Astronomical Architecture of Great Pyramid

Like Hancock, Schoch is ooching up his date for the GP and Sphinx, Hancock to circa 2500 B.C. (conventional), and Schoch up to about 5000 B.C., I think they both have left behind the notion of the 10500 B.C. routine, they just can't rationalize that huge gap of time between the ostensible time of GP and Sphinx and when the megalithic building would have resumed, about 8,000 years later.
Yeah I saw that, he bumped it up to 7000-5000, though does not rule out earlier timelines, figureing some of the structure could have been even earlier "restored". Bedrock trimmed down, etc.
Megalithic building began on a global scale, literally within several centuries, from Tiahuanaco to Baalbeck, and from Okinawa to England, beginning at around 2500 B.C., so it's hard to image that the GP and Sphinx were anytime sooner.
Yes hard to imagine, and hard to prove too. But worthwhile trying to find out all the details.

What bugs me is motive, I just don't buy that Khufu and his sons had that much reason to put ALL(it would have taken ALL resources, in their day to build so fast) resources into huge buildings, even if their egos demanded eternal rest in such spiritual luxury. Honestly, there are a LOT of problems with the reasoning for them building it all, their people would likely rebel or try to, the empire also exhausting itself. This has been a big problem for mainstreamers to explain. Those that do are way too dismissive in my opinion.

Nope, I subscribe heavily to earlier builders, taking who knows how long to build them, and Pharaohs playing interior "decorators" as well as evicting a previous "occupant" if an old order was overturned.

Frankly the best motive yet, is the building of it to a specific date (10500) the exact point of the Osiris(orion) equinox in that very exact manner. "We were here, at this exact moment and built this". Making it "difficult"(or easy -depending on your perspective) for Khufu to take "credit" 7000 years later. Not sure he even intended to, perhaps Khufu was just depicting an upgrade. It's odd that he or his son had no writings of building the Sphinx at all. Frankly I will take the word of a modern geologist over ANY Pharaoh. MY motto is the earth does not lie, people lie.
what's interesting is that the great pyramid lies on a latitude 30 degrees north. If you would observe the earth you will notice that the coordinates for the great pyramid lies in the middle of the 30,60,90 degress grid. Very central!
Also the location of the bermuda triangle and devil's sea lie at opposite sides of the world. If you would push a pencil it would come out the other triangle. The pyramids werer consstructed in presice astronomical allignmets to serve as markers on earth for something yet to be found.
It's not coincidence that the latitude 30 degree north covers both triangles as well!!!
Not to even mention what has been suppressed in terms of finds of human/non-human remains and out-of-place artifacts. Even what has not been surpressed is sometimes ignored as if it does not even exhist. This is a problem modern archaeologists need to solve.

I've yet to see a single so-called Out Of Place Artifact that was a legitimate problem for archaeologists. Most are complete nonsense and I'd be happy to address any that might be bugging you, ranging from the "Baghdad battery" to the Ashoka Pillar.
Ok start with Baghdad battery, i'm guessing you figure they accidently put that together through trial and error, but what about the materials used? Actually I will start a new thread, I do appreciate you slumming it here in "Pseudoscience". I honestly appreciate the perspective.
what's interesting is that the great pyramid lies on a latitude 30 degrees north. If you would observe the earth you will notice that the coordinates for the great pyramid lies in the middle of the 30,60,90 degress grid. Very central!
Also the location of the bermuda triangle and devil's sea lie at opposite sides of the world. If you would push a pencil it would come out the other triangle. The pyramids werer consstructed in presice astronomical allignmets to serve as markers on earth for something yet to be found.
It's not coincidence that the latitude 30 degree north covers both triangles as well!!!

I don't think the devil sea and Bermuda Triangle are opposite sides. They are both in the northern hemisphere, no?
Interesting point though, about the 30,60,90 grid I assume you are talking about something similar to this? :

IAC, I wouldn't have asked you for a copy of your "book" had I not an interest in pseudoscience. You should look at my earlier posts on Sciforums.
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Did you know that: The length of one second of arc on the earth’s surface as defined by modern measure is the same as the short stylobate [temple floor] dimension of the Parthenon?

The difference of the measures ..., from the defined nautical distance was minus 0.127 feet and plus 0.073 feet, -1.5 and +0.88 inches, or -0.13% and +0.07%.
IceAgeCivilizations said:
440 Royal Cubits (20.632 inches per Cubit) per base side of the Great Pyramid of Giza...

...each side of the Great Pyramid was nearly, but not quite, 440 cubits. Petrie measured 9069.4, 9067.7, 9069.5, and 9068.6 inches respectively for the north, east, south and west sides. These add to 36,275.2 inches, or 1759.2 (1758.4) cubits with an average of 439.8 (439.6) cubits per side. From this slight deficiency one might question the intent of the Egyptian builders of the Fourth Dynasty. Of course, some might say that being off by only 0.2 or 0.4 cubits out of 440, less than 0.1%, might be big fuss over nothing. However, the reader certainly understands that major insights might hang on such small differences.

Still, the hypothesis is plausable, that the Egyptians somehow knew or inherited information about the dimensions of the Earth before the Greeks were known to have calculated it, meaning they knew the Earth was a sphere. It's sometimes sad to think about all the knowledge that was lost, how far we could be as a species if we were able to build on the best of humanity, instead of having to start over all the time.
I guess so. It seems that there is also a slight bowing to the faces of the pyramid, equal to the curvature of the Earth.