The speed of light varies with gravitational potential, just like Einstein said.
He said id BEFORE he knew better, repeating the same error over and over doesn't make it right, Duffield.
Look at the gif. Do you really prefer to believe that those two light pulses are moving at the same speed?
Luckily, physics is not done via gifs, Duffield.
The way real physicists derive the gravitational time dilation is as follows:
Start with the Schwarzschild solution to EFEs:
For stationary clocks $$dr=0$$ so:
A distant observer would consider two clocks , situated at radial coordinates $$r_A$$ and $$r_B$$ to be ticking at the rates:
Therefore, the ratio of the clock rates is:
Since the speed of light at BOTH locations (A and B) is the
same, we can simplify by $$c$$ and we get the formula supported by countless experiments:
This is how science is done, what you are doing isn't science, Duffield.
NB: Your link to a 2008 troll-thread contains the scurrilous accusation that I was harassing CERN over the use of the LHC. No way did I do that. Now come on, address the physics.
The people posting in that thread got you right, Duffield. Same with the forums that banned you for your incessant trolling.