Atheism and the First Amendment


Registered Senior Member

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (WSVN) -- Community residents are protesting a billboard they call offensive to Christians.

The recruitment billboard put up by the Florida Atheist and Secular Humanist Society stands just east of Interstate 95 on Sunrise Boulevard and 27th Avenue, next to a business owned by an African-American preacher.

The members of the community cite two main problems: born-again Christians own the business right next to the sign, and the billboard is located right in the middle of an African-American community.

Neighboring businesses have called to try to get the sign removed. "Muslim, Jew, Hindu, Christian, whoever you are, we all believe in a spiritual higher being. When you have something like this here, people don't want to come and patronize us anymore," said Theodore Hamilton, an employee at a nearby business. "We don't agree with this. We don't like this here in our community, and this is a spiritual based community."

The sign states: "Being a good person doesn't require God. Don't believe in God? You're not alone."

Basically all you need to know. Whose side do you fall with?

Also, what's with that teacher preaching with her students :\
Read the entire article if you have time.

The billboard sponsors said they would like the community to show them the same tolerance they fought for during the civil rights era. "The women and blacks in this neighborhood, they've been discriminated before, in the recent past, as early as 30, 40 years ago," Loukinen said, "and yet, they have no problem discriminating against another group, whether it be gays or atheists."

Basically sums up my opinion.
Read the entire article if you have time.
The billboard sponsors said they would like the community to show them the same tolerance they fought for during the civil rights era. "The women and blacks in this neighborhood, they've been discriminated before, in the recent past, as early as 30, 40 years ago," Loukinen said, "and yet, they have no problem discriminating against another group, whether it be gays or atheists."

Basically sums up my opinion.

I can agree with you, I guess, but I wonder if this atheist group deliberately placed the sign where they did?
Atheists have been offended before about public preaching. Would they feel the same way if the tables were turned?

Probably not as much, but who knows? I have a tendency to see organized atheists and conservative Christians as having some common traits of intolerance. At least sometimes their words make them appear so.
They didn't place it there on purpose.

Loukinen said he felt bad about any collateral affect the sign may have had on businesses in the area. "I apologize if it's going to affect any business. That's definitely not our intention, and we didn't choose this area specifically. This was one of the billboards available to us."

It's not public preaching, either. These are facts. There's nothing wrong with saying a few facts that shouldn't do anyone harm.

If someone said, 90% of all doctors are Christian. I'd be OK with that.

But, if at the end they said, BELIEVE IN GOD. I'd have a problem with that.

I guess I might be more tolerant that some other atheists, though.
If those christians, hindus, and jews don't like the constitution of the United States, which also ensures their rights to to practice their religion, they are free to leave the US, or attempt to change the constitution, and ban free speech.

It doesn't matter a hoot if they don't like what they see on the sign. That's tough. That's what living in a society brings; differences of opinion .

And when personal beliefs start to impinge of free speech, well, the 2A supporters might have something to say about that.
as lomng as bloody JW and mormons are alowed to interupt people's lives early in the morning on the few days that people are able to sleep in i think theh can suck up a bill board
Where the fuck are the idiots who agree with the people who are wrong? I wanna yell at them.
Its a sad state when atheists need to tell people its okay to be atheist.
i agree with you, that being saf who the fuck areyou and what did you do with the reall "all athiests are evil" sam:p

but anyway i dont think its about advertising athisam but rather the athiest church (couldnt they have picked a better word? sociaty or club maybe?)
um sam, change the words around a little (but not the meaning or the people) and you have a club or the scouts or whatever.

anyway why shouldnt muslims have billbords, vertually every church (and there are LOTS of those) has signs saying "jubus loves you" (misspelling intentional) not to memtion the TV adds, billbords ect and NEVER to forget the annoying door to door preachers
um sam, change the words around a little (but not the meaning or the people) and you have a club or the scouts or whatever.

anyway why shouldnt muslims have billbords, vertually every church (and there are LOTS of those) has signs saying "jubus loves you" (misspelling intentional) not to memtion the TV adds, billbords ect and NEVER to forget the annoying door to door preachers

Its a sad state when atheists need to tell people its okay to be atheist.
I don't understand what you mean by this.
It doesn't matter a hoot if they don't like what they see on the sign. That's tough. That's what living in a society brings; differences of opinion .

Exactly. As long as it doesn't break any laws.
um sam, change the words around a little (but not the meaning or the people) and you have a club or the scouts or whatever.

So tell them, not me. Far as I can see, there is a preacher, a church and a congregation. Thats not a club. Thats a religion.


I don't understand what you mean by this.

What don't you understand?