Atheism a religion

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I think the case here is that people confuse atheists with atheists who think that their way is the only right way, so they have the right to convert others into atheism, i.e., people who are bothered by theists and "have to show the way to reason", just as christian missionaries have to show the way to Christ.

In this regard atheists can exhibit religious people like simptoms.

Oh, and I think such atheists suck monkey balls - the same I think about any religious zealot or extremist. They lack respect for other people, a simpe courtesy they are too childish to allow themselves.
I think the case here is that people confuse atheists with atheists who think that their way is the only right way, so they have the right to convert others into atheism, i.e., people who are bothered by theists and "have to show the way to reason", just as christian missionaries want to show the way to Christ.

In this regard atheists can exhibit religious people like simptoms.

Oh, and I think such atheists suck monkey balls - the same I think about any religious zealot or extremist. They lack respect for other people, a simpe courtesy they are too childish to allow themselves.

That's exactly what I was trying to say. Thanks for explaining that to all these monkey ball sucking atheists.
I don't know; I can't speak for all atheists.

But, you just said that atheism can be a religion. In order for that to occur, atheists must make claims to supernatural entities that control human destinies. What claims have you seen that would lead you that conclusion?
But, you just said that atheism can be a religion. In order for that to occur, atheists must make claims to supernatural entities that control human destinies. What claims have you seen that would lead you that conclusion?

Whoa whoa, I was putting a possibility out there. You know, something like "a unicorn could totally tear your fucking throat out, fucktard," except I've never actually seen a unicorn, much less watch one tear a fucktard's fucking throat out.

But to more directly answer your question:
Your behavior convinces me that atheists can, and do, behave just as religious people do.

So thanks for the (Q)ED.
But to more directly answer your question:
Your behavior convinces me that atheists can, and do, behave just as religious people do.
Sure we can. And do at times. But the point is that our stance is in no way a religious one. By definition. As Q pointed out above.
Sure we can. And do at times. But the point is that our stance is in no way a religious one. By definition. As Q pointed out above.

Religion's the results. You know, sort of like how the good book says thou shall not kill and turn the other cheek, but every good jesus lover wants to see some dead ragheads?

Same thing.
But to more directly answer your question:
Your behavior convinces me that atheists can, and do, behave just as religious people do.

So thanks for the (Q)ED.

My pleasure. :)

But, let's get something straight. The behavior you refer to and the object of that behavior should be clarified before you begin to make comparisons.

Can you explain the behavior you refer?
light said:
and such writings are esteemed by the practitioners because they indicate something of the nature of the original preceptor
That seems approximately backwards, at least among the religious people I know.

roman said:
Sure we can. And do at times. But the point is that our stance is in no way a religious one. By definition. As Q pointed out above. ”

Religion's the results. - -
You seem to be equating the existence of arrogant jerk behavior with the presence of religion.

Seems unlikely, to me.
Paradox? It's not a paradox.

What if my atheism is organized and has rules, and beliefs? What if I put my faith in Modus Ponens or something.

Since we lack complete information, anything we do will inevitably involve beliefs. So if I want to tack on a bunch of wacky beliefs to not believing, then, there you go.

I'm fairly sure I could construct an atheist religious organization.

Good for you, what about the other 200,000,000 *rough estimate* atheists out there? Are they following the atheist religion?
yes I agree
my point was that your breaking things down etymologically doesn't indicate a difference between the vedic and buddhist use of the root - I mean to suggest that Buddhism has something else packed into it apart from the traditional usage of the root "budh"
Well you could say that Buddhism is also defined by the path or the means to enlightenment. The eightfold path.

However Ive noticed in the far eastern versions there is little talk of such things. They have drawn their own maps to the same destination.
Your behavior convinces me that atheists can, and do, behave just as religious people do.
People can act that way out of patriotism, love, and many other motivations including--in the case of many of us atheists--pure exasperation. This does not mean that any of those things are religions.
Religion's the results. You know, sort of like how the good book says thou shall not kill and turn the other cheek, but every good jesus lover wants to see some dead ragheads?
Religion is not defined by its results, it is defined by its premises. Religion is belief that a supernatural universe and the creatures who inhabit it control our lives. The statements and commands attributed to specific prophets define the differences between their religions.
You can only make atheism a religion if you redefine "religion" in a way that robs the term of most of its normal meaning. Religion is the worship of or belief in supernatural forces, deities, or realities. Since atheism isn't a belief in a supernatural force, deity, or reality, it is by definition not a religion. If you want to call anything that anyone believes in and is pationate about a "religion," then sure, I guess atheism is a religion. So is belief in gravity, or the U.S. Democratic party, or your spouse, or anything else. Hey, I like the French language and I try to get other people to learn it. I guess that’s my religion now :rolleyes:
light said:
so the christians you know all gather around and talk about what a great writer paul was or something?
That would be more in line with your assertions, than mine.

No one I know worships Paul, and I doubt many Christians ever did. Most Christians I know follow his teachings and belong to a religion largely founded by him.

Foillowing the teachings of a founder of a religion, thinking very highly of said person as a person of enlightenment and worthy insight, is not the same thing as worshipping that person, agreed ?

Is this a difficult concept, for some reason ?
You can only make atheism a religion if you redefine "religion" in a way that robs the term of most of its normal meaning.
And people do that because they have this annoying habit of revising their languages in real time. :) Many people called communism a religion. In my own field, IT, people say that in some organizations the Capability Maturity Model is a religion.
No one I know worships Paul, and I doubt many Christians ever did. Most Christians I know follow his teachings and belong to a religion largely founded by him.
Poul Anderson maintained that Christianity should really be called Paulism.
My pleasure. :)

But, let's get something straight. The behavior you refer to and the object of that behavior should be clarified before you begin to make comparisons.

Can you explain the behavior you refer?

You wouldn't get it. But that's ok. Religious people rarely do.

Good for you, what about the other 200,000,000 *rough estimate* atheists out there? Are they following the atheist religion?

How should I know?

People can act that way out of patriotism, love, and many other motivations including--in the case of many of us atheists--pure exasperation. This does not mean that any of those things are religions.Religion is not defined by its results, it is defined by its premises. Religion is belief that a supernatural universe and the creatures who inhabit it control our lives. The statements and commands attributed to specific prophets define the differences between their religions.

Hmm, well, yeah, alright. If you define a religion that way, sure. Maybe a better term would be cult?

Regardless, hardcore religious people and hardcore democrats and hardcore atheists all have the same sort traits.

You can only make atheism a religion if you redefine "religion" in a way that robs the term of most of its normal meaning. Religion is the worship of or belief in supernatural forces, deities, or realities. Since atheism isn't a belief in a supernatural force, deity, or reality, it is by definition not a religion. If you want to call anything that anyone believes in and is pationate about a "religion," then sure, I guess atheism is a religion. So is belief in gravity, or the U.S. Democratic party, or your spouse, or anything else. Hey, I like the French language and I try to get other people to learn it. I guess that’s my religion now :rolleyes:

Depends on the level of belief, really. Or rather, the level of attachment. Semantically, atheism isn't a religion, if we define religion as a belief in supernatural stuff, etc. However, I know atheists that behave the same way religious people do. Their behavior is a product of their (non)beliefs, and in the case of atheists, it doesn't really make sense. But that's ok; fundamentalists rarely make sense.
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