a club.

Is that what I said? Or are you suffering from the flying horse syndrome?

Your quote was "Its a sad state when atheists need to tell people its okay to be atheist."

I'm not trying to be combative here, I simply don't understand your POV.
I cannot understand what you don't understand. :shrug:

Don't you think its sad? I would imagine that if you had to put up a sign, saying "Are you a Muslim? Don't worry, there are others like you", it would be sad.

I'm persecuted every damn day. You simply refuse to believe it. You're stuck in believing only theists can be persecuted & you cannot get out of your blind deaf dumb mindset.
I suggest you go out in the real world and see what persecution looks like. I can never understand people who sleep in a warm bed with a full stomach in a free country whining about persecution.
I suggest you go out in the real world and see what persecution looks like. I can never understand people who sleep in a warm bed with a full stomach in a free country whining about persecution.

I suggest you stop making STUPID FOOLISH assumptions about me.
You take your blinders off & you face reality.
How the hell do you have the nerve to think you know whether or how much I've suffered or been persecuted. Or how much I know of others' suffering.
One question: what's the "First Amendment"?

p.s.: it's just an unfortunate truth on here that US based posters simply assume that everyone knows everything about the US....
One question: what's the "First Amendment"?

p.s.: it's just an unfortunate truth on here that US based posters simply assume that everyone knows everything about the US....

[Amendment 1 - Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression. Ratified 12/15/1791. Note

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.]

Unfortunately most of the world knows more about us then we do of them.

There are times that I swear people think we are the world and the rest are here for our entertainment.
Yes, I've heard rumors that there are others "outside" the USA. Remarkable, if true.
"I don't know the reason for putting this sign up," said Big Mama. "It says 'Do not believe in God.' How are we going to make it? Look at our schools, everyday. Everyday there's something going on. Kids are out here killing each other, kids are here using drugs. Who else are they going to believe in?"

If the neighborhood is full of good, loving Christians, why are the kids killing each other and using drugs?

"Nothing else matters, but that sign needs to come down. In the name of Jesus," Big Mama chanted

Christians are free to put up signs glorifying their god, demanding you turn to Jesus and be saved.

So much for religious freedom.
Perhaps atheism can become a religion so atheists can finally stop moaning.

The rancor and malice of your venom slices rapier thin.

Then they can put up billboards for Muslims.

Imagine the mob scene had that sign been put up in a Muslim neighborhood.