Atheism a religion

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Hah! Roman has you pegged to a tee. :D

How so? Please explain as it would appear Roman is unable to do so. I would really like to know this so-called behavior he refers. Clearly, you seem to know, so let's hear it.
Can one educate a racist on racism? A sexist on sexism? An intolerant bigot on tolerance?

Beyond my abilities I fear :shrug:
Everyone wants to be part of a group.

Have you heard of the Carvakas? We've already had our organised atheist movement a couple thousand years ago.

Everything ultimately becomes just another religion.
You have to agree to a set of beliefs. The rules part I think (organised religion) is more the natural consequence of the human desire for a structural pattern to every part of his life.
You have to agree to a set of beliefs. The rules part I think (organised religion) is more the natural consequence of the human desire for a structural pattern to every part of his life.

and atheists have a set of beliefs, they have meetings, they raise their children to believe as they do, they have a symbol, they think people who don't believe as they do are stupid....but its not a religion??
and atheists have a set of beliefs, they have meetings, they raise their children to believe as they do, they have a symbol, they think people who don't believe as they do are stupid....but its not a religion??

They have no God. So its more like a club.

But they will aggregate around charismatic personalities so they do have prophets. But no God.
I think this thread ended at post #76. The rest lacks any debate worthy arguments.
So to keep conclusions fresh I'm locking this thread so it doesn't sink in further off topic.
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