Atheism a religion

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Not a cosmic killjoy
Registered Senior Member
This is just a few questions I have.

Is atheism a religion?
Atheism - To acquire a deep conviction of the validity of religious beliefs.
So is a religion just the belief in something? Whether or not a God? Do Atheists contradict themselves by saying that there is no god. To say you know that there is no god, you have to know everything. Just as if I were to say "there is no yellow pin cushion in your closet." I would have to know that closet from the inside out to be able to say that. Is it the same with God?
I won't get on untill late tomorrow so please, leave your comments, so that I can read them later.
1. the doctrine or belief that there is no God.
2. disbelief in the existence of a supreme being or beings.

If you're going to define atheism as an asset to your point, you might want to make sure you actually know the definition of atheism.

Secondly, to say you know that evolution is a fallacy must mean you know everything as well, which you are making increasingly clear through your posts that you do not.

Interesting that you have just joined and this is all you'll talk about. Sounds like you believed something just because someone told you it was true and now you want to troll forums and do the same to others. Fortunately, many of us think for ourselves. Try it.
Depending on your definition of religion (a set of beliefs)... it might vary for people. Atheism is really just one belief, or lack thereof, not a set of beliefs. There are no other characteristics associated with atheism than that. Let's see what others have to say.
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I forget the name, but there is some guy who is supposed to be considered the father of atheism and alot of the hardcore atheists worship him and his books like he is a jesus figure. I questioned on one of their boards before how, with their stance against religion and "belief" in this guy and his writings, can they not consider themselves a religion. All I got was a bunch of definitions of atheism, etc.

My stance on the whole thing is they arent a religion...more like a cult. Eventually dividing off of them are the agnostics when the atheists got too fanatical, then neo-atheists (or whatever they are) and all the crazy ones that stemmed off of those.

Nobody wants to take responsibility for their beliefs when they get to be too organized.
Dictionaries often record usage as the primary reference, and in several I have checked they use the commonly held misconception that being an atheist means a belief in the absence of a god, rather than an absence of belief in any god or gods.

Atheism quite simply means we don't believe. It is NOT a belief system in itself. How many times do we have to tread over the same ground.

And Killian, you beat me to it on the quote, and no, I can't remember who said it either!(Google time.)
There are a lot of different kinds of atheists. They have no common creed, etc.

They vary considerably in their opinion of religion, for one thing - everything from the blight of all to the finest spiritual creation.

The ones that were raised in cultures without strong and particular theistic beliefs tend to be less actively rejecting, and more indifferent, in my personal experience. The ones surrounded by the more cult-like or abusive monotheistic institutions are more strident, or closeted.

For example: A certain percentage of Catholic priests - I recall an estimate of 4 - 11%, from an anonymous survey - are atheistic. Clearly these are not the same sorts of atheists that one sees stereotyped around this forum.

There are several formally atheistic religions, or religions with atheistic sects and branches.

So atheism would be several religions, if it's any, and very vaguely defined ones. It seems a useless attempt at applying an irrelevant concept to a poorly understood situation, to me, but if you really feel you gain something by trying to make it fit, have at 'er.
This is just a few questions I have.

Is atheism a religion?
Atheism - To acquire a deep conviction of the validity of religious beliefs.
no again,atheism is just a lack of belief in gods
So is a religion just the belief in something? Whether or not a God? Do Atheists contradict themselves by saying that there is no god.
not if the definition of god is so contradictory it cant possibly exist
such as xian god
I don't believe in santa. This is my religion.

No wait,

I don't believe in fairies. That is my religion.

On second thought, I don't believe in flying pigs. That is my religion.

Hang on...

I don't believe in the IPU or the FSM (sacrilege, I know). This is my religion.

I could go on, but you get the point. Unless you're a theist.
I don't believe in santa. This is my religion.

No wait,

I don't believe in fairies. That is my religion.

On second thought, I don't believe in flying pigs. That is my religion.

Hang on...

I don't believe in the IPU or the FSM (sacrilege, I know). This is my religion.

I could go on, but you get the point. Unless you're a theist.

sounds like you have a belief in methodological naturalism
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